Source code for util.service

def myprint(*args):
  """Print with flush on."""
  print(*args, flush=True)

[docs]def do_service_input(j, check_cond, do_update, args, cond): """Service input-part factory, used in service model and service tester. The arguments are: - *j* (int): node id for the input step. - *check_cond* (fn): CCI or RCI function from service. - *do_update* (fn): CU or RU function from service. - *args*: tuple of arguments supplied by implementation; (None,) if none. - *cond* (Condition): condition used in service model or service tester. """ if args == (None,): args = () with cond: rc_rval = check_cond(j, *args) # DEBUG: myprint("do_service_input: rc_rval", rc_rval, "*args", *args) if not rc_rval: raise Exception("input condition violated: args", args) do_update(j, *args) cond.notify_all()
[docs]def do_service_output(j, get_args, do_update, cond): """Service output-part factory, used in service model and service tester. The arguments are: - *j* (int): node id for the input step. - *get_args* (fn): CCO or RCO function from service. - *do_update* (fn): CU or RU function from service. - *cond* (Condition): condition used in service tester or service model. """ with cond: while True: args = get_args(j) # (0,): cond not satisfiable # (1,x): cond satisfiable with args list x (may be empty) if args == (0,): cond.wait() else: break # DEBUG: myprint("do_service_output: args", args) # args == (1,x) args = args[1:] # args == (x) do_update(j, *args) cond.notify_all() # *args will be used in call|return to implementation return args