Here is an updated version of the Destroy_Thread function from kthread.c You should also update function Reaper so to delete the Disable_Interrupts and Enable_Interrupts in the body of the while loop along with the call to Yield().

// Destroy given thread.
// Called with interrupts enabled.
static void Destroy_Thread( struct Kernel_Thread* kthread )
    struct threadItem *curr, *lag;


    // Detach from the thread's user context (if any).
    Detach_User_Context( kthread );

    for (lag= NULL, curr= allThreads; curr; curr=curr->next) {
        if (curr->thread == kthread) {
            if (curr == allThreads) {
                KASSERT(lag == NULL);
                allThreads = curr->next;
            } else {
                KASSERT(lag->next == curr);
                lag->next = curr->next;
        } else {
            lag = curr;

    // Dispose of the thread's memory.
    Free_Page( kthread->stackPage );
    Free_Page( kthread );
