JavaMemoryModel: Some C# thread code

From: Bill Pugh (
Date: Sun Jul 30 2000 - 11:04:11 EDT

I found this example of some C# thread code at

Still leaves a lot of questions open. For example, does the WaitOne
call to a ManualResetEvent release locks? If so, which locks?


//Module :ThreadDemo.cs
//Author :Richard L. Weeks
namespace ThreadDemo {
        using System;
     using System.Threading;
     public class ThreadDemo {
         private string m_ThreadMsg;
         private ManualResetEvent m_StopEvent;
         public ThreadDemo( ManualResetEvent StopEvent, string Msg ) {
             m_StopEvent = StopEvent;
             m_ThreadMsg = Msg;
         //The Thread Proc
         public void Run( ) {
             TimeSpan waitTime = new TimeSpan(0,0,5);
             do {
                 Console.WriteLine( m_ThreadMsg );
             } while( !m_StopEvent.WaitOne(waitTime, false) );
     public class ThreadDemoEntry {
         public static void Main( ) {
             ManualResetEvent StopEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            ThreadDemo td = new ThreadDemo( StopEvent, "Hello From Thread" );

            Thread T = new Thread( new ThreadStart( td.Run ) );
            Console.WriteLine( "Press Enter to Start Thread. Press
Enter again to Exit" );
            Console.ReadLine( );
            T.Start( );
            Console.ReadLine( );
            StopEvent.Set( );
            T.Join( );
            Console.WriteLine("Have a nice day");
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