Posted by Game Master
Players: Brennus and Roland Timeframe: 29 NA

Fall has come early to Arden, and the subtle textures of green have given way to brazen reds and oranges. Leaves part quietly at his feet as Roland makes his way back towards Evermoor, his visit to Amber having been a depressing affair. The memories of it come back to him as he navigates the unseen paths of Arden. The Royal Court had been preoccupied by the appeals of the nation of Coralline for economic support. Their unemployment was on the rise, as was crime. The price of goods sold to other nations was lessening, and the cost of wood and grain had more than tripled. They feared for their populace in the coming winter. The Queen had listened patiently to their requests for two days, before telling them of her plan. "Cease your wearisome whining," she had finally told their ambassador. "Suffering brings strength. The winter will cull the weak, and in time your nation will emerge stronger than before. The Guild is not to blame for your plight, the poor planning of your Minister of Finance, your brother is. The people of Corraline will suffer and die, but the strong will grow like," she paused looking for the right words, and then smiled. "They will grow like flowers in the spring." All the while, the Lord Protector stood behind her, his face betraying no hint of response to her words. Afterwards, Prince Gerard had followed the ambassador, attempting to bridge the growing gap between the two nations. All this Roland watched from the back of the audience chamber, in silence.

Roland's musings are interrupted when the part of his mind that belongs to the forest spies tracks. This portion of Arden is well outside that used by travelers, and is not even frequented by Julian's rangers. The forest here is wild and untamed, and a lost traveler might unknowingly placed themselves in danger. The tracks are fresh, and not traveling too fast. If Roland made haste he could probably find the lone traveler in an hour, maybe less. As he studies the ground, Roland notices a second set of tracks, these well hidden, and almost certainly unnoticed by the wandering traveler. Storm hounds. Wild packs of Julian's fearsome war hounds often wander in this section of the great forest. They number perhaps twelve and must have their den nearby. The traveler would easy prey for them.

Posted by Roland

Roland kneels and looks closly at the tracks.

"Mighty fine boots you have, stranger," he mumbled to himself, "hmmmm... your horse is from the castle's stables. I wonder which lord has come wandering so far from home?"

Roland leapt up and headed after the tracks. He made no sound but travelled swiftly and surely. Remembering the closeness of Julian's puppies Roland opted for stealth as well as speed. Besides, it wouldn't do well if the stranger thought he was being followed.

Posted by Brennus

Unfortunately the path Brennus and Falco are travelling on is now too narrow to ride in safety. Brennus is therefore on foot and leads Falco by the halter; the horse is a fine deep-chested chestnut stallion, a thoroughbred obviously, the only fitting mount for a Prince.

The day had become so warm that Brennus had earlier removed his tunic and cloak, wrapped them in a bundle and stowed them behind his saddle. He is now dressed in a loose fitting black shirt, black trousers and fine black leather boots decorated in red, he is armed with a sabre and has a compound bow strapped to the horses saddle.

The day had started well enough, a glorious morning, sunny without unwanted heat or humidity, feeling in the mood for some sights of Arden he'd left the castle and had ridden at an easy pace until just before noon. He'd then had a brief visit with uncle Julian, and taking his leave had then pushed on deeper into Arden, into an area he'd never before visited.

Now late in the day, the pleasant warmth of the morning has been replaced by uncomfortable heat, the beauty of the forest marred somewhat in his eyes by a growing sense of claustrophobia, a stifling feeling. The trees seem to be twice as tall here abouts and illogically they also seemed to be spaced about half as far apart. The forest is filled with the usual bird song and animal noises but stilted somehow, almost as if the wildlife is wary. Yes, things seem less pleasant and not a little worrying.

"Let's not get jittery Brennus my lad." He mutters to himself shaking his head slowly; his sapphire eyes scan the trees and undergrowth for signs of life.

Ahead lies a fork in the path. Left or right? A difficult decision considering the fact he doesn't know where he is.

Posted by Roland

Roland quickly caught up to the stranger from the palace. As soon as he layed eyes on him he broke from the path and into some cover. As stealthy as he could manage he crept up on the man. Making sure that he was down wind from the horse.

He appeared young and familiar. He also looked sweaty and uncomfortable. He studied the boy for a moment, trying to place him. Then he got wiff of a familiar scent. The Queen but not quite... He did not look like Corwin so he was not Merlin....

Roland stepped from cover literally a foot behind Brennus. He seemed to flow from background. The hood of his cloak was pulled tight around his face as the heat did not bother him. Only the lower part of his bearded jaw could be seen. His ax was resting in the crook of his elbow, the rampant unicorn etched in it's head was plain to see.

"Prince Brennus," Roland growled softly, "You are far from home."

Posted by Game Master

< Looking good. I fixed the leaves thing. Sorry. You can assume that the hounds don't show up (yet), although Roland doesn't know they won't. >

Posted by Brennus

Brennus jumps, literally. But as he does so he spins and draws his sabre.

When he gets a proper look of the phantom which had just startled him, he grins in an embarassed way, then sighs in relief.

"Roland of Evermoor?"

Brennus bows. "Excuse me your grace you startled me."

