Module Instr

module Instr: sig .. end
This module defines types for Dalvik bytecodes and provides utility functions for generating, parsing and dumping instructions.


type offset = int32 
An address space of DEX is 32-bits
module IM: Map.S  with type key = Int32.t
The data pool is a mapping from 32-bit offset to Dex.data_item.
type instr = opcode * operand list 
An instruction is composed of Instr.opcode and a list of Instr.operands.
type operand = 
| OPR_CONST of int64 (*constant*)
| OPR_REGISTER of int (*register*)
| OPR_INDEX of int (*index*)
| OPR_OFFSET of offset (*offset*)
Operand for Instr.instr
type opcode = 
| OP_NOP (*0x00*)
| OP_MOVE (*0x01*)
| OP_MOVE_FROM16 (*0x02*)
| OP_MOVE_16 (*0x03*)
| OP_MOVE_WIDE (*0x04*)
| OP_MOVE_WIDE_FROM16 (*0x05*)
| OP_MOVE_WIDE_16 (*0x06*)
| OP_MOVE_OBJECT (*0x07*)
| OP_MOVE_OBJECT_FROM16 (*0x08*)
| OP_MOVE_OBJECT_16 (*0x09*)
| OP_MOVE_RESULT (*0x0a*)
| OP_RETURN_VOID (*0x0e*)
| OP_RETURN (*0x0f*)
| OP_RETURN_WIDE (*0x10*)
| OP_CONST_4 (*0x12*)
| OP_CONST_16 (*0x13*)
| OP_CONST (*0x14*)
| OP_CONST_HIGH16 (*0x15*)
| OP_CONST_WIDE_16 (*0x16*)
| OP_CONST_WIDE_32 (*0x17*)
| OP_CONST_WIDE (*0x18*)
| OP_CONST_WIDE_HIGH16 (*0x19*)
| OP_CONST_STRING (*0x1a*)
| OP_CONST_CLASS (*0x1c*)
| OP_MONITOR_EXIT (*0x1e*)
| OP_CHECK_CAST (*0x1f*)
| OP_INSTANCE_OF (*0x20*)
| OP_ARRAY_LENGTH (*0x21*)
| OP_NEW_INSTANCE (*0x22*)
| OP_NEW_ARRAY (*0x23*)
| OP_THROW (*0x27*)
| OP_GOTO (*0x28*)
| OP_GOTO_16 (*0x29*)
| OP_GOTO_32 (*0x2a*)
| OP_CMPL_FLOAT (*0x2d*)
| OP_CMPG_FLOAT (*0x2e*)
| OP_CMPL_DOUBLE (*0x2f*)
| OP_CMPG_DOUBLE (*0x30*)
| OP_CMP_LONG (*0x31*)
| OP_IF_EQ (*0x32*)
| OP_IF_NE (*0x33*)
| OP_IF_LT (*0x34*)
| OP_IF_GE (*0x35*)
| OP_IF_GT (*0x36*)
| OP_IF_LE (*0x37*)
| OP_IF_EQZ (*0x38*)
| OP_IF_NEZ (*0x39*)
| OP_IF_LTZ (*0x3a*)
| OP_IF_GEZ (*0x3b*)
| OP_IF_GTZ (*0x3c*)
| OP_IF_LEZ (*0x3d*)
| OP_AGET (*0x44*)
| OP_AGET_WIDE (*0x45*)
| OP_AGET_OBJECT (*0x46*)
| OP_AGET_BOOLEAN (*0x47*)
| OP_AGET_BYTE (*0x48*)
| OP_AGET_CHAR (*0x49*)
| OP_AGET_SHORT (*0x4a*)
| OP_APUT (*0x4b*)
| OP_APUT_WIDE (*0x4c*)
| OP_APUT_OBJECT (*0x4d*)
| OP_APUT_BOOLEAN (*0x4e*)
| OP_APUT_BYTE (*0x4f*)
| OP_APUT_CHAR (*0x50*)
| OP_APUT_SHORT (*0x51*)
| OP_IGET (*0x52*)
| OP_IGET_WIDE (*0x53*)
| OP_IGET_OBJECT (*0x54*)
| OP_IGET_BOOLEAN (*0x55*)
| OP_IGET_BYTE (*0x56*)
| OP_IGET_CHAR (*0x57*)
| OP_IGET_SHORT (*0x58*)
| OP_IPUT (*0x59*)
| OP_IPUT_WIDE (*0x5a*)
| OP_IPUT_OBJECT (*0x5b*)
| OP_IPUT_BOOLEAN (*0x5c*)
| OP_IPUT_BYTE (*0x5d*)
| OP_IPUT_CHAR (*0x5e*)
| OP_IPUT_SHORT (*0x5f*)
| OP_SGET (*0x60*)
| OP_SGET_WIDE (*0x61*)
| OP_SGET_OBJECT (*0x62*)
| OP_SGET_BOOLEAN (*0x63*)
| OP_SGET_BYTE (*0x64*)
| OP_SGET_CHAR (*0x65*)
| OP_SGET_SHORT (*0x66*)
| OP_SPUT (*0x67*)
| OP_SPUT_WIDE (*0x68*)
| OP_SPUT_OBJECT (*0x69*)
| OP_SPUT_BOOLEAN (*0x6a*)
| OP_SPUT_BYTE (*0x6b*)
