Killashandra's Notes


Post by Taria on 07/13/2004 at 12:06:18
Prologue - Droplets of Blood

  • Shiro and Orion were in Amber as the story opens.
  • The delegation from Chaos was to arrive the night after the day I gained Greyswandir.
  • Orion has taken over the Rangers in Arden. A Ranger may have reported my... incident wherein I gained Greyswandir.
  • I had given Corwin's burned Trump to Bleys.
  • Both Bleys and Flora know that I have Corwin's blade and that I contacted him... however briefly.
  • I glimpsed Sterling in Huntington's infirmary, headed toward a private room. He may have noticed Greyswandir, and possibly reported it to someone (per Flora).
  • Flora knows nearly the whole story of how I obtained Greyswandir. I left out no important details.
  • I have spoken to Orion on a few occasions, and met Shiro once... but I have spent no great deal of time with either.
  • I told Flora I would at least attempt to make connections with the rest of my generation.
  • Flora informed me that Queen Vialle was leaving for a 'safe house' - this safe house being a small point of contention between Flora and Bleys.
  • Flora also informed me that Shiro had spoken with Queen Vialle that morning.
  • Sterling is a family friend, and has served many of my uncles in "their more... private affairs" (to quote Flora). Apparently, he has also taken Shiro under his wing, and it was he who brought Shiro to Amber.
  • Flora had expected Sterling to be with Shiro, and insuated that perhaps he went to a private room to contact someone.
  • Sterling knows sorcery, per Flora.
  • There is someone on the staff that has "special instructions that will allow [Queen Vialle] to be contacted".
  • Flora requested that I work to keep the citizenry unaware that Greyswandir and Corwin have separated.

Unique Shadow Walkers