Putting up his blade he continues. "I fear I took a wrong turn somewhere....Would you be able to put me back on the right track?"

Posted by Roland

Roland throws back his head and studies the Prince for a moment. His words came slowly, not like he was trying to figure out what tos say but as if he did not speak often and had to remember how.

"That would depend, Young Prince Brennus, on where exactly would you want to be?"

His question seems to be asking for more than a mundane answer. He cocks his head to the side as if listening.

"Time may grow short."

Posted by Brennus

Brennus appears puzzled for a moment, then grins.

"Yes, I take your point. Well I had hoped to return to the Castle tomorrow, I do enjoy a night under the stars now and then you see, so I was planning on camping out this evening. But, well, this part of the forest seems somewhat less than appealing."

He pauses for a moment studying the frankly somewhat intimidating fugure in front of him before going on the puzzled expression having reappeared.

"Er, time may run short you say? I'm afraid I don't follow you Roland."

[OOC: I'm assuming a Duke and a Prince are of roughly equal status, hence the use of Roland's name without a title.]

Posted by Roland

Roland stares at Brennus for a moment as if assessing him. He suddenly turns on the ball of his foot and points with his ax back the way Brennus came from.

"If you were to follow this path back a half a day then take the right path you will find yourself back at Amber, civilization, safty, and your mother. However..."

He swung his ax to point down the right fork.

"This path leads towards all things wild. There be Evermoor, Hell Hounds, and the like."

He altered the direction fo his ax slightly.

"But down this path lies the entire universe. All that you could want, have, or desire."

He returned his ax to his shoulder.

"You could, of course, stand here until you starve or the hounds eat you. The decision is yours." The last part might be some type of joke but then again... it might not be.

[OOC: titles mean next to nothing to Roland. Unless reminded, he occasionally calls the queen by her first name, Dara.]

Posted by Brennus

"I'd only planned a short trip from Amber Roland so... half a day you say? I'm not sure ... the universe? Shadow realms? I'll not venture forth that way today, though thank you for the directions."

Brennus smiles good naturedly and makes a short bow. He then stands eyeing Roland for a moment.

"Pardon my ignorance or perhaps I'm a little slow today but you do appear to be speaking in riddles. What do you mean by waiting until the hounds eat me exactly?"

Posted by Roland

"Your Uncle lets his puppies run free in this area," he said offhandedly, "There is a rather large den just over there."

He pointed down the path towards Evermoor.

"That's why those who get lost in Ardern never die due to starvation or exposure. The closer to Amber, and to the larger trails, you are the more tame they become. This far out, however....."

Posted by Brennus

Brennus looks in the direction Roland indicates frowning. Suddenly a look of comprehension flashes across his face to be replaced almost instantly by a smile.

"Ah, I see the Hell Hound reference now, you mean your fath... I mean Prince Julian's... well..."

A look of chagrin crosses Brennus' face. He shuffles from foot to foot nervously his manner almost that of a child who expects to be punished.

"Err, well Roland would you say it's safe to continue back toward Amber? What would you advise? I'm a little inexperienced in these matters I'm afraid."

Posted by Roland

Roland stared at him for a moment.

"You are wiser than you think. I will walk with you a ways back to Amber. I do not sense any danger yet but we should not waste time."

Without waiting to see if he would follow, Roland turned and headed back down the path towards Amber.

"Maybe I will show you a shortcut..."

Posted by Brennus

Brennus hurriedly takes Falco's reins and follows Roland.

He attempts to emulate Roland's ease of movement and stealthy tread. To his mind he is only partially successful, but then his boots are not suited to such activity and a horse isn't the best animal to have around when trying to remain silent.

The forest definitely appears threatening to Brennus now, despite Roland's presence, and if anything he feels that the day has become even hotter despite the hour.

Walking in silence for some time Brennus pauses occasionally to check on arrant noises in the undergrowth, on the third or fourth occasion he realises with some embarrassment that Roland has ignored the disturbances, and that hence they are likely typical forest sounds.

After a while Brennus grins to himself and shakes his head slightly before speaking.

"Roland, have you spent much time with Uncle Benedict? I think you'd get on"

Posted by Roland

Roland pauses then looks at his companion.

"Possabily. Maybe."

Taking a piece of leather he makes a quick loop and places it through his belt. He then slides his ax through it. With both hands free, he strings a large compound bow and knocks an arrow.

"We leave the trail now. Do you have a ranged weapon with you?"

Posted by Brennus

Brennus' face hardens slightly, either in thought or apprehension. He moves quickly to the right side of his mount and produces his compound bow, and begins altering the straps on it's case and quiver to allow it to be worn

"Indeed I do, trouble?"

Brennus then strings his own bow, he makes an effort to scan his surroundings for possible threats whilst doing so.

Posted by Roland

"No," said Roland with a whisper, "Supper."

He pointed to a thicket and very fat rabbit could be seen.

"That one is yours."

Posted by Brennus

Brennus looks at Roland wrily, smiles and quickly but with care, draws forth an arrow and nocks it ready for his shot.

He takes careful aim then says quietly.

"On you word cousin."

Posted by Roland

"Your shot, your call," replied Roland as raised his bow and took aim in a different direction.


