Date Topic/Readings Attack
08/28 Introduction
08/30 Introduction
09/04 Ethics in Security Research
09/06 Cryptography Intro / TLS
09/11 The Certificate Ecosystem TLS information leakage
09/13 Crypto Failures in Practice Certificate mis-validation
09/18 Building Anonymity Traffic deanonymization
09/20 Breaking Anonymity Data deanonymization
09/25 Censorship Resistance On-path censorship and evasion
09/27 Botnets IoT device compromise
10/02 User Authentication Cracking passwords
10/04 Usable Security Breaking CAPTCHAs
10/09 Underground Economies
10/11 Project proposal presentations
10/16 Classic Memory Attacks & Defenses
10/18 Modern Memory Attacks Control flow attack
10/23 Modern Memory Defenses Kernel-level rootkit
10/25 Isolation Defenses Cold-boot attack
10/30 Classic Web Security Attacking vulnerable websites
11/01 Modern Web Security Tricking users
11/06 Isolation Attacks Speculative execution attack
11/08 Malware Compiler Trojan horse
11/13 Networking Intro Kaminsky attack
11/15 TCP/IP Security Opt-ACK attack
11/20 Worms Malicious peripheral
11/22 Thanksgiving Break
11/27 DoS Attacks Rogue wireless AP
11/29 DoS Defenses Firmware-resident malware
12/04 Project Presentations
12/06 Project Presentations

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