ProofObjectsThe Curry-Howard Correspondence

Require Import LF.IndProp.

Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
"Algorithms are the computational content of proofs." --Robert Harper
Let's start off with the most basic philosophical question: What is True?

Print True.
(* ==>
  Inductive True : Prop :=  I : True

Straightforward enough. What is False?
Print False.
(* ==>
  Inductive False : Prop := .

We're not missing anything. False is simply an inductive type with no constructors.
Like booleans and natural numbers, True and False have no special status. Let's define our own versions.

Inductive True' : Prop := yes.
Inductive False' : Prop := .
We can think of Coq Propositions as simply Types where we only care whether there is a term of of that type, not what that term is.
Hence, we can equally well define as True as follows:

Inductive True'' :=
| of_course
| naturally.
Traditionally, if we want to show that True'' is true, we state it as a lemma:

Lemma True''_is_True : True''.
Proof. apply naturally. Qed.
But we could also 'prove' it directly by exhibiting a term of type True''

Definition True''_is_True' : True'' := naturally.
This is actually what apply naturally produces!
We will return to the Coq proof engine at the end of this chapter.

Arrows, Functions and Implication

Module functions.
So far, we've portrayed Coq's arrow notation as having two distinct meanings:

Variable f : nat bool.
declares f as a function from nat to bool while

Axiom P : False True.
states the axiom P that False implies True.
In fact, both f and P say "for every A, I can construct a B". Since we only care whether Props are inhabited by terms, we might summarize this as "if there is an A then there is a B" or "A implies B". But the proof demands constructing an element of Prop B, hence we call Coq a "constructive" logic.
Here are the direct proofs of two basic theorems about True and False

Definition then_True : A, A True := fun _ _I.

Definition if_False : A, False A :=
  fun _ F
    match F with
That last one may seem funny, but we have indeed constructed an A for every element of F - vacuously! This corresponds exactly to our proof of ex_falso_quodlibet in Logic.v

Lemma ex_falso_quodlibet : A, False A.
Proof. intros ? F. destruct F. Qed.

Print ex_falso_quodlibet.
You will have noticed that in the proofs above we wrote fun with two placeholders in constructing our proofs. This is because both and correspond to function types. is just a shorthand for a degenerate use of where there is no dependency, i.e., no need to give a name to the type on the left-hand side of the arrow:
forall (x:nat), nat = forall (_:nat), nat = nat -> nat
Hence, A, A True is really (A : Prop) (_ : A), True

Exercise: 1 star, standard (A_then_A)

As a definition, show that A implies A

Definition A_then_A : A, A A
  (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.
What does this correspond to computationally?
You're probably familiar with these basic rules of logic, but we can easily express them as definitions:

Definition modus_ponens {X Y : Prop} : (X Y) X Y :=
  fun f xf x.

Definition chain_rule {X Y Z : Prop} : (X Y) (Y Z) (X Z) :=
  fun fxy fyz xfyz (fxy x).

Exercise: 1 star, standard (modus_tollens)

Prove modus tollens definitionally

Definition modus_tollens {X Y : Prop} : (X Y) (Y False) (X False)
  (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

End functions.

Logical Connectives as Inductive Types

Inductive definitions are powerful enough to express most of the connectives we have seen so far. Indeed, only universal quantification (with implication as a special case) is built into Coq; all the others are defined inductively. We'll see these definitions in this section.


To prove that P Q holds, we must present evidence for both P and Q. Thus, it makes sense to define a proof object for P Q as consisting of a pair of two proofs: one for P and another one for Q. This leads to the following definition.

Module And.

Inductive and (P Q : Prop) : Prop :=
| conj : P Q and P Q.
Arguments conj {P Q}.

End And.
Notice the similarity with the definition of the prod type, given in chapter Poly; the only difference is that prod takes Type arguments, whereas and takes Prop arguments.

Print and.
Print prod.
(* ===>
   Inductive prod (X Y : Type) : Type :=
   | pair : X -> Y -> X * Y. *)

This similarity should clarify why destruct and intros patterns can be used on a conjunctive hypothesis. Case analysis allows us to consider all possible ways in which P Q was proved -- here just one (the conj constructor).
Similarly, the split tactic actually works for any inductively defined proposition with exactly one constructor. In particular, it works for and:

Lemma and_comm : P Q : Prop, P Q Q P.
  intros P Q. split.
  - intros H. destruct H as [HP HQ]. split.
    + apply HQ.
    + apply HP.
  - intros H. destruct H as [HQ HP]. split.
    + apply HP.
    + apply HQ.
This shows why the inductive definition of and can be manipulated by tactics as we've been doing. We can also use it to build proofs directly, using pattern-matching. For instance:

Definition and_comm'_aux P Q (H : P Q) : Q P :=
  match H with
  | conj HP HQconj HQ HP

Definition and_comm' P Q : P Q Q P :=
  conj (and_comm'_aux P Q) (and_comm'_aux Q P).

