CMSC 216-030X-040X
The course syllabus will be here by the time that classes begin
Here are answers to some questions that commonly arise before or around when
classes begin:
The course syllabus will be available, (as per University policy) by the
first day of classes. Registered students will be able to see course
materials starting then on ELMS.
Access to the textbook is required, but if you want to
read it without buying it, McKeldin Library has copies available at
Course Reserves. (Please don't use illegal copies of textbooks; if you
don't want to buy the textbook just read it at McKeldin for free.)
The textbook information is available in the Schedule of Classes- click
on the book link to the right of your section.
I do not have any authority to let students into the course or to open
more seats to the course, or to add sections to it. The CMSC department
handles these issues and instructors in the CMSC department do not have
any ability to give waivers to the department policies, and are not able
to give permission for students to get into courses, or to allow anyone
to add courses that are full. If you have questions about getting into
the course or want permission to add it you should ask your academic
advisor, instead of me as the course instructor. (If you don't have an
academic advisor yet, ask the CMSC undergraduate office; their contact
info is at
As of this writing my sections of the course are almost full.
If my sections do fill up then and the CMSC department is able to
add any seats or sections to any courses they will show up in the
Schedule of Classes, so please just keep checking there. However,
it is very unlikely that seats or sections would be added to any
course if other sections or lectures of the course still have open
seats. If you are trying to register and any sections still have
open seats you should sign up for one of them, as opposed to getting
on the waitlist for a full section in the hopes that more seats will
be added to it.
If anyone does get on the waitlist and is reading this, or is still
trying to get permission to register for the course, go to
class- meaning both lecture and discussion section- starting on the
first day of the semester, while you are trying to get
registered. That way you will not miss any material and be
behind if you do get in the course.
Note that every classroom has a legal seating capacity set by the
Fire Marshal, and if a section is already at the room's maximum
seating capacity it isn't legal for the CMSC department to let
anyone else into it, no matter how much someone wants to be able to
get into that section.
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