CMSC 330, Fall 2007

Organization of Programming Languages

We meet in CSI 1115 on Tuesdays and Thursdays

    Announcements for the Fall 2007 CMSC330 class will be posted here.
  • Oct. 19: Homework 2 has been posted.
  • Oct. 9: IMPORTANT: Part 2 of MIDTERM 1 will be held on Nov. 6.
  • Oct. 9: Homework 1 has been graded. It can be picked up from AVW 4115 during Atif's Office Hours.
  • Sep. 12: Homework 1 posted.
  • Aug. 06: If you do not have a glue account, you should request one right away.

This space reserved for exam-related announcements.
Midterm 1Sep. 25 (in class)
Midterm 2Nov. 1 (in class)
Final ExamEGR 1202 in the Glenn L. Martin building; Thu. Dec. 13, 4:00PM-6:00PM (please double-check with

Name Office E-mail Office Hours
(or by appointment)
Atif M Memon 4115 AVW atif at cs 1:30PM-3:30PM (Tue. and Thu.)
Guilherme Fonseca Will meet in TA room. fonseca at cs 2:00PM-4:00PM (Mon. and Wed.)
Michael Lam Will meet in TA room. lam at cs 9:30AM-11:30AM (Wed.) and 3:30PM-5:30PM (Thu.)
Xun Yuan Will meet in TA room. xyuan at cs 1:00PM-5:00PM (Fri.)
Please note exceptions in the office hours chart

Important information

Office Hours As posted, plus available by appointment
Textbooks There are no required or recommended texts. However, there will be assigned readings from several journal and conference papers. See the resources page for on-line links.

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