CMSC724: Database Management Systems

Prof. Amol Deshpande;    Iribe 2207;    Mon-Wed 2:00pm-3:15pm

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Written Assignments (30%)

This is a research-oriented class and hence the main work in this class is independently reading and evaluating research papers in the field of databases. For each class, there will be one or two assigned papers. Although you are expected to skim through the papers before the class, the main work will be after the class. On roughly a biweekly basis, there will be a written assignment on the assigned papers for the previous two weeks. These assignments will ask specific questions about the topics covered in the paper, and will require you to read and understand the papers, and critically think about the topics, in depth. The actual grading of these will be fairly liberal.

All submissions will be through Gradescope.

Scribe Notes (5%)

For each class, we will have one scribe to take detailed notes on the material covered in the class. I expect each student will have to do this twice. We will share these with everyone through GitHub, where you will also have the opportunity to suggest edits.

Programming Assignments (20%)

There will be several programming assignments, primarily focused on using several different data management systems.
  • Assignment 1: SQL (3 pts)
  • Assignment 2: MongoDB (3 pts)
  • Assignment 3: Spark (4 pts)
  • Assignment 4: PostgreSQL Query Optimization
  • Assignment 5: TBD
  • Assignment 6: TBD
Clone the class assignment git repository for the assignments as well as datasets. All submissions will be through Gradescope.

Class Project (30%)

The project will be a mini research project that will be conducted by groups.

There will be four major milestones. In an attempt to make the grading somewhat objective, this year each of the milestones will be separately graded with the split: 4 + 10 + 6 + 10 = 30 (however, I will consider extra credit for the later phases to make up for lost points earlier).

Group Members and the Project Idea/Proposal (Due: 2/28/22)

Form the groups, meet with the instructor to discuss ideas, and submit a one-page proposal stating and motivating the problem.

Literature survey (Due: 3/31/22)

A 3-4 page report that surveys the prior work, and puts your proposed work in context of the related prior work.

Intermediate Progress Report (Due: 4/22/22)

A 5-7 page progress report.

Final Report (Due: 5/13/22)

Final report (about 10-15 pages) should follow a research paper format.

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