Exercise: 1 star, standard (and_assoc')

Construct a proof object (i.e. write a program) for and associativity.

Definition and_assoc' : P Q R, (P Q) R P (Q R)
  (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, optional (conj_fact)

Construct a proof object demonstrating the following proposition.

Definition conj_fact : P Q R, P Q Q R P R
  (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.


Module Or.
The inductive definition of disjunction uses two constructors, one for each side of the disjunct. This corresponds to a sum type in functional programming.

Inductive sum (A B : Type) : Type :=
| inl : A sum A B
| inr : B sum A B.
Arguments inl {A B}.
Arguments inr {A B}.
Notation "P + Q" := (sum P Q) : type_scope.
A quick example of a sum type in functional programming:

Fixpoint remove_bools (l : list (nat + bool)) : list nat
  match l with
  | [][]
  | inl n :: l'n :: remove_bools l'
  | inr _ :: l'remove_bools l'

Inductive or (P Q : Prop) : Prop :=
| or_introl : P or P Q
| or_intror : Q or P Q.
Arguments or_introl {P Q}.
Arguments or_intror {P Q}.

End Or.
This declaration explains the behavior of the destruct tactic on a disjunctive hypothesis, since the generated subgoals match the shape of the or_introl and or_intror constructors.
Once again, we can also directly write proof objects for theorems involving or, without resorting to tactics.

Definition or_false_r : P, P False P
  := fun _ p
  match p with
  | or_introl p'p'
  | or_intror fmatch f with end

Exercise: 1 star, standard (or_comm)

Write down an explicit proof object for or_comm (without using Print to peek at the ones we already defined!).

Definition or_comm : P Q, P Q Q P
  (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard, recommended (or_assoc)

Write down an explicit proof object for or_assoc.

Definition or_assoc : P Q R, (P Q) R P (Q R)
  (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

Predicate Calculus and Dependent Types

So far, the logic we've expressed has been the simplest form of logic: Propositional Logic. In fact, we could write the proofs above in a simple polymorphic language like OCaml.
To state more complicated propositions we will need dependent types. Consider the following inductive relations:

Inductive beautiful : nat Prop :=
| b2 : beautiful 2
| b4 : beautiful 4
| b8 : beautiful 8.

Inductive wonderous : nat Prop :=
| w8 : wonderous 8.
beautiful itself is not a proposition (or type), beautiful 2 and beautiful 3 are. That is, Coq allows our Props (and our types) to depend on terms. This allows us to state, and attempt to prove, the following:

Definition beautiful2 : beautiful 2 := b2.
Fail Definition beautiful2 : beautiful 3 := b4.
In the second case we can state that three is beautiful, but we can't prove it. We can also try something more complex:

Definition wonderous_then_beautiful : n, wonderous n beautiful n :=
  fun n wmatch w with
Note that the typechecker recognizes that in the only case of the match, n is 8.

Print wonderous_then_beautiful.
(* ==>
  fun (n : nat) (w : wonderous n) =>
  match w in (wonderous n0) return (beautiful n0) with
  | w8 => b8

Note the in and return in the match statement. in assigns a name to the arguments in type of w: specifically, it calls the argument to wonderous n0. return then specifies the return type which may depend on the names assigned by in. Hence, Coq knows that it's trying to provide a beautiful n0 for every wonderful n0 and when n0 is 8, the constructor b8 suffices.
Above Coq inferred the relevant parts of the match statement, but that tends to occur only in trivial cases.
Most of the propositions we have looked at in this course use dependent types. Let's try to directly prove something about ev:

Print ev.
(* ==>
Inductive ev : nat -> Prop :=
| ev_0 : ev 0 
| ev_SS : forall n : nat, ev n -> ev (S (S n))

Definition ev_plus_four : n, ev n ev (4 + n)
  (* WORKED IN CLASS *) :=
  fun n pf_nev_SS _ (ev_SS n pf_n).

Exercise: 1 star, standard (ev_two)

Write a program proving that two is even

Definition ev_two : ev 2
  (* REPLACE THIS LINE WITH ":= _your_definition_ ." *). Admitted.

Existential Quantification

To give evidence for an existential quantifier, we package a witness x together with a proof that x satisfies the property P:

Module Ex.

Inductive ex {A : Type} (P : A Prop) : Prop :=
| ex_intro : x : A, P x ex P.
In English, for any predicate P, given an x and a term/proof of P x, we can construct a term/proof of ex P.
Let's show that there is an x satisfying ev:

Definition something_is_even : ex ev := ex_intro ev 0 ev_0.

End Ex.
The more familiar form x, P x desugars to an expression involving ex:

Check ex (fun nev n) : Prop.


Module MyEquality.
Even Coq's equality relation is not built in. It has the following inductive definition.

