JavaMemoryModel: Re: singleton of the week

From: Joseph Bowbeer (
Date: Tue Nov 21 2000 - 16:48:04 EST

Thanks for the clarification.

So a synchronized getInstance method is only needed for lazy
instantiation. Makes sense.

The HelperSingleton class on the no-double-check page still confuses me,
though. When does this come into play?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Pugh" <>
To: "JMM" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2000 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: JavaMemoryModel: singleton q-of-week

This is perfectly OK. The JLS and JVM require that a class be
initialized before any static fields or methods of that class are
accessed, and that the JVM perform appropriate synchronization so
that any thread accessing a class see all of the results of that


At 4:36 PM -0800 11/19/00, Joseph Bowbeer wrote:
>The answer to the singleton question-of-the-week has been
>corrected, but I'm wondering if the correction is thread-safe.
>Is a synchronized getInstance method or a HelperSingleton
>needed? Or is the following OK?
>public class Singleton {
> private static final Singleton INSTANCE =
> new Singleton();
> // Private constructor supresses
> // default public constructor
> private Singleton( ) {
> }
> public static Singleton getInstance( ) {
> return INSTANCE;
> }
> }

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