
A node in the network represents a host or switch/router.

To Add a Node

Use the right mouse button in the Network View, and select the command Add Node Here.

To Delete a Node

Use the right mouse button over the node you wish to delete and select the Delete Node command. Deleting a node will cause the deletion of all its outgoing links and all the traffic classes starting or ending there.

To Modify a Node's Properties

Use the right mouse button over the node icon or over the corresponding entry in Traffic View and select Properties. In the dialog that will appear you can change: Name of the node.
Node shape - circle/rectangle/diamond/various icons.
Node dimension (the default for an icon is 16).
Colors of the node.
To change the node position, press the left mouse button on the node icon and drag the node to the desired position.

Cut/Paste Node Properties

You can easily copy the graphic properties of a node to another node by using the Copy Style and Paste Style commands from the right mouse button menu.