JavaMemoryModel: Memory model and finalize methods

From: Bill Pugh (
Date: Mon Dec 13 1999 - 17:26:10 EST

What is the appropriate set of rules to describe
the interaction of the memory model and finalizers?

Say a thread creates an object A, performs some writes
to object A, and then drops the reference to A. When the
finalizer for A is run, is it guaranteed to see all of
the writes to A?

Say a thread creates an object A, performs some writes
to object A, and B, and then drops the reference to A. When the
finalizer for A is run, is it guaranteed to see all of
the writes to both A and B?

Here is an example below:
class A {
  B x;
  protected void finalize() {

public class B {
  int y;
  public static void main(String args[]) {
        A a = new A();
        B b = new B();
        a.x = b;
        b.y = 42;
        a = null;

If we wanted to guarantee that the finalizer would see all
writes to both a and b, then reordering the statements b.y = 42
and a = null would be illegal.

My suggestion:

  When a finalizer is run, it is guaranteed to see all of the writes
to the object being finalized, but not to any other object.

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