| OP_SPUT_CHAR (*0x6c*)
| OP_SPUT_SHORT (*0x6d*)
| OP_INVOKE_SUPER (*0x6f*)
| OP_NEG_INT (*0x7b*)
| OP_NOT_INT (*0x7c*)
| OP_NEG_LONG (*0x7d*)
| OP_NOT_LONG (*0x7e*)
| OP_NEG_FLOAT (*0x7f*)
| OP_NEG_DOUBLE (*0x80*)
| OP_INT_TO_LONG (*0x81*)
| OP_INT_TO_FLOAT (*0x82*)
| OP_INT_TO_DOUBLE (*0x83*)
| OP_LONG_TO_INT (*0x84*)
| OP_LONG_TO_FLOAT (*0x85*)
| OP_LONG_TO_DOUBLE (*0x86*)
| OP_FLOAT_TO_INT (*0x87*)
| OP_FLOAT_TO_LONG (*0x88*)
| OP_DOUBLE_TO_INT (*0x8a*)
| OP_DOUBLE_TO_LONG (*0x8b*)
| OP_INT_TO_BYTE (*0x8d*)
| OP_INT_TO_CHAR (*0x8e*)
| OP_INT_TO_SHORT (*0x8f*)
| OP_ADD_INT (*0x90*)
| OP_SUB_INT (*0x91*)
| OP_MUL_INT (*0x92*)
| OP_DIV_INT (*0x93*)
| OP_REM_INT (*0x94*)
| OP_AND_INT (*0x95*)
| OP_OR_INT (*0x96*)
| OP_XOR_INT (*0x97*)
| OP_SHL_INT (*0x98*)
| OP_SHR_INT (*0x99*)
| OP_USHR_INT (*0x9a*)
| OP_ADD_LONG (*0x9b*)
| OP_SUB_LONG (*0x9c*)
| OP_MUL_LONG (*0x9d*)
| OP_DIV_LONG (*0x9e*)
| OP_REM_LONG (*0x9f*)
| OP_AND_LONG (*0xa0*)
| OP_OR_LONG (*0xa1*)
| OP_XOR_LONG (*0xa2*)
| OP_SHL_LONG (*0xa3*)
| OP_SHR_LONG (*0xa4*)
| OP_USHR_LONG (*0xa5*)
| OP_ADD_FLOAT (*0xa6*)
| OP_SUB_FLOAT (*0xa7*)
| OP_MUL_FLOAT (*0xa8*)
| OP_DIV_FLOAT (*0xa9*)
| OP_REM_FLOAT (*0xaa*)
| OP_ADD_DOUBLE (*0xab*)
| OP_SUB_DOUBLE (*0xac*)
| OP_MUL_DOUBLE (*0xad*)
| OP_DIV_DOUBLE (*0xae*)
| OP_REM_DOUBLE (*0xaf*)
| OP_ADD_INT_2ADDR (*0xb0*)
| OP_SUB_INT_2ADDR (*0xb1*)
| OP_MUL_INT_2ADDR (*0xb2*)
| OP_DIV_INT_2ADDR (*0xb3*)
| OP_REM_INT_2ADDR (*0xb4*)
| OP_AND_INT_2ADDR (*0xb5*)
| OP_OR_INT_2ADDR (*0xb6*)
| OP_XOR_INT_2ADDR (*0xb7*)
| OP_SHL_INT_2ADDR (*0xb8*)
| OP_SHR_INT_2ADDR (*0xb9*)
| OP_USHR_INT_2ADDR (*0xba*)
| OP_ADD_LONG_2ADDR (*0xbb*)
| OP_SUB_LONG_2ADDR (*0xbc*)
| OP_MUL_LONG_2ADDR (*0xbd*)
| OP_DIV_LONG_2ADDR (*0xbe*)
| OP_REM_LONG_2ADDR (*0xbf*)
| OP_AND_LONG_2ADDR (*0xc0*)
| OP_OR_LONG_2ADDR (*0xc1*)
| OP_XOR_LONG_2ADDR (*0xc2*)
| OP_SHL_LONG_2ADDR (*0xc3*)
| OP_SHR_LONG_2ADDR (*0xc4*)
| OP_USHR_LONG_2ADDR (*0xc5*)
| OP_ADD_FLOAT_2ADDR (*0xc6*)
| OP_SUB_FLOAT_2ADDR (*0xc7*)
| OP_MUL_FLOAT_2ADDR (*0xc8*)
| OP_DIV_FLOAT_2ADDR (*0xc9*)
| OP_REM_FLOAT_2ADDR (*0xca*)
| OP_ADD_DOUBLE_2ADDR (*0xcb*)
| OP_SUB_DOUBLE_2ADDR (*0xcc*)
| OP_MUL_DOUBLE_2ADDR (*0xcd*)
| OP_DIV_DOUBLE_2ADDR (*0xce*)
| OP_REM_DOUBLE_2ADDR (*0xcf*)
| OP_ADD_INT_LIT16 (*0xd0*)
| OP_RSUB_INT (*0xd1*)
| OP_MUL_INT_LIT16 (*0xd2*)
| OP_DIV_INT_LIT16 (*0xd3*)
| OP_REM_INT_LIT16 (*0xd4*)
| OP_AND_INT_LIT16 (*0xd5*)
| OP_OR_INT_LIT16 (*0xd6*)
| OP_XOR_INT_LIT16 (*0xd7*)
| OP_ADD_INT_LIT8 (*0xd8*)
| OP_RSUB_INT_LIT8 (*0xd9*)
| OP_MUL_INT_LIT8 (*0xda*)
| OP_DIV_INT_LIT8 (*0xdb*)
| OP_REM_INT_LIT8 (*0xdc*)
| OP_AND_INT_LIT8 (*0xdd*)
| OP_OR_INT_LIT8 (*0xde*)
| OP_XOR_INT_LIT8 (*0xdf*)
| OP_SHL_INT_LIT8 (*0xe0*)
| OP_SHR_INT_LIT8 (*0xe1*)
| OP_USHR_INT_LIT8 (*0xe2*)
Dalvik Instruction Set, used at Instr.instr