Then let loose.

Posted by Brennus

As Roland's arrow is loosed Brennus pauses watching his target.

The rabbit jerks slightly perhaps startled, adjusting his aim somewhat Brennus looses also.

Posted by Game Master

Both arrows easily find their marks. A single shot each - killing the rabbits.

Posted by Brennus

Bow still in hand, Brennus walks forward to retrieve his kill.

Posted by Roland

Roland quickly fetches his rabbit and points with his bow to a tight grouping of trees.

"We'll make camp there."

He turns to his cousin as he is unstringing his bow.

"Do you know how to cook?"

Posted by Brennus

Having regained Falco's reins Brennus turns him with care before mugging an offended look.

"Of course, aren't I Dara's son? I don't have any cooking implements other than the bare minimum though. Shall we?" he says indicating Roland's chosen camp site.

Posted by Roland

Once at the site, camp was set up relativly quickly as it looked as if people have been here before. There was a fire pit already dug, most of the brush was pushed back, and it was very defendable.

After starting the fire, Roland began to clean and skin supper with a really wicked looking knife.

"So, what does being a prince have to do with cooking?"

Posted by Brennus

Brennus cocks his head to one side and gives Roland a quizzical look whilst preparing his own catch. Preparatory to doing so he had drawn forth a smallish hunting knife, an attractive but fully functional piece of work complete with an elaborately carved ivory handle.

"Truth to tell, I usually only take part in the eating end of things. I do occasionally like to spend some time alone though so learning the basics seemed sensible." Brennus pauses here, looking thoughtful.

"I.. well, I've generally learned such things from Prince Julian. He and I tend to get on fairly well, but then we've never been at odds so perhaps that makes a difference?"

Brennus eyes Roland cagily as he speaks.

Posted by Roland

"Julian knows a lot, if you can get him to tell you, pay attention," said Roland indifferently.

"Are you learning anything else while you are away from your mother?" asked Roland evenly as he spitted his meat.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus frowns for a moment uncertain of Roland's meaning. He speaks, almost shyly at first.

"I can't really say for sure, I've only ever been away from her a few times and those were for short, generally pre-arranged durations, usually in the company of Benedict, Caine or Julian, which cramps one's style as I'm sure you can imagine. I know I like having control of my own actions though."

After a short pause Brennus goes on.

"I've seen you at court a couple of times, from a distance, you know, boring state affairs and so on. I like to watch people, you do now that you worry people don't you?"

Posted by Roland

"What is it about me that causes them so much worry?" Roland asks plainly, "I am who I am, nothing more, nothing less."

"I find it hard to believe that you slipped away from your chaporones, especially from the likes of those three. So I am assuming that this is an unplanned excursion?"

Posted by Brennus

Brennus smiles slightly.

"Unplanned by anyone but me, yes. I am an adult after all, and whether mother likes it or not I'll need to set a path of my own sooner or later. That said my plans didn't involve me ending up in such unfamiliar territory shall we say.... Don't you know why you unsettle people so?"

Brennus continues with the task of preparing the rabbit for a moment, studying Roland the while, then smiles crookedly.

"I think I know, and to be honest I think it's little more than instinct. People are generally bound by conventions, mores, morals. You are too I'm sure, but they're your own. People don't know what they are, hence the worry."

Posted by Roland

"As I said before," states Roland as he tends the fire, "You are wiser than you think. Maybe wiser than they want you to be..."

He sits back and watched the flames dance.

"When will you ready to show them that you are an adult and just exactly how wise you really are?"

He paused and rubbed his chin.

"The real question, I think, is when will you know, Prince of Amber?"

Roland stared at him over the fire with his ice blue eyes.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus purses his lips, eyebrows raised, thoughtful. After a moment he speaks, at first slow, hesitant.

"It will be soon cousin, not tomorrow, but not too far ahead I'm sure. Despite averring my adulthood, I do realise that I am still very young by the standards of mother, my uncles and yourself even... They'll not stop me though, when the time comes I'll be off a-truanting to my hearts content, it's not as though I'm the only heir after all."

Brennus lapses into silence, continuing with the task in hand, content to sit in companionable silence for a moment or two.

Brennus finishes with his rabbit and rummages through his gear and produces some seasoning and a pot. He turns to Roland.

"We've skinned them, shall we cook them too? I'm pretty hungry."

Posted by Roland

"By all means," said Roland, "It would be nice to eat someone else's cooking for a change."

"How is it with your brother anyway?"

Posted by Brennus

Brennus pauses, looking full at Roland, his expression somewhat distant now. He shrugs before speaking.

"He's my elder, but not the legitimate heir. If you referred to things on a personal basis, well, we have so little in common we rarely speak."

With a smile Brennus asks.

"Rabbit stew? I'm your guest in a sense, so I'll happily cook. I can't vouch for my skill as a chef though. Could I trouble you to supply some suitable herbs if there are any hereabout, maybe some more water too?"

Posted by Roland

"You're sitting on some."

He dug through his pack and tossed Brennus a potato.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus looks down sharply, stands and then looks quickly back at Roland. With a bow and a slightly rueful smile he comments.

