Re #2: JavaMemoryModel: Problem with Thread.sleep

From: Joseph Bowbeer (
Date: Sat Oct 23 1999 - 20:02:49 EDT

Comments, part 2.

> Thread 1: // command handling thread
> if (command.equals("quit") {
> terminateProgram = true;
> return;
> }
> Thread 2: // animation thread
> while (!terminateProgram) {
> try { Thread.sleep(100); }
> catch (Exception e) {}
> update state
> repaint();
> }

As written, I wouldn't be too incensed if the compiler or the JIT decided
that terminateProgram was constant inside thread2's loop. Also, I think
sleep(n) in these situations is bad style. wait(n) & notify should be used
instead, even though it's more complicated.

In any event, I agree with Doug: it's usually a bug (and always suspect) to
try to transmit a value between threads without synchronization.

Unfortunately, I estimate that 1% of applets that use threads are written
correctly. That includes Sun's code, the Java Developers Almanac, the new
JavaSpaces book, etc.

Joe Bowbeer

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