Project 2 Description

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CMSC 102 Project 2  
Fall, 2000

Assigned: Tuesday, September 19, 2000
Due: Tuesday, October 3, 2000 
  Printed Portion:
     At the start of your registered section
  Electronic Portion:
     By 11:00pm on the due date

Read each section of this description completely BEFORE 
you start to do the part.

This project has four parts to it.
   I. Using a microcomputer word processor to create a 
   II. Using FTP to upload that document.
   III. Using FTP to transfer between UNIX machines.
   IV. Using FTP for downloading documents.


Part I : Word Processor Document Creation

The first document you need to create is a short paper 
about your experiences so far with computers, and what 
you hope to learn in this class.

This document should have a 'header' that includes your 
name and the automatically generated page number both 
placed at the top right corner of each page.  

The text of this document should be in the Font called 
'Courier' or 'Courier New' and be of size 20.  You should 
select this font *before* you start to type in the paper.  
You can change fonts of already existing text also, but 
we will not do that in this part of the project. 
(NOTE : If your machine does not have Courier or Courier 
New, you can use a Helvetica font.)

The justification of the paper should be 'Aligned 
Justified' also often called 'Full Justified'.  When you 
type most papers, you make your papers aligned LEFT, but 
aligned justified paragraphs will have a straight right 
margin in addition to a straight left margin. 

Now, you should type in the paper about yourself.  Make 
sure that it is at least two pages long (extends to the 
second page).  As you are typing your paper in, you will 
notice that it is single-spaced.  Also, as you are 
typing, when you get to the end of the line, it will 
automatically 'wrap' around to the next line for you.  
The only time you need to use the return key is at the 
end of a paragraph.  For this paper, leave a single blank 
line between paragraphs. (This means you will have to 
press the return key twice when you reach the end of a 

Save this document onto your floppy disk.  Save the file 
using the format specific to that word processor (in 
MSWord this is called a 'Word Document'). Name the file 

Print this Word Document to any printer available 
directly from the microcomputer.  This printout will
need to be submitted for grading purposes.  
(remember: If you are in a WAM lab, you will need to 
use your print account and you will be charged 
10 cents per page. 
Hand write "Part1F" on the top of the paper being 
submitted for this task so we can easily see which
to which part that submission corresponds.

Also save this same file to your floppy disk named 
'Part1G' in 'Text Only With Line Breaks' format for use 
later in this project.   Make sure you do not save it
again with that same filename in a different file format. 

Note: If you are using Microsoft Word, The actual name of 
the first file saved may be 'Part1E.doc' and the actual 
name of the second file saved may be 'Part1G.txt'.  This 
is because many versions of MSWord add an extension to 
indicate the type of the file (Windows will not usually 
display this whole name - I just wanted you to be aware 
of it for later.)

(H) Change the size of the font of all of the text in the 
document to 10 point.  (Note: You should be changing only the 
text of the document not the header or footer.)

Save this document onto your floppy disk.  Save the file 
using the format specific to that word processor (in 
MSWord this is called a 'Word Document'). Name the file 

Print this Word Document to any printer available 
directly from the microcomputer to submit for grading.  
If you are in a WAM lab, you will need to use your print 
account and you will be charged 10 cents per page.  Hand 
write on any paper being submitted for this task the 
label "Part1J".


Part II : ASCII Text Document FTP and the 'submit' 

In this portion of the project, you will upload the ASCII 
version (Part1G.txt) of the file you typed using the word 
processor to the class cluster UNIX host.  You will then 
submit it electronically using the submit program.

Use FTP to upload the document to your UNIX class cluster 
account.  Make sure you upload the 'Text Only With Line 
Breaks' version of the file, and make sure you use ASCII 
as the method of transfer.  I recommend using the 
command-line version of FTP for this task, but if you 
have access to a visual interface version of FTP you may 
use that.

Electronically submit the uploaded file for grading using 
the command:

	% submit 2 

(where  is replaced by the name of the file in 
that account - this may also need to include the 
directory specification if the file is not in the current 
working directory).  Read the message you get back to 
know if the project was submitted correctly.  Make sure 
you do this command from your class cluster account and 
that you send the file you uploaded from the 
microcomputer.  The file you uploaded should be the file 
you typed into the word processor - the version you 
saved in ASCII format.  
Do not fix the header (name and page number information) 
which does not translate correctly when the file is saved 
into ASCII format.
Note: The 'submit' command will only work if you 
correctly ran the setup program discussed in project 1.  
This submission needs to be done before 11:00 pm on the 
due date specified.


