Fall 2014 - Homework #2: Writing task senarios - Due by class time on October 15th

In class we have discussed the idea of user-centered and task-centered design. I have presented some example scenarios and the slides talk about properties of good ones.

For this homework, you will create some task scenarios in the following context:

The University is contracting out a project to replace ELMS 3.0 with something that everyone might like and use. You have been asked to compile a list of 5 task scenarios to help the contractors as they begin their design. They will start with paper prototyping after they read and brainstorm around the scenarios you submit.

Remember, don't be system-centric as you write these. The system will be custom-built after the users and tasks are explored.

  • Make your set of five scenarios, print that to a PDF and e-mail it to me at egolubUMD@gmail.com with the subject "HW #2" before class time on October 15th.
  • AFTER October 15th (ie: October 16th or later) but before class time on Ocotber 20th please visit this Google Moderator page to share the tasks scenario you created that you think is most important or interesting. You can also vote up existing scenarios there that are similar to ones you had or that you just find interesting.

    Remember, you will turn in the scenarios from the first part by "printing" it to a PDF file and then sending it to me at egolubUMD@gmail.com with the subject as "HW #2".