On this page:
1 Syntax
1.1 Syntactic Terminology
1.2 Grammars
1.2.1 A Grammar for the Lambda Calculus
1.3 Producing Syntax
2 Semantics
2.1 Inference Rules
2.2 Relations
2.3 A Semantics for the Lambda Calculus
2.4 Small-Step vs Big-Step Semantics

Defining Languages

Throughout this class, we will be reading and writing language definitions quite frequently. To make this process easier, we should all be sure to have the same terminology and tools.

1 Syntax

When we define a programming language, we often first begin with some notion of the language’s syntax. Syntax is what a language looks like or how it is written.

1.1 Syntactic Terminology

First, let’s go over some quick definitions:

When defining a language, we could just stick to sets of strings, such as {foo, bar, baz}. However, this is limiting in two ways:

  1. We can only write finite languages this way.

  2. If the language grows even slightly, writing it becomes quite tedious.

Instead, let’s use grammars.

1.2 Grammars

A grammar is a set of rules that allow you to transform an abstract specification for a language into a concrete string contained by that language. (This may feel a bit abstract, so just hang tight and keep reading a bit further.)

There are various ways to write language grammars, but in this class we will use a variant of what is known as Extended Backus-Naur Form, or EBNF for short. Let’s consider the EBNF grammar for EBNF grammars:











rule \n rule-list




metavariable ::= production-list




any symbol or string of symbols







production | production-list










production production



production | production



( production )




any symbol or string of symbols that may exist in the language

This tells us that a grammar consists of a list of one or more rules, each of which has three parts: (1) a metavariable, which is used as the name of the rule; (2) the symbol ::=; and (3) a list of one or more productions.

What is a metavariable?

A metavariable, also called a metasyntactic variable, is a word or symbol that stands for other words or symbols. In the same way that we use letters like x to represent numbers in algebra, we can use letters or words in grammars to represent rules in the grammar.

The metavariable can be written as any word or symbol that you care to write. This word or symbol is not itself part of the langauge; it’s just a way to reference rules in the grammar. Notice that in the grammar, we describe this property using italicized text.

A production is a recipe for how to expand a metavariable. In the same way that you might substitute the variable x with an actual number in an algebraic expression, you can substitute metavariables with one of their productions when you want to construct a string in the language to which the grammar corresponds. (We will do some examples of this in a bit, so hang tight if this doesn’t quite make sense yet!)

There are a few kinds of productions you can write. The simplest one is to replace the metavariable to which the production corresponds with a literal. A literal is any symbol or string of symbols that are part of the language. If we were talking about the language of arithmetic expressions (like 1 + 1 or 6 x 9), the list of literals used would include 1, 6, 9, +, and x. These are symbols that cannot be expanded to anything else.

In addition to literals, there are also non-literals: rules! When you see a metavariable in a production, it represents another part of the grammar. Variables in algebra are also non-literals, so the expression x + 1 contains the non-literal x and the two literals + and 1.

The next kind of production is one which points to another rule by using a metavariable. Although you could hypothetically write anything and call it a metavariable, a grammar is only considered to be well-formed ("useful") if the metavariables used in productions are defined as rules in the same grammar.

Next, productions can be sequences of other productions. (Yes, rules can reference themselves recursively!)

You can also provide multiple alternate productions using |. This is the same as if you were to write multiple rules with the same metavariable. It means that, whenever you encounter that metavariable, you can use any one of the associated productions.

Lastly, a production can be a production wrapped in parentheses. This is useful if you want to provide sequences or alternates within a larger production.

1.2.1 A Grammar for the Lambda Calculus

To give another example, let’s consider an EBNF grammar for the lambda calculus:




any variable name







( e e )



( λ ( x ) e )




( λ ( x ) e )

The first rule, named x, corresponds to variable names. The italic text to the right of the ::= symbol is meant to be read literally rather than as a mathematical concept. Whatever you think "any variable name" means, that’s how we’ve defined x.

The second rule, e, corresponds to expressions. According to this grammar, an expression can be one of three things:

We will come back to the distinction between expressions and values when we discuss semantics.

The third and final rule, v, corresponds to values. In this grammar, we define values to be identical to abstractions from the expressions.

1.3 Producing Syntax

Once a grammar has been established, it can be used to generate strings in the corresponding langauge. To start building productions, you start at a non-terminal. Let’s start with the rule for expressions, e, from our grammar for the lambda calculus, and expand the non-terminals until we get to a sequence of terminals.

We can see from this process that generating a string from a grammar involves a sequence of rewriting steps (also called substitutions). You start with a non-terminal, then rewrite that non-terminal with one of its productions, then continue rewriting the non-terminals generated from those productions until you end up with a string that consists of only terminals. (Although not strictly necessary, it is typical to expand the non-terminals from left to right, as we did in the above example.)

2 Semantics

Where a syntax tells us what a language looks like, a semantics tells us what a language means.

There are a few schools of thought regarding how we can specify the meaning of programming languages, but in this class we will only concern ourselves with the technique called operational semantics (and, later, we will discuss an extension of operational semantics called reduction semantics). In operational semantics, the meaning of a programming language is described by rules that repeatedly transform the program’s syntax until you get to a final result.

