Copyright Notice: The following publications are made available with an intention to provide the information for scholarly work having no commercial benefit. Copyright and all rights of those publications are retained by authors and/or by the respective copyright holders. These publications may not be reposted without explicit permission of the copyright holder(s).

Papers By Year (Conference Publications)

  1. A. Sahoo and M. Souryal, “Implementation of an Opportunistic Spectrum Access System with Disruption QoS Provisioning and PU Traffic Parameter Estimation” – IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2015. (pdf)
  2. A. Sahoo, M. Souryal, M. Ranganathan, “Implementation of an Opportunistic Spectrum Access Scheme with Disruption QoS” – International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CrownCom), June 2014. (pdf)
  3. A. Sahoo, M. Souryal, “Dynamic Spectrum Access: Current State of the Art and Future Challenges”- Invited Paper , IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), February 2014. (pdf)
  4. A. Sahoo, M. Souryal, M. Ranganathan, “Providing Disruption QoS in an OFDM System using Residual Idle Time Based Opportunistic Spectrum Access” – IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), December 2013. (pdf)
  5. P. Rathod, A. Karandikar and A. Sahoo, "Facilitating Non-Collocated Coexistence for WiFi and 4G Wireless Networks" - IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Tampa, Florida, USA, October 2012. (pdf)
  6. M. Sharma, A. Sahoo, "A Comprehensive Methodology for Opportunistic Spectrum Access based on Residual White Space Distribution" - Invited Paper, ACM International Conference on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management (CogART), Barcelona, Spain, October 2011. (pdf)
  7. A. J. Khan, A. Sahoo, D. Manjunath, "Implementation of WFQ in a Distributed Open Software Router" - IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Bonn, Germany, October 2011. (pdf)
  8. M. Mishra and A. Sahoo, "On Theory of VM Placement: Anomalies in Existing Methodologies and Their Mitigation Using a Novel Vector Based Approach" - IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE Cloud), Washington D.C., USA, July 2011. (pdf)
  9. S. Chilukuri and A. Sahoo, "TREEFP: A TDMA-based Reliable and Energy Efficient Flooding Protocol for WSNs" - IEEE International Symposium on World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), Lucca, Italy, June 2011. (pdf)
  10. C. Shanti, A. Sahoo, "Distributed Fault Tolerance for WSNs with Routing Tree Overlays" - (poster paper) IEEE International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworks (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, January 2011. (pdf)
  11. M. Sharma, A. Sahoo, "Opportunistic Channel Access Scheme for Cognitive Radio System Based on Residual White Space Distribution" - IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Istanbul, Turkey, September 2010. (pdf)
  12. M. Sharma, A. Sahoo, "Residual White Space Distribution-Based Opportunistic Channel Access for Cognitive Radio Enabled Devices" - (poster paper)ACM SIGCOMM, New Delhi, August 2010. (pdf)
  13. P.Goyal, A. Sahoo, "A Scheduling and Call Admission Control Algorithm for WiMax Mesh Network with Strict QoS Guarantee" - IEEE International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworks (COMSNETS), Bangalore, India, January 2010. (pdf)
  14. M. Sharma, A. Sahoo, and K.D. Nayak, "Model-Based Opportunistic Channel Access in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks" - IEEE International Conference on Global Communications (Globecom), Hawaii, USA, December 2009. (pdf)
  15. A. Jindal, A. Sahoo, "Improving Performance of TCP with Efficient MIMO-based MAC" - International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), December 2009. (pdf)
  16. J. Chalke, A. Sahoo, "A Scheduling and Call Admission Control (CAC) Algorithm for IEEE 802.16 Wireless Mesh Networks" - International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), December 2009. (pdf)
  17. P. Rathod, O. Dabeer, A. Karandikar and A. Sahoo, "Characterizing the Exit Process of a Non-Saturated IEEE 802.11 Wireless Network " - ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), New Orleans, USA, May 2009. (pdf)
  18. S. Dalvi, A. Sahoo, and A. Deo, "A MAC-aware Energy Efficient Reliable Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks" - IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Budapest, Hungary, April 2009. (pdf)
  19. N. Athaide, A. Khan, D. Manjunath and A. Sahoo, "Trie Partitioning in Distributed PC Based Routers" - IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), January 2009. (pdf)
  20. M. Sharma, A. Sahoo, and K.D. Nayak, "Channel Modeling based on Interference Temperature in Underlay Cognitive Wireless Network" - IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Reykjavik, Iceland, October 2008. (pdf)
  21. S. Chilukuri and A. Sahoo, "DGRAM: A Delay Guaranteed Routing and MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks" - IEEE International Symposium on World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), Newport Beach, USA, June 2008. (pdf)
  22. A. J. Khan, R. Birke, D. Manjunath, A. Sahoo and A. Bianco, "Distributed PC Based Routers: Bottleneck Analysis and Architecture Proposal" - IEEE International Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR), Shanghai, May 2008. (pdf)
