JavaMemoryModel: JMM Beta version

Date: Fri Jul 25 2003 - 15:14:44 EDT

Hi folks,

As Bill promised yesterday, here is a beta version of our current model.
For those of you stymied by prohibited executions, this version may clear
it up; if it doesn't, the chapter version from the website may be of more

It is worth noting again that this is a bare bones model: there is more
justification for the decisions in the chapter version, although the model
in the chapter looks slightly different from the models in this document.

The model in what was formerly known as "A.pdf" is now known as "the
recursive approach". The model in what was formerly known as "B.pdf" is
known as "the iterative approach". There is a formal description for the
iterative approach; B.pdf did not give one.

Finally, there are a few bug-fixes and tweaks. Thanks to everyone who
contributed such things.

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