

Journal Articles



M. Bateni, M. Hajiaghayi, and D. Marx. Approximation schemes for Steiner forest on planar graphs and graphs of bounded treewidth. Journal of the ACM. To appear. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 42nd ACM Symposium on Theory of computing (STOC), 2010, pages 211-220.
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M. T. Hajiagahyi, R. Khandekar, G. Kortsarz, and Z. Nutov. Prize-collecting Steiner network problems. ACM Trans. on Algorithms. To appear. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization ( IPCO), 2010, pages 71-84.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. Khandekar, and G. Kortsarz. Budgeted red-blue median and its generalizations. A special issue of Algorithmica for selected papers from ESA 2010, 2010. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 18th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), 2010, pages 314-325.
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M. Charikar, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and H. Karloff. Improved approximation algorithms for label cover problems. A special issue of Algorithmica for selected papers from ESA 2009. To appear, A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 17th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), 2009, pages 23-34.
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J. Erman, A. Gerber, M. T. Hajiaghayi, D. Pei, S. Sen, and O. Spatscheck. To cache or not to cache: the 3G case. IEEE Internet Computing. To appear.
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M. H. Bateni, L. Golab, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and H. Karloff. Scheduling to minimize Staleness and stretch in real-time data warehouses. A special issue of Theory of Computing Systems for selected papers from SPAA 2009. To appear, Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), 2009, pages 29-38.
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M. H. Bateni and M. T. Hajiaghayi. Assignment problem in content distribution networks: unsplittable hard-capacitated facility location. ACM Trans. Algorithms. To appear. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2009, pages 805-814.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, H. Mahini, and M. Zadimoghaddam. The price of anarchy in network creation games. ACM Trans. Algorithms. To appear. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing ( PODC), 2007, pages 292-298.
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M. H. Bateni and M. T. Hajiaghayi. Euclidean prize-collecting Steiner forest. Algorithmica. To appear. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 9th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN), 2010, pages 503-514.
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M. H. Bateni, M. T. Hajiaghayi, , A. Gerber, and S. Sen. Multi-VPN Optimization for scalable routing via relaying. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 18(5):1544-1556, 2010. A preliminary version appeared in the 28th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2009.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and B. Mohar. Approximation algorithms via contraction decomposition. Combinatorica, 30(5):533-552, 2010. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2007, pages 278-287.
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A. Archer, M. Bateni, M. Hajiaghayi, and H. Karloff. Improved approximation algorithms for prize-collecting Steiner tree and TSP. SIAM J. Comput., 40(2):309-332, 2011. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 50th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2009, pages 427-436.
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C. Chekuri, M. T. Hajiaghayi, G. Kortsarz, and M. R. Salavatipour. Approximation algorithms for non-uniform buy-at-bulk network design. SIAM J. Comput., 39(5):1772-1798, 2010. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 47th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 2006, pages 677-686.
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J. Bredin, E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and D. Rus. Deploying sensor networks with guaranteed fault tolerance. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 18(1):216-228, 2010. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing ( MOBIHOC), May 2005, pages 309-319.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, H. Mahini, A. S. Sayedi-Roshkhar, S. Oveisgharan, and M. Zadimoghaddam. Minimizing movement. A special issue of ACM Trans. Algorithms for selected papers from SODA 2007, 5(3), 2009. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 2007, pages 258-267.
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A. Gupta, M. T. Hajiaghayi, V. Nagarajan, and R. Ravi. Dial-a-ride from k-forest. ACM Trans. Algorithms, 6(2), 2010. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 15th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), October 2007, pages 241-252.
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M. Charikar, M. T. Hajiaghayi, H. Karloff, and S. Rao. l22 spreading metrics for vertex ordering problems. Algorithmica, 56(4):577-604, 2010. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 2006, pages 1018-1027.
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E. D. Demaine, M. Hajiaghayi, H. Mahini, and M. Zadimoghaddam. The Price of Anarchy in Cooperative Network Creation Games. ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 8(2), 2009. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), 2009, pages 301-312.
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M. H. Bateni and M. T. Hajiaghayi. A note on subadditive network design. Oper. Res. Lett., 37(5):339-344, 2009.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and K. Kawarabayashi. Algorithmic graph minor theory: improved grid minor bounds and Wagner's contraction. Special issue of Algorithmica for selected papers from ISAAC 2006, 54(2):142-180, 2009. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2006), December 2006, pages 3-15.
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Winner of the best paper award in ISAAC 2006.


