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Syntax Checking

Assignment 6: Syntax Checking

Due: Thursday, May 5th, 11:59PM EDT

The goal of this assignment is to add syntax checking to our compiler.

You are given a repository with a starter compiler similar to the Mountebank language we studied in class. You are tasked with:

Syntax Checking

Up until now, we’ve written our compiler assuming that programs are well-formed, but there has never been any code that actually checks this assumption. The assumptions go beyond the properties checked during parsing. For example, our parser will happily accept a program like (lambda (x x) x), and the compiler will emit code for it even though this is not a well-formed program.

The idea of this assignment is to implement a function, defined in check-syntax.rkt:

; Prog -> Prog
(define (check-syntax p) ...)

If the program is well-formed, it should behave like the identity function, returning the same program it was given as input. On ill-formed programs, it should signal an error using error.

For the purposes of this assignment, the quality of the error messages doesn’t matter, although in real programming language implementations, good error messages are crucial.

Here are the properties that should be checked of each program:

The starter code calls check-syntax in both compile-file.rkt and interp-file.rkt. The definition of check-syntax is stubbed out in check-syntax.rkt.

There are tests included in test/check-syntax.rkt. You can also use this file to write your own tests for debugging.


You should submit on Gradescope. You should submit a zip file that has exactly the same structure that the stub contains. We will only use the check-syntax.rkt files for grading, so make sure all your work is contained there!