Recent News & Accomplishments


Jan Plane has been selected as the 2008-2009 Provost's Faculty Academic Advisor of the Year and she will be honored at the Undergraduate Studies Advising Conference on August 18. Jan's nomination mentioned her willingness to give of her time to the mentoring of students, being the AWC chapter advisor, and the respect that she has garnered from both faculty and students.  read more
The paper "Using Histograms to Better Answer Queries to Probabilistic Logic Programs" by Matthias Broecheler, Gerardo Simari and V.S. Subrahmanian has been named the recipient of the Best Student Paper Award at the 2009 International Conference on Logic Programming to be held in Pasadena, CA in July 2009.  read more
Mike Hicks and his former student, Iulian Neamtiu, were quoted in an MIT Technology Review article on a company developing live updating for Linux. The UMD project web site detailing their research on dynamic updating was linked in the article. More information can be found at:  read more
The University of Maryland will host a workshop on parallel computing systems on May 29, 2009, titled " Theory and Many-Cores (T&MC): What Does Theory Have to Say About Many-Core Computing? ." The workshop is being organized by Professor Uzi Vishkin (ECE/UMIACS). The main objective of the workshop will be to explore opportunities for theoretical computer science research and education in the emerging era of many-core computing, and develop understanding of the role that theory should play in it. Workshop website:  read more
Dave Jacobs' work on recognizing trees from iPhone pictures has been described in a CNN Science-Tech blog post. More information is available at:  read more
Nicholas Chen, one of Professor Francois Guimbretiere's students, received the Google Fellowship in Human-Computer Interaction Award.  read more
Mark your calendars! May 28th - 29th, 2009. HCIL's 26th Annual Symposium will highlight the cutting-edge research being conducted in the Human-Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland. The Symposium will take place Thursday, May 28th, followed by a day of tutorials and workshops on Friday, May 29th. Registration begins in March! 2009 HCIL Symposium  read more
Steven Salzberg was interviewed on WTOP on Sunday, April 26, about the swine flu in Mexico. The interview is available on their website at and you should be able to download it to an MP3 file here:  read more
Amitabh Varshney gave an invited CIBM Distinguished Lecture at the University of Wisconsin at Madison on Visual Insights for Molecular Biology".  read more
Steven Salzberg was quoted in Science about his research on the cow genome.  read more