  23. J. Chandarana, R. Madalapu, S. Kurkure, S. Hullur, A. Sahoo, S. Iyer, "Emulation of WiFiRe Protocol on LAN" - National Conference on Communications (NCC), IIT Bombay, January 2008. (pdf)
  24. A. Gumaste, R. Singhai, A. Sahoo, "Intelligent Vehicular Transportation System (InVeTraS)" - Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applicatins Conference (ATNAC), Christchurch, New Zealand, December 2007. (pdf)
  25. M. Mishra and A. Sahoo, "An 802.11 based MAC Protocol for Providing QoS to Real Time Applications" - IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), 2007. (pdf)
  26. A. K. Mishra, A. Sahoo, "S-OSPF: A Traffic Engineering Solution for OSPF based Best Effort Networks" - IEEE International Conference on Global Communications (Globecom), Washington D.C., November 2007. (pdf)
  27. K. Kumaran, A. Sahoo, "Modeling and Performance Analysis of Telephony Gateway REgistration Protocol" - IEEE International Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Dublin, Ireland, October 2007. (pdf)
  28. Sarat Chandra, A. Sahoo, "An Efficient Call Admission Control for IEEE802.16 Networks" - IEEE International Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Princeton, NJ, USA, June 2007. (pdf)
  29. A. Sahoo, P. Baronia, "An Energy Efficient MAC in Wireless Sensor Neworks to Provide Delay Guarantee" - IEEE International Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Princeton, NJ, USA, June 2007. (pdf)
  30. A. Gumaste, R. Singhai, A. Sahoo, "IntelliCarTS: Intelligent Cars Transporation System" - IEEE International Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN) (Poster Paper), Princeton, NJ, USA, June 2007. (pdf)
  31. M. Sharma, A. Sahoo, and K.D. Nayak, "Channel Selection under Interference Temperature Model in Multi-hop Cognitive Mesh Networks" - IEEE International Conference on Dynamic Spectrum Access Netwroks (DYSPAN), Dublin, Ireland, April 2007 (poster paper). (pdf)
  32. M. Mishra and A. Sahoo, "A Contention Window Based Differentiation Mechanism for Providing QoS in Wireless LANs" - IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), pp. 46-51, 2006. (pdf)
  33. N. Bhandari, A. Sahoo and S. Iyer, "Intelligent Query Tree (IQT) Protocol to Improve RFID Tag Read Efficiency" - IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT), pp. 72-76, 2006. (pdf)
  34. A. Tiwari and A. Sahoo, "A Local Coefficient Based Load Sensitive Routing Protocol for Providing QoS" - IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distribute Systems (ICPADS), pp. 447-454, July 2006, Minneapolis, USA. (pdf).
  35. P. Subramanyam, A. Sahoo, P. Ramanathan, "Implementation of Delay Assurance Service for Voice Applications in Wireless LANs" - National Conference on Communication (NCC), January 2006, IIT Delhi, India. (pdf).
  36. H. Rath, A. Sahoo, A. Karandikar, "A Cross Layer Congestion Control Algorithm in Wireless Networks for TCP Reno-2" - National Conference on Communication (NCC), January 2006, IIT Delhi, India. (pdf).
  37. A. Tiwari, A. Sahoo, "Providing QoS Support OSPF Based Best Effort Network" - IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON), November 2005, Malaysia. (pdf).
  38. P. Baronia, A. Sahoo, "An Efficient Call Admission Control for Hard Real Time Communication in Differentiated Services Network" - In the Workshop of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, Las Vegas, June, 2005.(pdf).
  39. A. Sahoo, "A Load-Sensitive QoS Routing Algorithm in Best-Effort Environment" - IEEE Conference on Military Communication (MILCOM), October 2002, Anaheim, CA (pdf).
  40. A. Sahoo, "An OSPF Based Load Sensitive QoS Routing Algorithm using Alternate Paths" - IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (IC3N), October 2002, Miami, FL. (pdf).
  41. A. Sahoo, B. Devalla, Y. Guan, R. Bettati, W. Zhao, "Adaptive Connection Management for Mission Critical Application over ATM Networks" - IEEE NAECON, Dayton, OH, July 1998 (winner of best student paper award). (pdf).
  42. B. Devalla, A. Sahoo, Y. Guan, C. Li, R. Bettati, W. Zhao, "Adaptive Connection Admission Control for Mission Critical Real-Time Communication Networks" - IEEE Conference on Military Communications, Boston, Septemember 1998. (pdf).
  43. B. Chen, A. Sahoo, W. Zhao, A. Raha, "Connection-Oriented Communications for Real-Time Applications in FDDI-ATM-FDDI Heterogeneous Networks" - IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing System (ICDCS), Baltimore, MD, May 1997. (pdf).
  44. B. Devalla, C. Li, A. Sahoo, W. Zhao, "Connection-Oriented Real-Time Communication for Mission Critical Applications - An Introduction to NetEx: A Portable and Efficient Toolkit"- IEEE NAECON, Dayton, Ohio, July 1997. (pdf).
  45. A. Sahoo, W. Zhao, W. Jia, "Partition-Based Admission Control in Heterogeneous Networks for Hard Real-Time Connections"- International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS), New Orleans, LA, October 1997. (pdf).
  46. A. Sahoo, C. Li, B. Devalla, W. Zhao, "Design and Implementation of NetEx: A Toolkit for Delay Guaranteed Communications"- IEEE Conference on Military Communications, Moterrey, CA, November 1997. (pdf).
  47. A. Sahoo, W. Zhao, B. Chen, "Resource Allocation for Multi-Media Communication in Heterogeneous Network" - IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium Workshop on Resource Allocation Problems in Multimedia Systems, Washington DC, December 1996. (pdf).