M. T. Hajiaghayi, G. Kortsarz, and M. R. Salavatipour. Approximating buy-at-bulk and shallow-light k-Steiner trees. Algorithmica, 53(1):89-103, 2009. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (APPROX), August 2006, pages 153-163.
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U. Feige, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and J. R. Lee. Improved approximation algorithms for minimum weight vertex separators. Special issue of SIAM J. Comput. for selected papers from STOC 2005, 38(2):629-657, 2008. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 37th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), May 2005, pages 563-572.
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E. D. Demaine, U. Feige, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and M. R. Salavatipour. Combination can be hard: approximability of the unique coverage problem. SIAM J. Comput., 38(4):1464-1483, 2008. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 2006, pages 162-171.
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E. D. Demaine and M. T. Hajiaghayi. Linearity of grid minors in treewidth with applications through bidimensionality. Combinatorica, 28(1):19-36, 2008. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 2005, pages 682-689.
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S. Butler, M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. D. Kleinberg, and T. Leighton. Hat guessing games. SIAM J. Discrete Math., 22(2):592-605, 2008.
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The paper has been selected as an exceptional paper published in SIAM's specialized journals for the SIGEST section of SIAM Review. Revised version appeared in SIAM Rev. 51(2):397-397, 2009


N. Alon, M. Badoiu, E. D. Demaine, M. Farach-Colton, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and A. Sidiropoulos. Ordinal embeddings of minimum relaxation: general properties, trees, and ultrametrics. ACM Trans. Algorithms, 4(4):Art. 46, 21, 2008. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 2005, pages 650-659.
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E. D. Demaine and M. T. Hajiaghayi. The Bidimensionality theory and its algorithmic applications. Special issue of Comput. J. for selected survey-papers in Fixed-Parameter Tractability, 51(3):292-302, 2008.
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This paper surveys our theory of bidimensionality and its known combinatorial and algorithmic results of this theory.