"It seems I have much to learn cousin. Hopefully my cooking will be more successful!"

He then sets too with the task of cooking the conies.

Posted by Roland

Roland shrugged his shoulders

"If not this time then next time..."

He sits with his back to a tree and lights a hand crafted pipe with a twig from the fire. He watches Brennus put the food together. Seeing that he doesn't really need any help he continues talking.

"So, how do you perceive the state of things in our fair Amber?"

Posted by Brennus

Brennus pauses for a moment and looks up whilst stirring the pot.

"I think mother knows what she is about, and having uncle Benedict installed as Lord protector can't hurt either. How about you, I know you don't visit often but I'd wager you have your ear to the ground so to speak?"

Brennus smiles, obvious interested in the answer, but sharing his attention between the food and Roland.

Posted by Roland

"Hmmmm...." puffed Roland on his pipe.

"Well, Amber appears to be recovering her strength. Stabalizing a bit. Placing Benedict as her Right Hand was wise. Those who are hesitent to follow your mother will follow him. He also has an intimidation factor."

"Although... Gerard seems distressed by some of the affairs of state. And when the Pillar of Amber hesitates one would be wise to pay attention."

He puffs his pipe thoughtfully.

"As to everything else. New guilds, increased population, expansion in commerce... Change is often necessary. We need to wait and see how that turns out. Civilization tends to do better when it is growing. Not that I care much for civilization."

As Roland leans back and puff his pipe, that last statement may have been made in humor, then again, since he never smiles, it is hard to tell what Roland thinks is funny.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus nods seeing to the stew for some moments then speaks again.

"I doubt me Amber has any need to worry, enemies she may have but none she can't handle. Growth won't be a problem either, we have infinite room after all."

Brennus smiles slightly before continuing.

"You value Gerard's opinion highly then cousin, how would you react if he were to openly declare against queen Dara? I doubt he ever would you understand, but I find Gerard difficult to understand sometimes."

Posted by Roland

"He wouldn't," Roland stated matter-of-factly.

"His loyalty to Amber is absolute. He will do nothing to harm it in any way. Attacking it's monarch, even if he perceived her to be absolutly evil, would hurt Amber. He would not."

He pointed is pipe at Brennus.

"I'll give you a little insight into our uncle. He puts Amber and his family ahead of everything else. Including himself. Do you want examples? I've got quite a few."

He removed some brown bread from his pack and began slicing it.

"That is why I value his opinion. That doesn't mean that I'll follow his lead."

Posted by Brennus

Brennus nods thoughtfully for a moment.

"Gerard is too... strong. Physically and morally perhaps. He's not the type to make compromises, and I think I've still never gotten over my childhood fear of him."

Brennus grins self consciously. Then glancing at Roland seemingly nervous.

"Roland, you know I was born after my father's passing? You met him I believe, how would you categorize him, as a man and as a king?"

Posted by Roland

Roland paused as he looked at Brennus.

"To be fair, I was raised away from Amber so my interactions with him were brief at best. He was a poet and a warrior. Julian did not like him then."

A smile may have crossed Roland's face but, then again, probably not.

"Outside of Benedict he was propably the most respected and feared of all our aunts and uncles. Then he disappeared and everyone went looking for him. Even Julian. That alone should tell you something about his character."

He dumps out his pipe before continuing. As it grows darker Roland appears to blend more and more into the forest.

"As to what happened while he was gone, well, I heard some of it from him. Merlin heard all of it. You should ask him. But we all know what generally happened and that it ended with the Patternfall War."

"King Corwin was different. He was the same person but tried and tested. He had suffered loss. He was a good king. He would have been a great king."

"If you want a word to catagorize your father, I would say he was Unstoppable. It took him centuries to regain his memory, but he returned. I was there the day Uncle Eric burnt out his eyes. I felt the curse. Everyone did. Still, he grew them back and took the thrown. He then fought a war across the entire universe. Even attempted to make his own pattern. He won. He always won eventually"

Roland sat back and watch the young prince.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus sits, thoughtful. He glances up at Roland and gives a brief almost painful smile.

"I've heard most of my father's story from Merlin, we do speak occasionally, and we were closer when I was very little. Corwin seems a strange mixture to me, honourable, the dutiful son and prince, naive yet pragmatic. I wish I'd met him. He's a difficult model to live up to."

Brennus pauses here, then seeming to give himself a mental shake he moves on, and begins finishing up the stew.

"Roland, I realise that to all intents and purposes we've just met but can I ask you a personal question? I expect you'll say that I can ask but you'll not promise an answer so I'll go ahead and ask."

Brennus pauses here again looking nervous, unsure of himself.

"Well, I've said that I generally get on with Julian, and I know that you and he don't... It's just I was wondering why?"

Brennus appears genuinely embarrassed at this point and hurriedly goes on.

"Listen Roland, forget I asked, it's none of my affair really. Shall we eat?"

Posted by Roland

"I've heard most of my father's story from Merlin, we do speak occasionally, and we were closer when I was very little. Corwin seems a strange mixture to me, honourable, the dutiful son and prince, naive yet pragmatic. I wish I'd met him. He's a difficult model to live up to."

