
A links connects two nodes in the network and is bi-directional. Each direction is modeled by a FIFO packet queue with drop-tail policy, and has the following parameters:

Speed (in packets/second)
Propogation delay (in seconds)
Buffer size (in packets) for the queue of outgoing packets
Graphical  properties: thickness and colors

To Add a Link

To add a link between two nodes, select Start Link From Here from the right mouse button menu command with the cursor on one node, then select End Link Here with the cursor on the second node, then fill in the link parameters in the dialog that will appear. To cancel the link creation, use the Cancel Link command from the right mouse button menu.

To Delete a Link

Position the right mouse button on the little disc that appears in the middle of the link, then choose the Delete Link command.

To Change a Link's Properties

Position the right mouse button on the little disc that appears in the middle of the link, then choose the Properties command.  In the dialog box that appears, for either direction of the link you can change the parameters.

Cut/Paste Link Properties

To copy all the properties of one link to another link, use the Copy Style and Paste Style commands from the right mouse button menu.

The Modify Links Command

You can use the Modify Links command from the Productivity menu to modify the parameters (buffer space, speed, delay) for all links that meet certain conditions.