B. Awerbuch, M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. Kleinberg, and T. Leighton. Localized Client-Server Load Balancing without Global Information. SIAM J. Comput., 37(4):1259-1279, 2007. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA),January 2005, pages 197-206. Invitation to Journal of Scheduling special issue for selected papers from SODA 2005 regretfully declined.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, N. Immorlica, and V. S. Mirrokni. Power optimization in fault-tolerant topology control algorithms for wireless multi-hop networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., 15(6):1345-1358, 2007. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), September 2003, pages 300-312.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. D. Kleinberg, T. Leighton, and H. Räcke. Oblivious routing on node-capacitated and directed graphs. ACM Trans. Algorithms, 3(4):Art. 51, 13, 2007. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 2005, pages 782-790. Invitation to Journal of Scheduling special issue for selected papers from SODA 2005 regretfully declined.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, G. Kortsarz, V. S. Mirrokni, and Z. Nutov. Power optimization for connectivity problems. Special issue of Math. Program. for selected papers from IPCO 2005, 110(1, Ser. B):195-208, 2007. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings the 11th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization ( IPCO), June 2005, pages 349-361.
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M. H. Bateni, E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and M. Moharrami. Plane embeddings of planar graph metrics. Discrete Comput. Geom., 38(3):615-637, 2007. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SOCG), June 2006, pages 197-206.
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P. Bahl, M. T. Hajiaghayi, K. Jain, V. S. Mirrokni, L. Qiu, and A. Saberi. Cell Breathing in Wireless LANs: Algorithms and Evaluation. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., 6(2):164-178, 2007.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi and N. Nishimura. Subgraph isomorphism, log-bounded fragmentation, and graphs of (locally) bounded treewidth. J. Comput. System Sci., 73(5):755-768, 2007. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), August 2002, pages 305-318.
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E. D. Demaine and M. T. Hajiaghayi. Quickly deciding minor-closed parameters in general graphs. European J. Combin., 28(1):311-314, 2007.
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M. Badoiu, E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and P. Indyk. Low-dimensional embedding with extra information. Special issue of Discrete Comput. Geom. for selected papers from SOCG 2004, 36(4):609-632, 2006. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (SOCG), June 2004, pages 320-329.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and D. M. Thilikos. The bidimensional theory of bounded-genus graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math., 20(2):357-371, 2006. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Math. Foundations of Computer Science ( MFCS), 2004, pages 191-203.
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M. Bahramgiri, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and V. S. Mirrokni. Fault-Tolerant and 3-Dimensional Distributed Topology Control Algorithms in Wireless Multi-hop Networks. ACM/Kluwer Wireless Networks, 12(2):179-188, 2006. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks ( ICCCN), October 2002, pages 392-398.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi and T. Leighton. On the max-flow min-cut ratio for directed multicommodity flows. Theoret. Comput. Sci., 352(1-3):318-321, 2006.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi and H. Räcke. An O(sqrt(n))-approximation algorithm for directed sparsest cut. Inform. Process. Lett., 97(4):156-160, 2006.
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E. D. Demaine, F. V. Fomin, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and D. M. Thilikos. Subexponential parameterized algorithms on bounded-genus graphs and H-minor-free graphs. J. ACM, 52(6):866-893, 2005. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 15th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 2004, pages 830-839.
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E. D. Demaine, F. V. Fomin, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and D. M. Thilikos. Fixed-parameter algorithms for (k,r)-center in planar graphs and map graphs. ACM Trans. Algorithms, 1(1):33-47, 2005. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 30th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming ( ICALP), July 2003, pages 829-844.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and D. M. Thilikos. Exponential speedup of fixed-parameter algorithms for classes of graphs excluding single-crossing graphs as minors. Algorithmica, 41(4):245-267, 2005. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), November 2002.
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T. Biedl, T. Chan, Y. Ganjali, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and D. R. Wood. Balanced vertex-orderings of graphs. Discrete Appl. Math., 148(1):27-48, 2005.
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E. D. Demaine, F. V. Fomin, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and D. M. Thilikos. Bidimensional parameters and local treewidth. SIAM J. Discrete Math., 18(3):501-511, 2004/05. Preliminary versions appeared in Proceedings of the 6th Latin American Theoretical Informatics (LATIN), April 2004, and Proceeding of the 11th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), September 2003.
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D. Coppersmith, D. Gamarnik, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and G. B. Sorkin. Random MAX SAT, random MAX CUT, and their phase transitions. Random Structures Algorithms, 24(4):502-545, 2004. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), January 2003, pages 364-373.
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E. D. Demaine and M. T. Hajiaghayi. Diameter and treewidth in minor-closed graph families, revisited. Algorithmica, 40(3):211-215, 2004.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, N. Nishimura, P. Ragde, and D. M. Thilikos. Approximation algorithms for classes of graphs excluding single-crossing graphs as minors. J. Comput. System Sci., 69(2):166-195, 2004.
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Y. Ganjali and M. T. Hajiaghayi. Characterization of networks supporting multi-dimensional linear interval routing schemes. Theoret. Comput. Sci., 326(1-3):103-116, 2004.
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T. Biedl, J. F. Buss, E. D. Demaine, M. L. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and T. Vinař. Palindrome recognition using a multidimensional tape. Theoret. Comput. Sci., 302(1-3):475-480, 2003.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, M. Mahdian, and V. S. Mirrokni. The facility location problem with general cost functions. Networks, 42(1):42-47, 2003.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi and M. Hajiaghayi. A note on the bounded fragmentation property and its applications in network reliability. European J. Combin., 24(7):891-896, 2003. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of Euroconference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroCOMB), September 2003.
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M. M. Veloso, T. R. Balch, P. Stone, H. Kitano, F. Yamasaki, K. Endo, M. Asada, M. Jamzad, S. B. Sadjad, V. S. Mirrokni, M. Kazemi, H. R. Chitsaz, A. Heydarnoori, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and E. Chiniforooshan. RoboCup-2001: The Fifth Robotic Soccer World Championships. AI Magazine, 23(1):55-68, 2002.
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M. Ghodsi, M. T. Hajiaghayi, M. Mahdian, and V. S. Mirrokni. Length-constrained path-matchings in graphs. Networks, 39(4):210-215, 2002.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi and Y. Ganjali. A note on the consecutive ones submatrix problem. Inform. Process. Lett., 83(3):163-166, 2002.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, N. Nishimura, P. Ragde, and D. M. Thilikos. Fast approximation schemes for K3,3-minor-free or K5-minor-free graphs. Electron. Notes Discrete Math., 10:6 pp., 2001. A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of Euroconference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroCOMB), September 2001, pages 158-163.
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M. T. Hajiaghaee, E. S. Mahmoodian, V. S. Mirrokni, A. Saberi, and R. Tusserkani. On the simultaneous edge-coloring conjecture. Discrete Math., 216(1-3):267-272, 2000.
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Conference Papers (excluding those already appeared in journals)


