CMSC132 (Summer 2022) - Object-Oriented Programming II


Object-Oriented Programming II is a second programming course for Computer Science majors with a focus on object-oriented programming. The goal of the course is to develop skills such as program design and testing as well as the implementation of programs using a graphical IDE. All programming will be done in Java.  

Online vs. Regular (Non-online) Class Versions

The course material covered in lecture and discussion, as well as the projects will be similar to the ones you will find in the regular in-person version of the course. The main difference between the online and non-online versions will be the format of the exams. In a regular in-person semester, the exams were closed notes and students had to complete them in class. This term, the exams will be done online. You will develop code and submit to the CS Submit Server (similar to a project) to be auto-graded. You may use your notes, slides, and example code from class during exams. Other details regarding the online version of the course are listed below:

  1. By taking this class, you agree to be available EVERY CLASS DAY during the summer term from 1:00 to 2:20 PM EST for lectures, labs, exams, etc at a place with reliable Internet. Again, let me repeat this sentence once more: By taking this class, you agree to be available EVERY CLASS DAY during the summer term from 1:00 to 2:20 PM EST for lectures, labs, exams, etc at a place with reliable Internet. 1:00 to 2:20 PM EST is our common time for class activities. No exceptions will be made because a student is in a different time zone and finds 1:00 to 2:20 EST inconvenient, has travel plans, work schedule conflicts, or any other obligations that are not recognized by University policy to be a valid excuse that conflict with the class schedule.
  2. The schedule for the week will be posted by Sunday prior to the Monday that starts the week. You can not assume that the same schedule will be used from one week to the next. Again, since you have committed to be available EVERY CLASS DAY during the summer term from 1:00 to 2:20 PM EST changes from week to week should not be an issue.
  3. It is highly recommended that you do not take another class while taking CMSC 132 over the summer. CMSC 132 is a lot of work during a normal term. Taking it over the summer with less weeks in the term will even be more work per day. Obligations in other courses, etc. will not be a valid reason for an extension on projects, etc. If you are taking this class, you agree to set aside the amount of time it takes to be sucessful in this class.
  4. Lectures will be mostly asynchronous. I will post lecture videos at the start of the week for you to watch during the week. The assumption will be that you will use 1:00 to 2:20 every class day to watch lectures (unless there is a lab, exams, or other activites during our class time).
  5. The discussion sessions (also referred to as the lab) will be mostly synchronous. For lab / discussion sessions, TAs will hold a video conference using Zoom during certain days of the week.
  6. During Office Hours a TA can provide assistance via Zoom. TAs have submit server access so they can also look at your code if necessary.
  7. Instructor's office hours will be by appointment. General project questions should be posted to Piazza or addressed to the TAs during office hours. If you have other concerns you can either email me directly, or email me to set up a time to meet via zoom to address your concern.

Prerequisite → C- or better in CMSC131 and MATH 140
Credits → 4

Name Office Number
Pedram Sadeghian IRB 2214
Textbook (Not Required)
Title Authors ISBN Type
Data Structures & Abstractions with Java, 5th Edition Carrano, Henry 9780134831695 Recommended
Course Topics (Subject to Change)
40% Projects
60% On-line Exams

Once we have graded any class material (e.g., exams, projects, etc.) we will post an announcement and a deadline by which you must submit any regrade request (if necessary). It is your responsibility to submit regrade requests by the specified deadline; no regrade requests will be processed afterwards.

Regarding Posting of Project Implementations
TA Office Hours

Office hours get extremely busy the day before a project deadline. Therefore do not wait to start your projects. Regarding office hours:


You need to keep backups of your projects as you develop them. No extensions will be granted because you accidentally erased your project. Feel free to use the submit server as a backup tool by submitting often. You can also use tools like git, etc. Do not post code in any online system that is accessible to others (e.g., GitHub).


We will be using (Piazza) for class communication. You will not be able to register to Piazza yourself. Your instructor will register you using the e-mail you have in the school system.

Excused Absence

See the section titled "Attendance and Missed Assignments" available at Course Related Policies.

Academic Accommodations

See the section titled "Accessibility" available at Course Related Policies.

Academic Integrity

Note that academic dishonesty includes not only cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism, but also includes helping other students commit acts of academic dishonesty by allowing them to obtain copies of your work. In short, all submitted work must be your own. Cases of academic dishonesty will be pursued to the fullest extent possible as stipulated by the Office of Student Conduct.

It is very important for you to be aware of the consequences of cheating, fabrication, facilitation, and plagiarism. For more information, please visit this page.

The CS Department takes academic integrity seriously. Information on how the CS Department views and handle academic integrity matters can be found at Academic Integrity.

The following are examples of academic integrity violations:

Additional information can be found in the sections titled "Academic Integrity" and "Student Conduct" available at Course Related Policies.


All course materials are copyright UMCP, Department of Computer Science © 2022. All rights reserved. Students are permitted to use course materials for their own personal use only. Course materials may not be distributed publicly or provided to others (excepting other students in the course), in any way or format.

Web Accessibility