Women of Applied Mathematics: Research and Leadership

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Laura Gross
Dept of Theoretical & Applied Math
The University of Akron
Akron OH 44325-4002

To expand the Women in Mathematics program at The University of Akron, I proposed to: enhance recruitment, convey the accessibility of mathematics and applied mathematics degrees, advertise departmental scholarships, and communicate the attractiveness of mathematics coursework.

To promote recruitment of women near the beginning of the mathematics curriculum, in February I contacted each woman enrolled in a mathematics course who received a grade of A or A- in calculus the previous semester. Each of these potential new majors received a letter (I drafted) from the chair of our department, congratulating them on being Calculus High Achievers.

To acknowledge their accomplishments, the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics offered to pay upperclassmen's dues in the mathematics honor society Pi Mu Epsilon (PME) if and when they qualified for membership. Those who attended any math student activities this semester were eligible for the fee waiver. Of the 17 sophomores and one junior who received the invitation, 11 participated in campus events and applied to PME. Eight were accepted. The transcripts of the remainder show they have a strong chance of qualifying next year, and the students were encouraged to reapply then.

First-year students are not eligible for membership in PME. As their reward for Calculus High Achievement, the Department of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics offered copies of the book 100 Great Problems of Elementary Mathematics: Their History and Solution, which includes problems that beset Archimedes, Newton, Euler, Cauchy, Gauss, and others. They could claim their books at any student activity this semester. Of the 18 students who received the invitation, seven participated in campus events and claimed their book.

Events this semester included:

The recruitment effort through Calculus High Achiever awards and various events this semester has increased women's participation in our mathematical community and motivated potential majors to plan programs of mathematics study.

Eight Calculus High Achievers were initiated into PME math honor society this month. They account for more than 40% of the new members. (Over 80% of the new members are women.)

Four Calculus High Achievers have officially joined Women in Math. They will replace graduating seniors. Calculus High Achievers constituted more than 1/3 of our student participants at this semester's lunch.

My department's on-going support shows the chair's favorable assessment of the recruitment effort: Dr. Jianping Zhu volunteered annual support for the Calculus High Achiever Awards and the panel discussion on perspectives on the mathematics major. As a result, I expect momentum to build over the next few years, yielding more and more women math majors and increasing participation in math student activities.

[Overview | Schedule | Participants | How To Apply | Logistics | Reports from Participants | Program Outreach | Resources]

Questions? tgkolda@sandia.gov or oleary@cs.umd.edu