R. Chitnis, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and V. Liaghat. Parameterized complexity of problems in coalitional resource games. In Proceedings of the 25nd Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). AAAI Press, 2011. To appear.
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E. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and K. Kawarabayashi. Contraction decomposition in H-minor-free graphs and its algorithmic applications. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), pages 441-450. ACM, 2011.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. Khandekar, G. Kortsarz, and V. Liaghat. On a local protocol for concurrent file transfers. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), pages 269-278. ACM, 2011.
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S. Alaei, M. T. Hajiaghayi, V. Liaghat, D. Pei, and B. Saha. AdCell: ad allocation in cellular networks. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA). Springer, 2011. To appear.
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S.-B. Lee, D. Pei, M. T. Hajiaghayi, I. Pefkianakis, S. Lu, H. Yan, Z. Ge, J. Yates, and M. Kosseifi. Scalable monitoring via threshold compression in a large operational 3G network. In Proceedings of International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS), pages 135-136. ACM, 2011.
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M. H. Bateni, M. T. Hajiaghayi, S. Jafarpour, and D. Pei. Towards an efficient algorithmic framework for pricing cellular data service. In Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), pages 581-585. IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
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L. Breslau, I. Diakonikolas, N. Duffield, Y. Gu, M. T. Hajiagahyi, D. S. Johnson, H. Karloff, M. C. Resende, and S. Sen. Disjoint-path facility location: theory and practice. In Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX), pages 60-74. SIAM, 2011.
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M. Andrews, M. T. Hajiaghayi, H. Karloff, and A. Moitra. Capacitated metric labeling. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 976-995. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2011.
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M. H. Bateni, C. Chekuri, A. Ene, M. T. Hajiaghayi, N. Korula, and D. Marx. Prize-collecting network design on planar graphs. In Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 1028-1049. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2011.
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N. Alon, E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and T. Leighton. Basic network creation games. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), pages 106-113. ACM, 2010. Journal version submitted to SIAM J. Discrete Math.
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Winner of the best paper award in SPAA 2010.


