Hypertext 2002
Advance Program : Demos & Posters

Live demonstrations and interactive posters form an important part of the Conference technical program.



Original Call for Proposals

Demonstrations allow us to view novel and noteworthy hypermedia systems in action. Demonstrations are self-paced and informal. They are an ideal forum for in-depth discussions between presenters and attendees. During the demo session, attendees can wander from table to table, engage the presenters in conversation, and explore aspects of the system that interest them most. We welcome product demos and demonstrations of research projects. Any technology - hardware or software - is fair game that has the potential to enhance the perception and management of inter-linked information.

Posters are a great way to test new ideas, generate interest in a research area, or describe useful or interesting work that is not substantial enough for a paper presentation. Posters are interactive! Posters are displayed throughout the conference, but there will be a specific period during which poster presenters will be asked to be present to answer questions on the poster topic.


Submissions including original applications and technologies are encouraged. Demonstrations of both research prototypes and commercial products by those directly involved in developing the systems are welcomed. Demo and Poster proposals should be submitted as 2-page descriptions using the conference paper format and detailing the content, significance and novelty of the work.

These should be supplied as Postscript, PDF or Word Files, and transmitted by FTP to ftp.cs.umd.edu and placed in the /incoming/egolub/ht02/dap directory. This directory allows files to be written, but not listed. Submissions should have filenames consisting of the contact author's family name, an underscore and their first name, followed by an optional number (in case of problems with FTP or the need to transmit corrected versions of a file). For instance I could submit files as Weigang_Wang1.ps, Weigang_Weigang2.ps, etc.

Once the file is correctly uploaded to the FTP server, please also send the file as an email attachment to the Demo Chair with the following information:

  • Author's name(s) and affiliation(s)
  • Title of the Poster or Demo
  • Mailing address
  • Name and email address of the primary contact for the submission.
  • Demo presenters should also describe any network, power, or projection needs in their email. We cannot supply computers for demos.

    If you expect that your demo may involve special electrical, space, or network resources, please describe these as clearly as possible in your initial submission email to the Demo Chair. We will be sending additional details, and perhaps asking additional questions, once we have reviewed the submissions.

    Contact Information

    For further details, or to submit a proposal, please contact the Posters and Demo Chair directly: Weigang Wang

    Important Dates

    April 25th, 2002: Posters and demonstrations submissions due (extended from March 10th)
    May 10th, 2002: Notification of acceptance

    Web Accessibility