"He's gone. You need not measure your self by him. I do not believe he would want that."

He digs two wooden spoons from his pack and hands one to Brennus.

"As far as my relationship with Julian... you're right. It is personal and it is not any of you business. But, I will tell you this, in addition to our core issues, he and I are very different people. I honestly don't think I'd like him anyway..."

Posted by Brennus

Still looking askance at Roland following his ill-considered question Brennus eats some of the stew before speaking.

"I think you were correct. I may improve next time, this stew is not very good."

Brennus smiles.

"As to Corwin, my father. I feel Dara would disagree, or so it seems to me. She compares me unfavourably to him quite regularly; perhaps that's why I've spent so much time training with Benedict, you know, trying to reach a level in something, anything, that comes close to my father's ability. ...Perhaps I should accelerate my development as it were, move away soon. I still don't expect to go just yet though."

Brennus lapses into silence, eating more of the stew. Meanwhile the day has been getting on into evening, the forest has darkened subtly, the camp fire is beginning to cast small flickering shadows.

Posted by Roland

"The queen can disagree with whomever she wishes," grumbles Roland as he takes a bite of stew. To his credit he does not grimice.

"I will agree with you regarding the stew. I have had better. Then again, I've made worse."

He leans back against the tree with his ax over his knees and continues to eat. He seems to be expanding his attention beyond the campsite and into the surrounding forest. He sniffs a couple of times almost like a blood hound.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus remains silent for some moments, then looks at Roland quizzically.

"It's getting a little late Roland, so I'd prefer to find a decent camping site, I'll not get back to Amber today."

Brennus pauses here studying Roland.

"Roland? What is it?"

Posted by Roland

Roland jumps to his feet and kicks the remaining wood into the fire. As the fire flares up he spins his ax into a combat position.

"Secure your horse if you have any care for it and ready your steel young prince, "Roland growls loudly, "We are about to be set upon by wild hounds."

Kicking things aside he puts himself in a defendable position where he and Brennus could fend the hounds off from the horse and each other.

He growls menicingly.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus' face is a study in surprise for a split second, his mouth a huge 'O'.

Coming to himself he launches himself to his feet, draws his sabre and his hunting knife and positions himself in as ready a position as he is able, covering Falco as well as possible and is ready to support Roland if need be.

He looks out into the forest warily, he hisses a question.

"Where Roland?"

Posted by Roland

"They're all around us," he replies with a feral grin, "Make sure your steed doesn't flee or it will be picked off."

He kicks more fuel into the fire to increase the light.

"Be brave. Be fierce. If we show them that we are superior they may flee. If not..."

"...there are only 6 of them anyway," he says evenly.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus glances Roland's way, nods. He scans the woods for signs of the hounds and as he does so he moves beside Falco and mutters a couple of words in the horses ear.

Posted by Roland

"Come on puppies," Roland mutters to himself, "Tis gettin' late and I need to put ya down before I can get to bed."

Roland absently spins his ax in his hand. It goes around so fast that it literally hums. In his off hand he has a throwing knife prepared.

Posted by Game Master

The etchings, one of a tree, one of a unicorn, on Roland's ax begin to glow with a light blue flame. The light casts the natural browns, oranges and greens of the forest into an unnatural blue light.

Roland and Brennus stand posed, ready for the assault. The noises from the forest grow louder for a second, still barely audible, and then seem to completely cease. The last bits of sunlight fade away in the utter silence. Only the glow of the ax and the burning of campfire illuminate the clearing.

The first attack comes almost without warning. The black hound leaps out from the darkness at Roland, who barely has time to move his ax around to block the beast. The hound bounces off of the face of the ax and falls back to the ground. Despite the massive force from the creature, Roland holds his ground without faltering.

From all around four more hounds emerge from the woods. They move with lightning speed - darting about and trying quick strikes at Brennus and Roland. It isn't overly difficult to keep the hounds at bay, but it appears that they are only testing the two humans right now. Three of the hounds appear focused on Brennus and Falco, while the other two attempt to keep Roland busy.

Posted by Roland

Roland adjusts his stance slightly then, whith great speed, he seems to lash out with his whole body towards the closest hound.

That is not an accurate observation, however, as Y'Geseth blurs towards one dog a thrown knife speeds towards it's companion. His lunge also did not take him far from his initial position next to Brennus.

Posted by Brennus

As the hounds appear Brennus' expression of apprehension disappears, and is replaced by... nothing. A blank, total calm.

As the hounds move Brennus matches their movements, covering both Falco and Roland's position. He waits for his chance.

Finally an over eager hound moves to a position which momentarily blocks it's fellows, as it comes in to attack Brennus lashes out with his sabre aiming for the throat.

Posted by Game Master

Roland movements almost match those of the hounds with their speed and intensity. He moves his massive ax through the air as though it were weightless. Any resistance it meets as it contacts with the red furred hound is not evident. The hound splits in half - the cut clean and smooth. The knife that Roland launches through the air is almost like a side thought to the movements of the ax. The hound it is intended for, leaps back, dodging the projectile with time to spare. Unfortunately for it, this leaves it open to attack by Brennus, who stabs it near to its neck. The skin of the hound is tough enough to give the blade pause though - making Roland's previous attack all that much more noteworthy. The hound rushes back, hurt, but not disabled. The hounds seem to be done testing the humans and launch a full out attack.

