Recent News & Accomplishments


Ben Shneiderman did a keynote talk at the World-Wide Web conference in Budapest  read more
Aravind Srinivasan was an invited speaker at the Workshop on Network Management and Design.  read more
Jim Hendler has been appointed a member of the Technology Subcommittee of NASA's Earth Science and Applications Advisory Committee.  read more
Ray Miller is the winner of the 2002 ACM Distinguished Service Award.  read more
Vic Basili is the winner of the IEEE Computer Society's 2003 Harlan D. Mills Award.  read more
Ben Bederson has joined Microsoft's Research University Relations Advisory Board.  read more
A paper by S. Khuller , Y. Kim and Y-C. Wan won the PODS 2003 Best Newcomer Paper Award.  read more
Vic Basili was a keynote speaker at the International Conference on COTS-based Systems  read more


Mike Hicks 's PhD dissertation, "Dynamic Software Updating," was awarded the SIGPLAN Doctoral Dissertation Award for 2002.  read more
A paper by Henrique Andrade and others received the Best Student Paper award at the SC2002 conference.  read more