Inductive eq {A : Type} : A A Prop :=
  | eq_refl : {a : A}, eq a a.

Notation "x == y" := (eq x y) (at level 70): type_scope.
Of course, there are other, arguably more useful ways to define equality. Here's Leibniz's definition (and, as far as we know, not Newton's):

Definition eqL {A : Type} (a b : A) : Prop := (P : A Prop), P a P b.

Notation "x =L y" := (eqL x y) (at level 70): type_scope.
That is, 'a' is equal to 'b' if everything true of 'a' is true of 'b'.
Let's show that eqL is at least as strong as eq.

Lemma eqL_then_eq : (A : Type) (a b : A), a =L b a == b.
  intros A a b L.
  unfold eqL in L.
  apply L.
  apply eq_refl.
This is actually easier to express definitionally, if harder to come up with.

Definition eqL_then_eq' (A : Type) (a b : A) (PLe : a =L b) : a == b :=
  PLe (fun xa == x) eq_refl.

Print eqL_then_eq.
Let's try going in the opposite direction.

Lemma eq_then_eqL : (A : Type) (a b : A), a == b a =L b.
  intros A a b H.
  unfold eqL.
  intros P p.
  destruct H.
  apply p.

Definition eq_then_eqL' : (A : Type) (a b : A), a == b a =L b
  (* WORKED IN CLASS *) :=
  fun A a b Hmatch H with
              | @eq_refl _ a'fun P pp

Print eq_then_eqL.
For convenience, we can package these up into a single claim.

Definition eq_eqL (A : Type) (a b : A) : a == b a =L b :=
  conj (eq_then_eqL A a b) (eqL_then_eq A a b).
What does this tell us? It says that it's okay to replace a with b throughout a proposition if we know that eq a b. Let's try it out.

Lemma eq_2_beautiful : (x : nat), 2 == x beautiful x.
  intros x H.
  apply (eq_then_eqL _ _ _ H).
  apply b2.

Exercise: 1 star, standard (eq_trans')

Exercise: Prove transitivity using our version of eq, which doesn't have rewrite.

Lemma eq_trans' : (A : Type) (a b c : A), a == b b == c a == c.
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

End MyEquality.

Interlude: Dependent Types and Programming in the Proof Environment

You might be wondering: Given that we can write types in Coq that depend on terms, are there any interesting (non-proof) datatypes we can write?
The answer is yes! We can write a variety of interesting datatypes in Coq that prevent common programming errors!
For instance, here's a length-indexed list:

Inductive ilist (X : Type) : nat Type :=
| inil : ilist X 0
| icons (n : nat) (x : X) (l : ilist X n) : ilist X (S n).

Arguments inil {X}.
Arguments icons {X n}.

Notation "x ::: l" := (icons x l)
                      (at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "[[ ]]" := inil.
Notation "[[ x ; .. ; y ]]" := (icons x .. (icons y inil) ..).

Definition ihd {X n} (l : ilist X (S n)) : X :=
  match l with
  | x ::: lx

Fail Fixpoint izip {X Y n} (l1 : ilist X n) (l2 : ilist Y n) : ilist (X × Y) n :=
  match l1 with
  | [[]][[]]
| x ::: l1'match l2 with
                  | inilinil
                  | icons y l2'icons (x,y) (izip l1 l2)

Fixpoint izip {X Y n} (l1 : ilist X n) (l2 : ilist Y n) : ilist (X × Y) n.
  destruct l1.
  - apply inil.
  - inversion l2; subst.
    apply icons.
    apply (x,x0).
    apply izip; assumption.

Print izip.

Exercise: 2 stars, standard (ilastn)

Use the proof environment to get the last n elements of an m + n ilist.

Fixpoint ilastn {X} (m n : nat) (l1 : ilist X (m + n)) : ilist X n.
  destruct m.
  - apply l1.
  - inversion l1; subst.
    eapply ilastn.
    apply l.

Example test_ilastn1: ilastn 2 3 [[ 2; 5; 8; 11; 14]] = [[ 8; 11; 14 ]].
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
Example test_ilastn2: x y, ilastn 1 4 [[ x; 2; 1; y; 3]] = [[ 2; 1 ; y ; 3 ]].
(* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Exercise: 4 stars, standard, optional (bst)

Implement a dependently typed binary search tree and the efficient element_in procedure from the midterm.
Prove that if an element is in the tree, the procedure finds it.

Refine: Mixing the Program and Proof Environments

Fixpoint logicmap {X Y Z} (l1 : list X) (l2 : list (X Y + Z)) (l3 : list (X × Y Z)) : list Z.
  refine( match l1, l2, l3 with
          | [], _, _[]
          | _, [], _[]
          | _, _, [][]
          | x :: l1', f :: l2', g :: l3'_ :: logicmap X Y Z l1' l2' l3'
          end); tauto.

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