Fall 2014 - Homework #3: Ethics Training
Due before you start user studies (aim for having it done by November 7th).

Please go to www.citiprogram.org and sign up for the "Social & Behavioral Research - Basic/Refresher" training course there.

The full training is quite long, so for this course you only need to do the readings and quizzes on the first three modules;

  1. Belmont Report and CITI Course Introduction,
  2. Students in Research, and
  3. History and Ethical Principles.

These should be done by around November 7th. You might want to save the PDFs into your "open notes" folder for later use.

After you finish the three modules, please take a screenshot showing your name and your scores on the modules and e-mail it to me at egolubUMD@gmail.com with the subject "HW #3".