Part III : File transfer between UNIX systems

There is an ASCII text file in the 
~jp102001/Projects/Project2 directory called 'info.form' 
- you should FTP this file from the class cluster to your 
WAM account. 

In your WAM account, use the Pico or any of the UNIX text 
editors to fill in the blanks with the correct 
information about yourself.
Leave the description of what information is required; 
just replace the blank line (underline characters) with 
information true about you for each of the types of 
information requested.

Use the Pine mail handler available from your WAM account 
to send a mail message to the TA for your section of the 
course. This message must be sent from your WAM account, 
it must be directed to the correct TA's account on the 
class cluster of machines, and it must be sent using the 
Pine mail handler application.
TA email addresses:
	jp102301 for section 0101 ( 9:30am)
	jp102302 for section 0201 (11:00am)
	jp102303 for section 0301 (12:30pm)

In the body of the mail message, type your name, your 
class cluster login id, and the CMSC 102 section number 
for which you are registered.  Also include in this same 
mail message the file you just edited for part IIIB as an 
attachment to the message (not within the body of the 
message itself).  Note: An attachment to a mail message 
sent using Pine will not be in its readable form.  It is 
translated using MIME.


Part IV : ASCII and Non-ASCII text Document FTP download

Use an FTP application to download the form file you 
edited for section III from your WAM account to the 
Windows based microcomputer you are using.  It is still 
an ASCII text document.

Open that downloaded file in Microsoft Word or other 
Windows based word processor.  You will need to select 
the 'all files' when opening the document since by 
default most word processors will only display documents 
for that word processor.

Format the document in the word processor so that your 
answers are all in bold while the explanations (parts 
originally supplied) are not bolded.  Add your full name 
on one line followed by your CMSC 102 class section number 
on the next line at the top of the document.  Make this 
text (name and section number) centered at the top of the 
first page and in a much larger font than the text that follows.  
Save this file to your floppy disk naming it 'Part3C'.  
Save it as a Word Document not as the ASCII text version 
it came from.  Print it and handwrite on any page being 
submitted for this portion "Part3C".

In the directory ~jp102001/Projects/Project2 there is 
another file named 'picture. file' for you to download.  
This file is not an ASCII text file - it is a picture 
that cannot be viewed using more or Pico on the UNIX 
machine.  It needs to be downloaded using the Binary 
transfer mode.  You should FTP this file from the class 
cluster to the microcomputer you are working on.  Save 
the picture just as it was downloaded to the floppy disk 
and name the file 'Part3D'.

Insert this picture at the bottom of the form document 
you just made changes to using Microsoft Word. Change the 
size of all of the text (including your name and section 
number) in the document to 10 and modify the size of the 
picture so that all of this will print on one page.

Save the form document with the picture inserted to the 
floppy disk as a word processing document (Word Document 
for MSWord).  Name the file 'Part3F'.

Print the completed (1 page) word processing document 
with the picture already included for submission.  (Do 
not worry about losing the colors in the picture if it is 
sent to a black on white printer.)  Hand write on this 
page "Part3G".


Summary: Turning things in for grading:

1) Use one of the (9.5x12.5 brown) envelopes you were 
supposed to have purchased at the beginning of the 

2) Write your name centered on the seal flap of the 
envelope.  On the line right below your name write your 
Student ID number, your class cluster login ID and CMSC 
102 class section number for which you are registered.

3) Put this envelope in the box labeled for your section 
before the beginning of lecture on the due date.  Put all 
of the following items in this envelope:
	a) Your floppy disk that has stored on it:
i) Part1E: The word processing document you 
wrote about yourself
ii) Part1G.tex: The ASCII Text With Line Breaks 
format of that same file.
iii) Part1I: The paragraph after the font size 
iv) Part3C: The form letter after the formatting 
changes made in the word processor.
v) Part3D: The picture file downloaded from the 
class cluster.
vi) Part3F: The completed form with the picture 

b) The printouts mentioned in this description 
(correctly labeled, in the order specified here 
and stapled together):
i) Part1F: Paper about yourself in its original 
ii) Part1J: Paper about yourself after the font 
iii) Part3C: Informational form in its original 
iv) Part3G: Informational form after the font 
size is changed and the picture is 

4) You will also be using the 'submit' application on the 
class cluster to turn in something for grading as 
specified in IIB.

5) You will also be using the Pine mail handler on the 
WAM machines to submit something for grading as specified 
in IIIC.