RE: JavaMemoryModel: Use-case for strong volatile

From: Sylvia Else (
Date: Wed Apr 07 2004 - 20:22:11 EDT

At 02:14 AM 3/04/2004 -0600, Sarita Adve wrote:

>I believe we can prove that the class of programs that are data-race-free is
>identical for the strong and weak semantics.

If this is the case, then it should be final nail in the coffin for the
strong interpretation.

a) The model makes few positive guarantees for programs with data races
making it very difficult to predict what the program will do. The model is
primarily about saying what a program with data races will NOT do.

b) The strong interpretation can complicate distributed implementations
which compromises their efficiency for data race free programs.

So where now is the justification for going with the strong interpretation?


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