val instr_to_string : instr -> string
Instr.instr to string
val opr_to_string : operand -> string
Instr.operand to string
val op_to_string : opcode -> string
Instr.opcode to string
val hx_to_op_and_size : int -> opcode * int
hex to Instr.opcode and size
val hx_to_op : int -> opcode
hex to Instr.opcode
val op_to_hx_and_size : opcode -> int * int
Instr.opcode to hex and size
val op_to_hx : opcode -> int
Instr.opcode to hex
type link_sort = 
sort of links in the dex
val access_link : opcode -> link_sort
which Instr.link_sort does this Instr.opcode access to?
val low_reg : opcode -> int
number of "low" registers, registers numbers higher than this must be moved to a low register before they can be used for some instructions. Or, use *_RANGE invoke instructions
val get_argv : instr -> operand list
retrieve actual parameters, e.g. for invoke-*/range v0 v2 @..., return a list of v0, v1, and v2

Parsing and Dumping

val make_instr : opcode -> int list -> instr
build Instr.instr using Instr.opcode and a list of arguments
val instr_to_bytes : int -> instr -> char list
according to given base address, translate Instr.instr to bytes


val new_const : int -> int -> instr
for given a register number and constant, generate OP_CONST-kind Instr.instr
val new_const_id : int -> int -> int -> instr
for given register number and string or class id, generate OP_CONST-kind Instr.instr
val new_move : int -> int -> int -> instr
for a given source and destination register, generate a new OP_MOVE-kind Instr.instr
val new_obj : int -> int -> instr
for a given destination register and type, generate a new OP_NEW_INSTANCE Instr.instr
val new_arr : int -> int -> int -> instr
for a given destination register, size, and type, generate a new OP_NEW_ARRAY Instr.instr
val new_arr_op : int -> int list -> instr
for a given value, array, index registers, generate a new OP_A(GET|PUT)-kind Instr.instr
val new_stt_fld : int -> int -> int -> instr
for given register number and static field id, generate OP_S(GET|PUT)-kind Instr.instr
val new_invoke : int -> int list -> instr
for given hex code and a list of arguments, generate OP_INVOKE-kind Instr.instr
val new_move_result : int -> int -> instr
for given hex code and register number, generate OP_MOVE_RESULT-kind Instr.instr
val new_return : int -> int option -> instr
for given hex code and an option of register, generate OP_RETURN-kind Instr.instr
val rv : instr
void return

Web Accessibility