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Example 2: CPU, L1 Cache, L2 Cache and Memory/Disk

In this case, we have two levels of cache, and want to estimate the memory access time. This time, the L1 miss penalty, ${\rm MP_{\rm L1}}$ is broken into contributions from the L2 cache implementation and from the remainder of the hierarchy.

Under these assumptions, the memory access time ( ${\rm MAT}_{\rm ex2}$ is given by:

\begin{displaymath}{\rm MAT_{\rm ex2}} = {\rm HT_{\rm L1}} + {\rm MR_{\rm L1}} *
({\rm HT_{\rm L2}} + {\rm MR_{\rm L2}}* {\rm MP_{\rm L2}})\end{displaymath}

MM Hugue 2005-04-17