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Jayanta Mondal


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Jayanta Mondal
Ph.D. Candidate (Expected graduation: Fall 2015)
Department of Computer Science
University of Maryland, College Park

Advisor: Prof. Amol Deshpande

About Me: My research interests lie in the broad area of big data analytics, network science, and cognitive analytics. My dissertation research focuses on performing real-time analysis of graph-structured data. Additionally, I have experience in developing tools and techniques for Microsoft's database-as -a-service-platform, applied machine learning for security applications, text analytics, recommendation systems, to name a few.

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Research Interests

  • Proceesing on Large Graphs

  • Data-stream Processing

  • Graph Databases

  • Distributed Systems

  • Social Network Analysis

  • Text Analytics

  • Machine Learning on Cloud

  • Big Data Analytics



Room 3220,
A. V. Williams Building,
University of Maryland,
College Park - 20742
Phone: 301 405 2714


UMD; University of Maryland; College Park; Database System; Graph Database; Distributed System; Large Graph Analytics; Minekey ; IIT kharagpur ; SIGMOD ; Maryland; Social Network; High Performance Computing; Graph Partitioning; Sharding;