The White Knight picked his way slowly through the underbrush of the heavily overgrown footpath. as his great horse dragging a large bundle behind him. The great White Knight was the master of his realm and his stature showed the arrogance and haughtiness of one who is confident in his sense of self. He looked back at the thing being dragged behind his horse, completely unconcerned about his surroundings.

But he was not in his realm anymore. Here he was not the master and he was being watched. Some of they eyes watched hungrily but knew he was beyond them so they sought easier prey elsewhere. Others saw his power and fled. But one set of eyes, ice blue eyes that saw everything and missed nothing, watched with great interest.

After a few moments the horse stopped and gave a rumbling whinny. The White Knight stroked his neck and looked about. He dismounted and loosened his sword. He looked around some more as if he was searching for something. Then he spoke.

"Alright, boy, we have been here long enough. You should know we are here by now. Now show yourself."

Roland stepped out from the brush behind Julian. His great ax pushing aside some branches as his blue eyes studied Julian.

"What do you want?"

Julian turned his head to face Roland but otherwise remained motionless.

"I'm returning one of your things."

"I have lost nothing."

"One of your beasts found its way into Arden. It killed some of my hounds," as he spoke he walked to the back of Morgenstern and cut the rope. The tarp fell open and laying in it was a large vaguely humanoid shaped creature with patches greenish fur. It was cut and had many rends and abrasions. Its black blood was pooling in the path. Roland's eyes flicked from the creature to Julian.

"The Trogre are not my beasts. They just are."

"Still, it came from this Shadow, down your paths, and into my Arden. Keep them here. There is enough dangerous creatures wander around Arden with out Evermoor's wilderness creeping in. Keep them here."

Roland looked closely at the Trogre.

"It's a runt. It must have been chased out by the others."

"A runt? The bloody thing is eight feet tall!"

"Trogre are usually over nine... close to ten."

"Regardless," cut in Julian, "Keep them here."

"I could no more tell the Trogre what to do than you could tell Grandfather what to do."

An unexpected change went across Julian's face. An expression of surprise and chagrin passed over before his stony features returned to there icy hardness. When he spoke it was with great reluctance and disdain.

"I also came because I was asked to inform you that Oberon is missing."

It was Roland's turn to let emotions cross his face. Mostly surprise that someone, and he had a good idea whom, wanted him to know this information badly enough to 'ask' Julian to come here.

"It's happened before. He has always returned."

"It's different this time. If he doesn't return soon or if we cannot find him... One of us may step up. Probably your uncle, Eric."

Without changing expression, Roland suddenly leapt forward and knocked Julian to the side. The Trogre's great claws raked the air where Julian's knees were a split second before.

"It's legs!" Roland yelled as he smashed the back of the ax head underneath the Trogre's chin and it fell back down.

They were veterans of far to many battles to freeze in surprise. Julian leapt onto the creature; using his whole body to pin it's legs down. Roland's jump placed him squarely onto the Trogre's chest forcing it down as it struggled to rise. He quickly broadened his stance to pin down the beast's arms by its biceps. He then swung his great ax at its neck.

It wasn't until Roland landed his third strike on its neck that it stopped roaring. It didn't stop struggling and fighting until the fifth blow. Roland still had to hit it four more times before its head finally came off.

"Next time," he said panting slightly, "Make sure it is dead before you bring it back."

Julian rolled of the corpse to a squat and looked at Roland.

"It was peppered with arrows, gnawed on by Storm Hounds, I ran my sword through it at least three times, struck by my lance, trampled by Morgenstern, and forced off of a 30 foot cliff. Do you have to cut off its head to kill it?"

"No, but it is one way to make sure. They're very durable and heal very rapidly."

"Ok," said Julian rising to his feet and mounting Morgenstern, "I really don't care. Just keep them out of Arden. I have enough to deal with as it is."

"I'll alter the paths and cull the herd. Besides, they won't come this way again for quite some time."

"Why is that?"

"One of the few things they fear is seeing their own death. When they see this, they'll avoid this place for decades, if not longer."

"How do you know they will see...?"

He was cut of by the sounds of multiple growls and falling trees coming from the wood. Roland turned towards the sounds. He cocked his head and sniffed the air.

"At least three Trogre... No, four... Coming this way."

"Why so quickly?"

Roland looked down at the body.

"To feed."

"They eat their own kind!?! Barbaric!"

"They eat anything."

Roland backed slowly towards the forest. The closer he got the more he started to blend in with it until Julian could only make out his blue eyes. His voice almost sounded ghostly, coming from all directions.

"It is unwise for even powerful Lords of Amber to be present when more than one Trogre comes to feed or mate."

With those final words he disappeared completely as Julian turned and headed back towards Arden. Leaving at a slightly quicker pace then he arrived.

Unique Shadow Walkers