Recent News & Accomplishments
Jonathan Katz has received an NSF CAREER award. read more
Francois Guimbretiere has received an NSF CAREER award. read more
Marv Zelkowitz has received a Recognition of Service Award from ACM. read more
Paperlens, co-authored by Bongshin Lee , Ben Bederson , and two Microsoft researchers, tied for first place in the IEEE InfoVis 2004 contest. read more
Ray Miller has been designated as a Fellow by the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board, "in recognition of his outstanding professional volunteer contributions to computing sciences and accreditation". read more
Jim Hendler is joining the editorial board for Science . He is the only computer scientist on this board. read more
V.S. Subrahmanian has been made the new director of UMIACS . read more
Evan Golub 's paper was the first runner-up for the Best Paper Award at the 20th Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges, Eastern Conference. read more
The Computer Science department at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern will award Vic Basili an Honorary PhD in Natural Sciences (dr.rer.nat h.c.). The award ceremonywill bein January 2005. read more
Amol Deshpande, who will be joining our faculty this spring, co-authored the paper that received the best-paper award at VLDB 2004 (the 30th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases). read more