On this page:
1 Design sketch
1.1 Main
1.2 Data Definitions
1.3 Defined Constants
1.4 Game functions
1.5 Bug functions
1.6 Posn functions
2 How to approach
3 Submit

Assignment 1: Bug

Due: Sunday, July 14, 11:59:59 PM EST.

NOTE: This due date has been pushed back 48 hours.

In this assignment, you are tasked with designing a simplified variant of the classic game Snake. In this version, which we call Bug, the play controls a small bug on a screen. The bug is able to move up, down, left, or right. There is also a single peice of food on the screen. If the bug is moved to where the food is, it eats the food, and another food appears somewhere on the screen.

The bug cannot move off the screen. There is no end to the game. The bug simply moves around collecting food until the player is too bored to continue.

You must use BSL to design and implement Bug. It will require use of the 2htdp/image and 2htdp/universe libraries.

1 Design sketch

To get started, save assign1.rkt to your computer and open it in DrRacket.

This code gives a starting skeleton for the design of Bug. Make sure to put your name at the top of the file.

1.1 Main

The provided code consists of several "sections" of code marked with lines of semicolons and section headings. This program files a top-down organization. So the first section describes the main function, which is used to launch the Bug program.

This function is defined as:

; main : Number -> Game
; Launches a game of "Bug" played at given tick rate
; Example: (main 1/10)
(define (main r)
  (big-bang G0
    [to-draw game-draw]
    [on-tick game-advance r]
    [on-key game-handle-key]))

This program uses the big-bang system for making interactive programs. If you have not read up on using big-bang be sure to read the relevant sections of HtDP and documentation.

This big-bang program starts in an initial state G0, whose definition we will see shortly.

There are three event handling functions. Draw events use the game-draw function, tick events use the game-advance function, and keyboard events use the game-handle-key function. You will have to design and implement these functions to make the game.

The main function takes a single argument: the speed (measured in ticks per second) at which the game will play.

1.2 Data Definitions

The data definitions section is the most important section. It defines how all of the information that occurs in the Bug game will be represented as data in BSL. It contains the following definitions:

; A Game is a (make-game Bug Food)
(define-struct game (bug food))
; A Bug is a (make-bug Dir Posn)
(define-struct bug (dir posn))
; A Food is a Posn
; A Posn is a (make-posn Integer Integer)
; A Dir is one of:
; - "left"
; - "right"
; - "up"
; - "down"

These definitions define classes of values used in the Bug program. The first class of values are Games. A Game is an instance of a game structure, which has a Bug and a Food. A Bug is an instance of a bug structure with a Dir and a Posn. A Food is an instance of a posn structure with two Integers. A Direction is an enumeration of strings representing a direction.

These definition will be used throughtout the signatures in the rest of program and will drive the design of our functions.

1.3 Defined Constants

The defined constants gives names (by convention, we use uppercase for constant names) to values that will be used repeatedly in the rest of the code.

The first three constants concern the visual rendering of the Bug game. The game is played on a WIDTH by HEIGHT grid. Here we’re saying it’s a 20 x 20 grid. Each unit of the grid measures PX/U pixels; in this case 20.

(define PX/U 20) ; pixels per unit
(define WIDTH 20)  ; units
(define HEIGHT 20) ; units

Changing the definition of these constants will change the sizing of the game. For example, changing PX/U to 10 will cause the screen to shrink by half. The game will still logically play on a 20 x 20 grid, but it will just be scaled down. On the other hand, changing WIDTH to 100 will change the game to play on a 100 x 20 grid.

The main motivation for making defined constants is so that there is a single point of control for these parameters of the program. A well-designed program can have constants change and continue to work as expected.

The next defined constant is G0, the initial Game state used in the main function. It creates an instance of a Game with a Bug located in the center of the board, moving up, and a Food placed at position (0,0).

(define G0 ; an initial game state
  (make-game (make-bug "up"
                       (make-posn (quotient WIDTH 2)
                                  (quotient HEIGHT 2)))
             (make-posn 0 0)))
1.4 Game functions

This section contains the functions relevant to computing with data represented as a Game.

There were three functions used in the main function and they are stubbed out here:

; game-handle-key : Game KeyEvent -> Game
; Handle a key event in this game
(define (game-handle-key g ke)
  ; stub
; game-advance : Game -> Game
; Adance the bug, maybe eating the food
(define (game-advance g)
  ; stub
; game-draw : Game -> Scene
; Render the game as a scene
(define (game-draw g)
  ; stub
  (empty-scene (* WIDTH PX/U)
               (* HEIGHT PX/U)))

You will need to design these functions. Each of them will likely require breaking things down into smaller problems to solve. For each of those subproblems, you will need to design a function. Those functions should be added to sections of the program that contain all the functions relevant to the same kind of data (e.g. Bug functions should be in a section together, Posn function should be in a section together, etc.)

1.5 Bug functions

This section contains functions relevant to bugs. A couple of functions that you may find useful are stubbed here.

; bug-change-dir : Bug Dir -> Bug
; Change bug's direction to given one
(define (bug-change-dir b d)
  ; stub
; bug-advance : Bug -> Bug
; Advance bug in its current direction, but not past board boundaries
(define (bug-advance b)
  ; stub
1.6 Posn functions

This section contains functions relevant to posns. Several functions that you may find useful are stubbed here.

; posn-advance : Posn Dir -> Posn
; Advance the posn in given direction, but not past boundaries
(define (posn-advance p d)
  ; stub
; posn-advance-left : Posn -> Posn
; Advance the posn toward left, but not past left boundary
(define (posn-advance-left p)
  ; stub
; posn-advance-right : Posn -> Posn
; Advance the posn toward right, but not past right boundary
(define (posn-advance-right p)
  ; stub
; posn-advance-up : Posn -> Posn
; Advance the posn toward top, but not past top boundary
(define (posn-advance-up p)
  ; stub
; posn-advance-down : Posn -> Posn
; Advance the posn toward bottom, but not past bottom boundary
(define (posn-advance-down p)
  ; stub
; posn=? : Posn Posn -> Boolean
; Are the two posns at the same position?
(define (posn=? p1 p2)
  ; stub

Finally, a function is given for drawing a circle of a given color at a grid position on a scene:

; posn-draw-on : Posn Color Scene -> Scene
; Draw a colored circled at given posn on scene
(define (posn-draw-on p color scn)
  (place-image (circle (* 1/2 PX/U) "solid" color)
               (+ (* (posn-x p) PX/U) (* 1/2 PX/U))
               (+ (* (posn-y p) PX/U) (* 1/2 PX/U))

You can use this (if it’s helpful) in the game-draw function, or anytime you want to visualize where a position on the grid should appear. Try it out.

2 How to approach

Despite being a (painfully) simple game, solving this assignment will take some time and effort. Be sure to finish the first week of readings from HtDP on the course schedule. This will be the biggest help in being able to successfully complete this assignment.

Parts of this assignment will require knowledge of topics that will only occur toward the end of the week. Try to keep this assignment in mind as we work through material in lecture.

You can probably complete the stubbed Posn functions early. So you might start there (after Tuesday’s lecture).

If you’re feeling lost, spend time with a TA or post to the discussion forum on ELMS. Don’t stay stuck.

3 Submit

Submit your assign1.rkt file to assignment 1 on ELMS. You can submit early and often. We will grade the last submission before the deadline.