Self Quiz

1. Which of the following processes physically apply the logical design of a processor to the chip?
a). Crystallization
b). Masking
c). Photolithography

2. Which of the following best describes the function of the transistors in a processor?
a). control the flow of electricity through logical gates.
b). are used as "electronic switches".
c). are internal storage areas.
d). contain and protect logical gates from being contaminated.
e). all of the above.
f). only (a) and (b) of the above.

3. Pipelining allows processors to execute ______ instruction(s) per clock cycle, while superscalar technology allows processors to execute ______ instruction(s) per clock cycle.
a). one, one
b). one, several
c). several, one
d). several, several

4. Which of the following is a right statement about Pentium processors?
a). It used two pipelines rather than the 80486's single pipeline.
b). It used L2 caches.
c). It used L1 caches.
d). It was still a CISC-based product, but incorporated a number of RISC technologies into its design.
e). None of the above.
f). Only a) and c) of the above.
g). All of the above except (d).
h). All of the above.

1. c
2. f
3. b
4. g