"TED Talk" talks

Each group of students will present a 10-15 minute talk about a "TED Talk" that the entire class has watched. Each of the presentations should do things like highlight aspects that you found interesting about the talk, how you think elements of the talk connect to the DCC program, and share related things about which you have learned.

The presentation schedule is:
  • April 6th: This is what happens when you reply to spam e-mail presented by Maya, Jacqueline, Sarah, Ankit
  • April 8th: How to spot a liar presented by Ines, Sydney, Priya, Skylar, Emily
  • April 13th: The art of misdirection presented by Chris, Lucas, Karl, Isabel, Samara
  • April 15th: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator presented by Ruben, Audrey, Min, Sanna

    What I might do is give an example "TED Talk" talk on Helping others makes us happier but it matters how we do it after Spring Break as a warm-up of sorts...