2.1 Inference Rules

The rules used in operational semantics are called inference rules or judgment forms (though we will mostly refer to them as "inference rules"). In general, an inference rule looks like this:

premise_1\quad premise_2\quad\cdots\quad premise_n \over conclusion

We read the premises from left to right, then the conclusion. We can imagine an inference rule says to us "if you can show evidence for all of the premises, then you can assume the conclusion is true." Using inference rules, we can construct a proof for a desired conclusion by working our way backwards from the bottom to the top. But where would the tree end?

Sometimes, the list of premises is empty and you’ll just see a line with a conclusion:

\vphantom{premise} \over conclusion

Such rules are called axioms because we can assume their conclusions without needing any prior information. A well-constructed proof built of inference rules should end with only axioms at the top. (We’ll show an example of a completed proof in a little bit.)

2.2 Relations

Almost always, inference rules are written to show the properties of some kind of relation. A relation is a way of saying how two things are connected. You probably already know a lot of binary relations! For example, the addition operation (+) relates numbers and the conjunction operation (\land) relates Boolean values.

When defining an operational semantics for a programming language, we will often define one of two operators (or, sometimes, both): \rightarrow and \Downarrow. Traditionally, the \rightarrow operator is used for what are called small-step semantics, while the \Downarrow operator is used for big-step semantics. We will elaborate on the typical differences between these relations later, but they both share a key attribute in common: they describe syntactic transformations. Let’s look at what that means using an example.

2.3 A Semantics for the Lambda Calculus

Let’s start by taking a look at an operational semantics for the lambda calculus, using the syntax defined previously:

\vphantom{M} \over ((\lambda\ (x)\ e)\ v)\ \rightarrow\ e[x/v]



e_1\ \rightarrow\ e_1{}’ \over (e_1\ e_2)\ \rightarrow\ (e_1{}’\ e_2)



e\ \rightarrow\ e{}’ \over (v\ e)\ \rightarrow\ (v\ e{}’)



This semantics for the lambda calculus defines three rules: E-App, E-Arg1, and E-Arg2.

First, let’s notice that the first rule, E-App, is axiomatic, meaning it has no premises. Second, we should notice that these rules all use the \rightarrow relation. Hopefully, this means we have written a small-step semantics, but we’ll come back to how to check that later.

Substitution Notation

Unfortunately, there is not a single universally agreed-upon notation for substitution. e[x/v] may be the most popular, but you may also see e[x\backslash v], e[v/x], e[v\backslash x], e[x\mapsto v], e[x := v], or another similar variation.

E-App tells us that if we have the syntactic form ((\lambda\ (x)\ e)\ v), we can transform it to e[x/v], which is the notation for substitution. What it means is that you should take the e from inside the lambda-expression on the left, but replace all occurrences of the variable x with the value v. This process is called \beta-reduction ("beta-reduction").

E-Arg1 and E-Arg2 both have to do with reducing the components of an application. A good question to ask might be: given some application form, how do we know which rule to use? This is where our metavariables play an important roll: if the component on the left is a value v, we use E-Arg2. Otherwise, we use E-Arg1. Or, to put it another way: we must use E-Arg1 repeatedly on the application form until we have an application with a value v on the left, at which point we use E-Arg2 until we have two values. Once both components of the application form are values (i.e., our application has the form (v_1\ v_2)), we can use the E-App rule.

With these three rules, we have defined the small-step reduction relation \rightarrow for the lambda calculus.

2.4 Small-Step vs Big-Step Semantics

Earlier, we mentioned that there are two common reduction relations used for operational semantics: small-step \rightarrow and big-step \Downarrow. So what’s the difference?

In a small-step semantics, we write our rules so that they only do one thing at a time. This means we will often need to write many rules for some operations. In our lambda calculus example, we needed three rules to explain what to do with the application form (e\ e)! The advantage of this style of semantics is that it is very easy to see how the language works, because everything is separated in such a way to highlight all the nuances. However, implementing a small-step semantics can be quite painful, as we’ll see during the semester.

The alternative is a big-step semantics, wherein we take a few large steps instead of many tiny steps. Here’s an example of a big-step semantics for the lambda calculus:

e_1\ \Downarrow\ (\lambda\ (x)\ e_3)\qquad e_2\ \Downarrow\ v_2\qquad e_3[x/v_2]\ \Downarrow\ v_3 \over (e_1\ e_2)\ \Downarrow\ v_3



This semantics only needs one rule! It can be read in English as something like "if e_1 reduces by the big-step relation \Downarrow to a lambda-expression, e_2 reduces to any value, and the beta-reduction of those terms results in a value v_3, then the application (e_1\ e_2) reduces to the value v_3."

So how can we tell the difference between small-step and big-step semantics, other than the arrow operator used? In a big-step semantics, each reduction evaluates fully to a value. In contrast, the rules in our small-step semantics above can produce non-value terms.

Often, it is useful to define both kinds of semantics for a language. The small-step semantics is used on paper, while the big-step semantics is used for implementing an interpreter for the language. We will see both of these throughout this class.