Orion's Notes


Post by Orion on 05/16/2004 at 17:10:22
Relative / Status
Dad / In Shadow(?)
Benedict / ?
Gerard / In Amber
Caine / Disapeared
Random / Disapeared fro treasury
Julian / Disapeared in Arden
Bleys / Disapeared from Parade
Brand / Dead
Eric / Dead
Fiona / ?
Deirdre / Dead
Flora / Disapeared from castle
Llewella / In Rebma
Grandpa / ?
Great Grandpa( Dworkin) / ?
Shiro / In Amber
Killishandra / In Amber
Tanda / In Amber
Talen Son of Brand / In Amber
Calliban / In Amber
Martin / ?
Vorus / In Vasakath
Renauldo / ?
Merlin / In his shadow
Dara / ?

Post by Orion on 06/10/2004 at 20:27:30

Bleys' Trump Deck:
5)Person I dont recognise(?)
6)Person I dont recognise(?)
7)Bottom of Stair on Kolvir
8)Castle Entryway(Amber)
9)Golden Circle Site(?)
10)Golden Circle Site(?)
12)Vasakath(Neon light)
13-15)Places Im unfamiliar with

Post by Orion on 06/11/2004 at 02:42:56
Important things to think about:"You know, these types make me a little unsettled too - but try to stay on their good side, will you?" He turns in his saddle to face you, and his voice isn't so much of a whisper any more. "The Castle can hold out against an attack for a long time - but only if we've got the food to last." He looks around, and starts whispering again as the procession continues out of the Church district and into the boroughs surrounding the schools of the city. "You know, that's a point. You should -"
And then Bleys is gone. No evanescent flare of a Trump, no feeling of Pattern energy wash over you. You were sitting less than a yard apart, and nothing happened to indicate that Bleys had any intention of leaving. But one second, he was talking to you, and the next - empty air hangs over his horse.
You hear a gasp from both the crowds, and from the guards. In that second, all eyes are on you - the lone Royal in the parade now.
More important things to reflect on......
You clean up after your hastily-eaten dinner leaves with equal haste. Your nerves are still quite on edge, but your stomach is a little more tranquil now. You return to a chair and somewhat gracelessly fall into it. After a moment, you rifle through Bleys' Trumps and select the picture of Vialle - calm, quiet, empathetic, and that strange otherworldliness to her eyes. You let your mind drift as you hold the cool card in your hand. It seems to brighten, to open as a Trump always does. But as it grows active - a fog emerges from inside the card, and begins to cover the image of Vialle. It starts to shut down, offering no resistance to your increased concentration, but offering no purchase for your mind to hold onto, either. The mist grows thick, but only inside the image, and soon, the face of Vialle is obscured in what would almost appear to be a sauna. You are initially taken aback - but you suddenly remember a moment in your training when Dworkin was explaining some of the more advanced techniques usable with Trump. You can still hear his voice, both grizzled and lyrical in that disquieting combination that reminds you that once, Dworkin was a denizen of Chaos.
"Now, my boy, there are security measures one can take if caution is needed. For one, There are ways, known only to some of my more successful students, in which a Trump can be sealed, so that the subject cannot be contacted by any Trump. The image will appear to distort and obscure, and actual contact or travel is impossible. The only two ways to end the sealing are to use an unsealed Trump of the subject to physically touch either the subject or the sealed Trump of the subject. Usually, the subject will carry the sealed Trump, so it's one and the same - but there is a theoretical distinction to be made. This relates specifically to..."
The cry of a night bird in a tree outside the window startles you from your reverie. You look down to find a Trump of Vialle in your hand - but you know it to be useless now, except as a key should you find either her or the sealed Trump.
You quickly shuffle it back into the deck and stand up again, invigorated with adrenalin from the surprise of the bird. You walk briskly around the library, scanning the shelves. You've been here many times, and you know the layout and the organization well. There is an extensive collection of Shadow literature, and then the treatises on Amber history (including Corwin's own recent narrative), and the geography of Amber, and... That's odd. As you come to the section on Chaos, you find that many of the volumes on the politics of the Courts, and on House Hendrake in particular, are missing. There is no dust in the gaps where the books should be - they have been removed very recently.
Unique Shadow Walkers