/** test2a.c --- A module for test 2. Christopher League Test 2: - Load a module that doesn't exist. - Load a module n times, start it thrice, close n times (will exhaust memory unless you have ref counts) **/ #include "user412.h" #include "io412.h" // #include "klib.h" /** Local prototypes, etc. */ //typedef int (*PROCPTR)( int, char** ); /** Arguments for children */ //int child_argc = 2; //char* child_argv[] = {"test2a", "what a nice day"}; /*** *** Entry point ***/ int Proc( int argc, char** argv ) { Cprintf( "test2a: Hello.\n" ); Cprintf( "test2a: argc == %d, argv == { '%s', '%s' }\n", argc, argv[0], (argc>=2)? argv[1] : "ERROR" ); Cprintf( "test2a: [Terminating...]\n" ); return 0; }