The following information is based on my rather limited understanding of Visual Studio.NET, so use at your own risk. If you spot any mistakes here, please let me know. Most of the instructions can be found in the VisualCPP directory. In this file I will only give the major differences between Visual Studio.NET and VisualC++. Installation: ------------- See the instructions in the VisualCPP directory. The only important change is that the Visual C++ directory should be set to the "Vc7\PlatformSDK" in your Visual Studio directory, for example, this might be: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK (This determines where glut.h and glut32.lib are to be stored.) Compiling and Running this Sample Program: ------------------------------------------ * Launch Microsoft Visual Studio.NET * Select "Open Project" * Navigate to this Sample1 directory and select the "sample1.sln" file. (Jump to the directions below for compiling and executing) Creating a new project in Microsoft Visual Studio.NET ----------------------------------------------------- * Launch Microsoft Visual Studio.NET * Select "New Project" at the bottom of the Start Page. * Select "Visual C++ Projects" from the "Project Types" window. * Single click "Win32 Console Application" from the "Templates". (Be sure to get the name right.) * Specify desired location and project (executable) name. For example, set Name="sample1" and Location=(browse and select this directory). * Click "Okay". Next the "Win32 Application Wizard" comes up. Select the "Application Settings" and under "Additional Options" select "Empty project" and "Finish". * At this point you should see the "Solution 'sample1' (1 project)" in the right window. * I DID NOT NEED TO PERFORM THE FOLLOWING STEPS. If you encounter problems in linking, you might try adding them. * Select "Project --> 'Sample1' Properties" from the top menu bar. * From the "Configuration:" menu, select "All configurations". * Select "Linker" tab on the left. * In the "Additional Dependencies" field, add the following: opengl32.lib glu32.lib glut32.lib You are now ready to develop your OpenGL application. If you have source files already prepared, you can add them to the project with: * Select "Project --> Add Existing Item" * Navigate to the directory containing your source files, e.g. "sample1.cpp" and select them. Compile and Execute your Program: --------------------------------- * Select "Build --> Build solution" to compile. * Select "Debug --> Start Without Debug" to execute. See the readme file in the VisualCPP directory for more information.