E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and K. Kawarabayashi. Decomposition, approximation, and coloring of odd-minor-free graphs. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 329-344. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2010.
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M. H. Bateni, M. T. Hajiaghayi, N. Immorlica, and H. Mahini. The cooperative game theory foundations of network bargaining games. In Proceedings of the 37th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), pages 67-78. Springer, 2010.
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M. H. Bateni, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and M. Zadimoghaddam. Submodular secretary problem and extensions. In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (APPROX), pages 39-52. Springer, 2010. Journal version submitted to ACM Transactions on Algorithms.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. Khandekar, G. Kortsarz, and J. Mestre. The Checkpoint Problem. In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (APPROX), pages 219-231. Springer, 2010.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi and A. A. Nasri. Prize-collecting Steiner networks via iterative rounding. In Proceedings of the 9th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN), pages 515-526. Springer, 2010.
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M. Gupte, M. Hajiaghayi, L. Han, L. Iftode, P. Shankar, and R. Ursu. News posting by stragetic users in a social network. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE), pages 632-639. Springer, 2009.
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K. Kawarabayashi, E. D. Demaine, and M. T. Hajiaghayi. Additive approximation algorithms for list-coloring minor-closed class of graphs. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 1166-1175. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2009.
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J. Erman, A. Gerber, M. T. Hajiaghayi, D. Pei, and O. Spatscheck. Network-aware forward caching. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW), pages 291-300. ACM, 2009.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and P. Klein. Node-weighted Steiner tree and group Steiner tree in planar graphs. In Proceedings of the 36th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), pages 328-340. Springer, 2009.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and K. Kawarabayashi. Node-weighted Steiner tree and group Steiner tree in planar graphs. In Proceedings of the 36th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), pages 316-327. Springer, 2009.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and D. Marx. Minimizing movement: fixed-parameter tractability. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), pages 718-729. Springer, 2009. Journal version submitted to ACM Tranactions on Algortithms. Invitation to Algorithmica special issue for selected papers from ESA 2009 regretfully declined.
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A. Blum, M. T. Hajiaghayi, K. Ligett, and A. Roth. Regret minimization and the price of total anarchy. In Proceedings of the 40th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), pages 373-382. ACM, 2008.
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M. Badoiu, E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, A. Sidiropoulos, and M. Zadimoghaddam. Ordinal embedding: approximation algorithms and dimensionality reduction. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (APPROX), pages 21-34. Springer, 2008.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. D. Kleinberg, and T. Sandholm. Automated online mechanism design and prophet inequalities. In Proceedings of the 22nd Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pages 58-65. AAAI Press, 2007.
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E. D. Demaine, M. Ghodsi, M. T. Hajiaghayi, A. S. Sayedi-Roshkhar, and M. Zadimoghaddam. Scheduling to minimize gaps and power consumption. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), pages 46-54. ACM, 2007. Journal version submitted to Journal of Scheduling.
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C. Chekuri, M. T. Hajiaghayi, G. Kortsarz, and M. R. Salavatipour. Approximation algorithms for node-weighted buy-at-bulk network design. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 1265-1274. ACM, 2007.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. Kleinberg, and T. Leighton. Semi-oblivious routing: lower bounds. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 929-938. ACM, 2007. A brief announcement of this paper appeared in Proceedings of 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), pages 234-235.
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A. Gupta, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and A. Kumar. Stochastic Steiner tree with non-uniform inflation. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (APPROX), pages 134-148. Springer, 2007.
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M.-F. Balcan, A. Blum, H. Chan, and M. T. Hajiaghayi. A theory of loss-seaders: making money by pricing below cost. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE), pages 293-299. Springer, 2007.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi and K. Jain. The prize-collecting generalized Steiner tree problem via a new approach of primal-dual schema. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 631-640. ACM, 2006.
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A. Gupta, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and H. Räcke. Oblivious network design. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 970-979. ACM, 2006.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. D. Kleinberg, T. Leighton, and H. Räcke. New lower bounds for oblivious routing in undirected graphs. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 918-927. ACM, 2006.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. Kleinberg, and T. Leighton. Improved lower and upper bounds for universal TSP in planar metrics. In Proceedings of the 17th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 649-658. ACM, 2006.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, L. Li, V. S. Mirrokni, and M. Thottan. Bandwidth sharing network design for multi-class traffic. In Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM). IEEE Computer Society, 2006.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, K. Jain, L. C. Lau, I. I. Mandoiu, A. Russell, and V. V. Vazirani. Minimum multicolored subgraph problem in multiplex PCR primer set selection and population haplotyping. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (IWBRA), pages 758-766. Springer, 2006.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and K. Kawarabayashi. Algorithmic graph minor theory: decomposition, approximation, and coloring. In Proceedings of the 46th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), pages 637-646. IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, J. H. Kim, T. Leighton, and H. Räcke. Oblivious routing in directed graphs with random demands. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), pages 193-201. ACM, 2005.
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E. D. Demaine and M. T. Hajiaghayi. Bidimensionality: new connections between FPT algorithms and PTASs. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 590-601. ACM, 2005.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. Kleinberg, M. Mahdian, and D. C. Parkes. Online auctions with re-usable goods. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC), pages 165-174. ACM, 2005.
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K. Jain, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and K. Talwar. The generalized deadlock resolution problem. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), pages 853-865. Springer, 2005. Journal version invited to Theoretical Computer Science special issue for selected papers from ICALP 2005 though regretfully declined.
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E. D. Demaine and M. T. Hajiaghayi. Equivalence of local treewidth and linear local treewidth and its algorithmic applications. In Proceedings of the 15th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 840-849. ACM, 2004. See Tech. Report MIT-LCS-TR-903 for a more complete version.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. Kleinberg, and D. C. Parkes. Adaptive limited-supply online auctions. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC), pages 71-80. ACM, 2004.
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E. D. Demaine and M. T. Hajiaghayi. Diameter and treewidth in minor-closed graph families, revisited. Algorithmica, 40(3):211-215, 2004.
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This was an invited talk at GD'04. See the slides at or