Roland and Brennus manage to hold them off, waiting for the right moment to strike again. Brennus sees his opportunity and strikes forward at the throat of an exposed hound. This time Brennus is more prepared for the resistance his blade meets, and blood splatters out as the beast is impaled through the neck.

A form leaps forth from the shadows, a sixth especially large hound. It leaps for Brennus, its trajectory clearly sending it towards his throat. Brennus, still pulling back from strike, is unable to move. Roland spins into the path of the oncoming storm hound. There isn't time to bring Y'Geseth around, and Roland raises one arm to deflect the hound. The giant gray hound latches onto Roland's arm - razor sharp teeth sinking into flesh. Instinctively Roland shakes his arm forward, causing the hound to release its grip and fly through the air. There is a crushing sound as its body collides with a tree on the opposite side of the clearing. The sound is not that of the hound breaking, but rather of the tree. Roland's blood is fresh in the beast's mouth as it charges back into the fray.

Posted by Roland

Roland's angry roar momentaraly drowns out the growling of the hounds. Ignoring his wound he leaps into the fray next to Brennus. He strikes out with the hounds with a fury. Lashing out with ax and fist and foot.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus' face is set and still calm, he looks around him, seeking viable targets.

Spotting a hound attempting to sneak around to the rear he lashes out with his sabre.

Posted by Game Master

Brennus lashes out at the hound, grazing its hind quarter. Blood runs down its brown fur, and it jumps back. Another hound seizes the opportunity and leaps at the young prince. Brennus barely manages to swing his sabre about and block the beast. The force of its heavy body strains the metal of the sword, causing Brennus to momentarily fear it will break. The blade holds, and Brennus is unharmed. The force of the impact is enough to force him back two steps - his back now pressed against Falco's flank. Brennus kicks at the hound, sending it back. Another hound leaps at Brennus, but this time he stabs it just below the neck - the weight of its body impaling it on the sword. Brennus pulls his sword out again, surprised to find the hound he just stabbed is still alive. It dashes back, but not before Brennus cuts at his hind quarters. The brown hound runs into the wood, hopefully not to return.

The horse moves about anxiously, nighing, and shaking its head at the hounds. It attempts to kick at them, but the hounds are much too fast and Falco does even appear to frighten them. The rising panic in Brennus' steed is obvious though.

Roland's furious charge at the hounds seems to have frightened them a bit. The large hound that had tasted Roland's blood charges at him recklessly. Roland barely grazes the beast's side with his ax, causing a large gash of red to shine through its fur. The hound catches Roland off center and the two tumble to the ground. Claws scratches away at Roland's skin, but he manages to keep the giant creature's teeth away from his neck. With a swift movement, Roland spins around, wrapping his arms around the wild hound. There is a loud cracking sound, and Roland rises to his knees, ax still in hand, leaving the broken creature on the ground. A harsh growl grows to a loud roar from his mouth.

A Storm Hound that was about to charge Roland, pauses, and then turns tail into the woods. The other remaining hound, which Brennus was holding off, sees this, and in a streak of color follows suit, retreating from the battle.

Roland is covered in scrapes and cuts, and has a nasty bite on his arm. None of the wounds are too serious though. Brennus is untouched, except for a superficial cut on his leg that he doesn't even remember. Falco also has a few gashes from where the hounds got too close - nothing dangerous, but they'll have to be treated.

Posted by Roland

Growling, Roland scans the area, making sure they are in full retreat. He sniffs they are a couple of times then shrugs his shoulders.

He looks at his damaged arm for a moment. He appears to be regarding it as if it were someone elses. He grunts and searches the site for his bag. Upon finding it and a waterskin he dumps some water on his arm. Then he removes a pouch of herbs. When he applied it to his arm the scent of oregeno, pine, and eucaleptis can be smelled. With his none damaged hand he deftly wraps his wound with a bandage he pulled from his bag.

He tosses the pouch of herbs to Brennus.

"You fight like your father."

Posted by Brennus

Brennus watches the hounds flee, and turns to watch Roland bandage his arm. Examining his own leg wound he realises that he'd better see to it before any infection can set in.

As he catches the bag of herbs thrown by Roland and hears Roland compare his fighting to Corwin's, he reddens slightly and mutters "Thank you" before cleaning and binding his own wound. He then begins looking after Falco.

Brennus' sabre sits thrust into the earth, its hilt upright, the light cast by the sinking sun causes the metal appear to change from silver-steel to bronze and gold.

Posted by Roland

Roland begins to straiten up the camp site.

"We'll stay here tonight," then he continued as an afterthought, "Nothing else should bother us. Very few creatures can share space with Storm Hounds. Even small ones."

Although he obviously favored one arm, Roland gave no other indication that he was hurt or even that he had just participated in a fight.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus nods to Roland's words, he finishes up with Falco and then moves to help Roland with the camp. He pays particular attention to removing the dead hounds.

In the commotion the stew pot and dishes have been upset.

