A Few Sample Queries

Within_basic Select a hotel within 100 units of a beach. Do the same with 50
Everywithin+ Select every symbol within 50 units of a hotel symbol.
SpatialRelation Select a beach NorthEast to hotel
PictQuery Select a hotel southwest to beach with a museum in between them.
icprf4 Images with a camping site (triangle) within 5 of a beach (waves), OR a hotel (square) within 10 of a beach.
icprf5 Images with a hotel within 10 of a beach, AND a scenic view (comb) northeast of and within 9 of the beach.
icpr5_d Change ssl to 4 (that is no direction constraint)
furtherQ(To be done) Images with a camping site further than 2 from the beach.
beach+atleast_2cafes Images with a beach and at least 2 cafes.
beach_and_2_cafes(To be done) Images with a beach and at exactly 2 cafes.
beach_+_anything.avi Images with a beach and anything (wildcard) within 20.