floating balls
CMSC 754
Computational Geometry
Fall 2023
Dave Mount

Course Description

This is an introductory course on computational geometry and its applications. We will discuss techniques needed in designing and analyzing efficient algorithms and data structures for computational problems in discrete geometry, such as convex hulls, geometric intersections, geometric structures such as Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations, arrangements of lines and hyperplanes, and range searching.

Course Format

Lectures will be in person (see class time below). Please feel free to talk with me if you have any questions or concerns with the following.

  • Attendance in lectures is optional, but strongly encouraged. All lectures will be recorded and posted within 24 hours.
  • Attendance is required for the midterm exam and the final exam. (See the Syllabus for dates.)
  • Other than exams, all class work will be submitted electronically.
  • Some office hours will be conducted in-person and some online through Zoom. The format will be specified in the table below. As needed, there may be a change from in-person to online. Such changes will be announced through Piazza.

Class Time

Tue, Thu 9:30am-10:45pm, IRB 2107.

Course Staff

Name Role Contact
Dave Mount Instructor mount@umd.edu
Shuhao Tan Graduate TA shuhao@umd.edu

Office Hours

Office hours will be split between in-person and in Zoom. Shuhao's in-person office hours will take place in (room to be announced) and Dave Mount's will be in IRB 4162. If you cannot make the scheduled office hours, please feel free to contact either of us by email to set up an alternative time. We all allocate one hour per week for unscheduled office hours.


Important class announcements will be made through Piazza. Once class has started, I'll send invitations to join the system.

Web Accessibility