"It seems the stew is somewhat spoilt... Is your arm alright by the way? That looked like a nasty bite!"

Posted by Roland

"It will heal."

Posted by Brennus

Brennus merely looks at Roland for a second and then grins, shaking his head.

"Looks like cold rations for supper cousin."

Posted by Roland

It would taste better that the hounds."

Posted by Brennus

Brennus smiles thinly, shakes his head and goes about setting up for the night.

After some time he turns to Roland and asks.

"Roland, were you afraid just now fighting the hounds?"

Posted by Roland

"Not any more."

He gnaws on some rations while he sets up his bed role.

"Get some sleep, young prince, we have at least a half a days journy to one of Julian's camps or longer if you would like to go straight Amber."

Posted by Brennus

Brennus nods and sets about readying himself for the night. Some while later he turns to Roland.

"Roland, I... when the hounds attacked I was scared at first, then everything kind of went black and white, I felt nothing! When they were all either dead or fleeing the fear came back and I started to shake, I tried to hide it, but I was more scared afterward than during the fight. Is something wrong with me do you think?"

Posted by Roland

It was hard to see Roland's features in the dim light but he was definatly looking at Brennus.


Posted by Brennus

Brennus merely frowns, possibly trying to see Roland's face. After a moment he shrugs and smiles a little nervously before settling himself.

Posted by Game Master

Silence and darkness finally give way to sleep. A small trickle of moonlight dances through the leaves, casting the woods in a soft glow. No further beasts, friendly or otherwise, dares enter near the scent of the Storm Hounds' blood, and the night passes without incident.

The morning is crisp, filled with all the scents of the forest. Roland is awake first - already prepared for another day's journey. Assuming no further interruptions from the wild, there is a settlement that should be reachable by a little after noon.

Posted by Game Master

The sounds of the forest come alive as Roland and Brennus travel, leading Falco onward. The night's rest has done much to heal Brennus' wounds, though Roland's much nastier wounds don't appear to be much better. At one point, two magnificent stags dance through like the wind - their agility and speed are a marvel to behold. They are at quite a distance and seem to take little note of the two travelers - perhaps they can sense that the need for hunting has passed.

The sun travels rapidly through the sky, and before long tiny signs, almost imperceptible signs of nearby civilization appear. It is certain that if the settlement's sentries haven't already spotted Roland and Brennus then they will soon. The wooden walls surrounding the town come quickly into view - hidden at a distance. Hundreds must live within. It is just one of Julian's many hidden fortresses - buried within the forest that spans Shadow. The wooden gate to the township opens and two rangers, dressed in brown and orange, ride out, their steeds much more suited for these woods than Falco.

"Lord Roland. Greetings." says the one on the left. A thick black beard covers his face in stark contrast to his bald skull. His nose is crooked from many breaks, and a portion of his left ear is missing. "I am Ulrich, lord of this humble outpost." His tone is jovial, but respectful. "We met several years - I doubt you remember. I had hair then," he says grinning wide, revealing a couple of teeth which have been replaced. "This is Henry," he gestures to the other ranger - a lean man with coppery hair and pale blue eyes. "How may we be of service?"

Henry remains quiet, his eyes on Brennus and Falco. His expression is one of healthy distrust.

Posted by Roland

"Ulrich," said Roland as if he were tasting the name, "I remember."

He clasps arms with the older man briefly and nods towards Henry. He turns and indicates Brennus with his ax.

"Prince Brennus and I have just returned from a tour of the outer edge of Arden," although he did not say it, the word young seemed to float in front of Brennus' princely title. "I cannot return the full length to Amber with him as Evermoor calls."

He regards Ulrich for a long uncomfortable moment.

"When will you heed Evermoor's wild call?"

Posted by Game Master

At the mention of Brennus' name, Henry tenses slightly, sitting slightly taller and straighter on his mount. Ulrich, too, seems a little taken aback. The older man takes a slight bow, and Henry follows suit with a much deeper bow.

At Roland's question, Ulrich pauses, uncertain how to respond. There is another awkward silence before Ulrich answers. "You honor me, Lord. The tales I have heard of your wild land have at times given me a great thirst for travel and adventure." Henry's critical eyes shift from the two Princes to his fellow ranger - reappraising the man beside him. "I am sworn to Lord Julian and to the wild of Arden. In time, once my service is done, I may follow that call that beckons to my heart."

Ulrich turns to face Brennus, "So, its an armed escort back to the capital you be wanting? Well, you couldn't ask for finer men. We'll get you back to your golden spires in no time." He appraises Brennus' mount, clearly noting how unsuitable Falco is for travel through these woods. Ulrich says nothing though. "Come, we've drink and food a plenty inside. You can rest and clean up before continuing on." He says regarding Roland's bandaged wounds.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus watches and listens to the dialogue between Roland and Ulrich. He smiles slightly through it all enjoying the moment.

After Ulrich's response to Roland and his offer of escort and so on Brennus smiles, nods and responds.

"Thank you my lord, that would be most welcome. By the way is a healer with you, you see we were beset by wild Storm Hounds last night and Roland here was bitten by what I assume was the pack leader, a huge brute."

Tuning to Roland, Brennus asks.

