Ahmed Elgohary Ghoneim


I am now a full-time Researcher at Microsoft.

I completed my Ph.D. in the computer science department at the University of Maryland. My research is on natural language processing (NLP). I have been advised by Prof. Jordan Boyd-Graber. My dissertation is focused on interactive question answering and semantic parsing.

I used to be a member of the computational linguistics and information processing (CLIP) lab. I spent summer 2020 and summer 2019 doing internships at Microsoft Research and summer 2017 at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2). I received an IBM Ph.D. fellowship in 2017.

Previously, I worked on machine learning systems. I spent summer 2015 at IBM Almaden Lab, where we introduced compressed linear algebra for large-scale machine learning (VLDB 2016 Best Paper Award).


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* indicates equal contributions