M. T. Hajiaghayi and G. B. Sorkin. The Satisfiability Threshold of Random 3-SAT Is at Least 3.52. In arXiv:math.CO/0310193 v2 22 Oct 2003, 2003. See also IBM Research Report RC22942,2003.
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E. D. Demaine, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and D. M. Thilikos. 1.5-approximation for treewidth of graphs excluding a graph with one crossing as a minor. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization (APPROX), pages 67-80. Springer, 2002.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi and M. Jamzad. Simple, fast, and robust self-localization in environments similar to the robocup environment. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future (CARS&FOF), pages 513-522, 2002.
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M. Jamzad, S. B. Sadjad, V. S. Mirrokni, M. Kazemi, H. R. Chitsaz, A. Heydarnoori, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and E. Chiniforooshan. A fast vision system for middle size robots in RoboCup. In RoboCup 2001 International Symposium, pages 71-80. Springer, 2001.
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Winner of the Best Engineering Challenge Paper Award in RoboCup 2001.


M. Jamzad, A. Foroughnassiraei, M. T. Hajiaghayi, V. S. Mirrokni, R. Ghorbani, A. Heydarnoori, M. Kazemi, H. R. Chitsaz, F. Mobasser, M. E. Moghaddam, M. Gudarzi, and N. Ghaffarzadegan. A goal keeper for middle size RoboCup. In RoboCup 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV, pages 583-586. Springer, 2000.
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Submitted Manuscripts


M. H. Bateni, M. T. Hajiaghayi, P. N. Klein, and C. Mathieu. A Polynomial-time approximation scheme for planar multiway cut. Submitted, 2011.
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C. Guo, M. T. Hajiaghayi, D. Li, L. Li, V. Liaghat, H. Srzhz, H. Xue, Y. Yang, and J. Yu. Rapid network application deployment satisfying application-wide, in-network policies. Submitted, 2011.
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S. Alaei, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and V. Liaghat. Generalized online matching in Prophet-inequality setting with applications to ad allocation. Submitted, 2011.
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R. Chitnis, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and D. Marx. Fixed-parameter tractability of directed multiway cut parameterized by the size of the cutset. Submitted, 2011.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi, R. Khandekar, G. Kortsarz, , and Z. Nutov. Combinatorial algorithms for capacitated network design problems. Submitted, 2011.
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R. Chitnis, M. T. Hajiaghayi, J. Katz, and K. Mukherjee. Game-theoretic model for the DARPA network challenge. Submitted, 2011.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi. The bidimensionality theory and its algorithmic applications. PhD thesis, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A, May 2005.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi. Algorithms for graphs of (locally) bounded treewidth. Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, September 2001. Content of the thesis appeared in Journal papers [52], [48], [34].
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M. T. Hajiaghayi. Multicasting and pseudomatching (in Persian). Bachelor's thesis, Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, September 2000. Content of the thesis appeared in Journal paper [54].
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Book & Book Chapters


E. D. Demaine and M. Hajiaghayi. Approximation Schemes for Planar Graph Problems. In Ming-Yang Kao (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Algorithms, pages 59-62. Springer, 2008.
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E. D. Demaine and M. Hajiaghayi. Bidimensionality. In Ming-Yang Kao (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Algorithms, pages 88-90. Springer, 2008.
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Y. Ahmadi, M. T. Hajiaghayi, and V. Mirrokni, editors. Iranian Informatics Olympiad. Young Scholars Club Pub. Co., September 2000.
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Some Other Manuscripts


M. T. Hajiaghayi. Comparing of SGML documents. April 2001.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi. Consecutive Ones Property. December 2000.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi. Clustering algorithms in PBS. April 2001.
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M. T. Hajiaghayi. Mathematical Markup Language. February 2001.
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