"Roland, won't you allow a healer to check you over, it can't hurt surely?"

Posted by Game Master

"We've a doctor here - good with herbs and roots too. We don't have one of those new masked, mechanical, healers if thats what you mean." He grins again showing battered teeth. "None of those metal heads round here of late." Ulrich looks at the wound more closely. "Looks like a tiny brute by looks of it. Still plenty fearsome though. Nearly lost my leg to one last winter and I..." Henry coughs, and Ulrich seems to realize that he's rambling. "Yeah, we've got a doctor."

Posted by Roland

"Unnecessary," grumbled Roland, "however, it is due for a bandage change and I am out of clean cloth... and breakfast."

He follows Ulrich.

"I'm certain that the Prince does not need a full escort. Just a guide or two. He handles himself well enough."

Posted by Brennus

Brennus stays close to Roland for now and calls out.

"I'll join you in breakfast if you've no objection, and Ulrich a single guide should suffice."

Posted by Roland

"Well, young prince," states Roland evenly, "It appears we may be parting ways soon. I hope you found this perspective of the World enlightening."

With out a sound he turned to follow Ulrich.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus merely nods. His expression bland now as Roland strides away.

Leading Falco on he follows discretely. When an opportune moment arises he asks a ranger to tend to Falco and a place to eat.

Posted by Game Master

Ulrich chuckles a bit. "You are both welcome to join me for lunch to break your fasting. We should hurry though, the stew that Mary was preparing is likely to be cooling now, and my Douglas and Sarah, my two youngest, are infamous for their ravenous hunger."

Ulrich turns to the settlement, and Henry follows Brennus and Roland from behind. After the mention of escorts, Henry hesitantly speaks up. "If you would allow me the honor Prince Brennus, I could guide back to Amber, or wherever else you'd like to go."

Ulrich looks slightly upset, but shrugs and seems to brush aside whatever was bothering him. "Henry would make you a fine guide, Prince Brennus. He's one of the few other than myself that I trust your safety to." He looks at Henry then and raises his voice as he speaks. "The lad stands too much by ceremony though. Could be why the Lord sent him deeper into the woods to my settlement." Ulrich hurries his horse ahead a bit, though not at a pace that would make Roland uncomfortable.

The settlement is busy and resembles many of Julian's villages in Arden. There are of course the rangers, but also others, many of whom don't look at all inclined to battle. Small children chase after each other, and others play games on the ground. A woman carries bread from the bakery, and a group of men work on constructing a small building. A number of gardens are being tended to, growing herbs and vegetables. The sounds of a black smith can be heard in the distance. One of the most impressive buildings in the settlement is a temple, with the emblem of the Unicorn carved above the entrance.

"Welcome to Ralta." Ulrich says as he leads Brennus and Roland in. Ulrich dismounts with a grace that one might not have expected from a man his size. He unstraps a large ax from the side of his horse. "Henry, take care of the horses while I show our guests to my wife's cooking."

Henry nods, "Yes, sir." He dismounts and takes all three horses to the right, while Ulrich directs Roland and Brennus to follow him. Much of the stew has indeed survived Ulrich's children, whom Roland and Brennus learn are the youngest of seven. The four children who are actually present, watch the Princes with a sense of awe and wonderment - along with a bit of fear.

The two Princes of Amber enjoy a fine home cooked stew, rich in flavor, along with fresh bread. Mary, Ulrich's wife, is a quiet woman, many years younger than her husband. She is slightly slim with long curly blond hair and a perpetual smile. In moments of quiet it sounds as though she is quietly singing a relaxing melody beneath her breath - barely audible to the years. One could almost imagine that she is always singing.

Posted by Roland

Roland nods to the few people he recognizes as the proceed into the encampment.

After three monsterous portions of the stew, Roland withdraws a bit to rewrap his bandages and apply more poultice. It still looks nasty but does seem slightly improved and does not seem to be bothering him at all. Not too surprising considering the ointment also deadens pain as well as keep off infection. He gathers his things and heads for the door.

"It is time."

Posted by Brennus

As Roland leaves Brennus follows and calls out to him.

"Roland, a moment of your time... I prefer to speak in relative privacy, it's just I wanted to say thank you. I expect Id be hurt badly or perhaps dead now if you'd not come along. Fair you well cousin, I'm sure we'll meet again."

Brennus' expression is calm, although there is a trace of a smile, he holds out his right hand for Roland to shake.

Posted by Roland

Roland cooly looks at his cousin with his ice blue eyes. He then clasps Brennus' arm with his iron grip.

"Oh yes, we will meet again," says Roland with an odd little twinkle in his eyes as if he knows some secret, "when it is time."

His stoic visage returns as he releases Brennus' arm and turns to leave. He calls out over his shoulder...

"Be wise and true, and may you glimpse the Unicorn," as if it were some sort of sage advice and farewell statement.

Posted by Brennus

Brennus smiles at Roland's words and nods.

He watches Roland walk away and only then allows a puzzled expression to appear, tinged by some other emotion.

Brennus shrugs, then turns away and walks back into the ranger camp to begin his preparations for returning to Amber.

Unique Shadow Walkers