Incremental Java
Compound Assignment Statements


Suppose you had an int variable, sum, and you wanted to add 10 to it. How would you do this? Here's one solution:
   sum = sum + 10 ;
This kind of operation is very common (where 10 is replaced by whatever value you want). It's so common that Java has a shorter way of saying the same thing.

Java uses the compound addition assignment operator, which looks like: += (plus sign, followed by equal sign).

   sum += 10 ; // Add 10 to sum
Suppose, instead of adding a value to sum, you wanted to double it? That is, you wanted to multiply it by 2?

One way to do this is:

   sum = sum * 2 ; // Multiply sum by 2
Can you guess the shortcut? If += lets you add the value on the RHS to the LHS, what do you think the operator is for multiplying the value from the RHS to the LHS? Yes, it's *=.

   sum *= 2 ; // Multiply sum by 2

Binary Operators to Binary Assignment Operators

Nearly every binary operator can be made into a compound assignment operator. For example, suppose Java has a binary operator @ (it doesn't, but pretend that it does).

Java is very likely to have a binary assignment operator @=. Here's the semantics.

   lvalue @= rvalue ;
is the same as:
   lvalue = lvalue @ (rvalue) ;
Notice that parentheses are added to the rvalue. This is necessary to avoid problems with precedence.

For example, consider:

  x *= 3 + y
This is equivalent to:
  x = x * ( 3 + y ) ;
If we didn't put the parentheses, we'd get:
  x = x * 3 + y ; // WRONG!
which, using Java's rule of precedence, would be equivalent
  x = ( x * 3 ) + y ; // WRONG!
and give us a different answer from
  x = x * ( 3 + y ) ; // RIGHT!

Some Compound Assignment Operators

Many Java programmers are unaware of how many different compound assignment operators there are. Here's a partial list: +=, *=, /=, -=, %=, &=, &&=, |=, ||=, <<=, >>=, ^=.

Basically, if it's a Java binary operator, you should be able to use a binary compound assignment operator as well.