HDCC106 - Spring 2016 - Team Project

There are three interconnected learning outcomes and goals associated with this project; low-fidelity prototyping, working with potential users to develop a prototype (interactive in some meaningful way, though likely not completely interactive) of a system that has the potential to become a real release and to document and reflect on the process of doing this.

We've talked about brainstorming and low-fidelity prototyping. We will be talking about user studies more as you are working on the project, and before you need to perform user studies.

In a few weeks you will submit a paper prototype as well as some additional information about your application and its users. Towards the end of the semester, you will submit your final interactive prototype with a paper describing it and documenting the steps you took to get to it. Your team will also give a short in-class presentation about your prototype in the last week or two of the semester.

As you are working on the prototype, you should add a new section to your journal Google Doc where you document your personal contributions and reflections on the process. In addition to providing me with a way to see everyone's contributions, this will likely prove useful when writing the team paper.

March 11th: Each team will have talked to others and fleshed out their project option idea to have (1) a list of representative task scenarios, (2) some interface design implications of these, and (3) a short "executive summary" of the project written to explain the idea to a funding agent or campus administrator. One member of the team should then e-mail this information to me (at egolubUMD@gmail.com) on behalf of the team. A single PDF is probably easiest on my side of things, but if you'd like to do each of the three bullet items as it's own PDF, that can work as well.
March 31st: Each team should have created some initial paper prototypes and met with one or two potential users who then gave feedback on your low-fi prototypes and/or brainstormed with you to create some low-fidelity prototypes. There is no "deliverable" to me on this part.
April 12th: All first-round interactions leading to a full-blown paper prototype will be complete and that prototype will be shown to me in person (details in class).
April 26th: An interactive prototype should now be at least partially built and you should be ready to start having users try it out on specific task scenarios. There is no "deliverable" to me on this part.
May 3rd: The interactive prototype should be completed with a full horizontal level and several vertical paths implemented. The team should also be ready to give in-class presentations on May 5th.
May 11th: The team final report is due.

At the end of the project I will be asking everyone to assess their contributions as well as the contributions of each team member so think about the contributions being made by others as the project unfolds.

As you are working to prepare your in-class presentations, consider the following as an example structuring of such a presentation. Please practice your presentation to make sure it will fit into the 10-12 minute guideline (my suggestion is to aim for 10 minutes in your practice runs).
  • Have a PowerPoint set that starts with an overview of the project and then walks us through the processes your team used and shows some artifacts of the project.
  • Switch to a "live demo" to do or show.
  • Switch back to the PowerPoint for your summary and and some thoughts on future paths the project could take.

  • As you are working to prepare your written report, make sure that the written report contains everything that your in-class presentation contains, along with a written version of the narrative of how your project unfolded. In the written report it is fine to talk about challenges encountered and how the team met them. You will be able to provide more details here than during the class presentation. The written report should also give a summary of "highlights" of each team member's contributions.

    An example structure could be a 5-8 page document including:
  • Overview of project (users, motivation, etc.)
  • Development cycle details (highlights / things that stood out)
  • Paragraph for each team member discussing their top contributions to the project.
  • Tasks that can be experienced through your interactive prototype
  • Lessons learned from the process and what the future steps of the project could be if it were to continue in the Fall
  • Concluding comments