1) What new computers are replacing the Pentium Pro?
Pentium II Processors and Pentium II Xeon Processors

2) What are the three main features of Dynamic Execution used in the Pentium Pro?
Multiple branch prediction, data flow analysis, and speculative execution

3) What is the difference between L1 and L2 cashe?
L1 cashe is the cashe that is split for data and instructions and L2 cashe is the cashe that is wired directly to the CPU to allow a fast interface

4) The Pro uses a data bus with how many bits?

5) How many requests can be made on the Pro's bus until a stall is needed?
8 requests

6) What are the three units that interact with the instruction pool in the Pentium Pro's pipeline?
Fetch/Decode, Dispatch/Execute, and Retire

7) What does the bus interface unit do?
It connects the pipeline with the L2 cashe to allow the system to operate