CMSC 411 Computer Architecture, Spring 2019
Current Announcements |
- The course
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Specification |
Essentials |
Instructor: Michelle Hugue
Office: 1109a AV Williams
Hours: Regular and by appointment
Class accounts: Unix accounts, if needed, will be on the GRACE ( Glue Research and
Computing Environment) cluster. Development tools, such as Eclipse, and
JAVA 1.8 are available on the cluster; we will grade your projects
using the submit server.
To use the
cluster, you will need a TerpConnectn account. If you do not have one, or if you are not sure if you have one, you must
request one asap.
Required Book: Computer Architecture: A Quantatitive Approach, 5ed by John Hennessy and David Patterson.
(see 4th ed ) for your convenience.
Course Content |
- Tentative Syllabus.
Social Quizzes : at least 7 (seven) in-class exercises, at least 4 announced. (5%)
Major Scheduled Grading Events |
Two 75 minute in-class Tests: T1 (3/7), T2 (4/18) (28% each)
Cumulative Final Exam: 05/21/19 6:30 to 8:30 PM
(2 hours) (39%)
Resources |