Software Engineering

Spring 2004; CMSC 435; Section 0201

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Course Information
Class Schedule
Course Readings
Bug Database
Atif M. Memon's Page
Send Atif an e-mail



    I will partition the class into teams of approximately six students. Each team will consist of a testing and verification group (group 1) of three/four students and a coding group (group 2) of three/four students. The following bullets summarize the duties of these groups:

bulletProject Manager
bulletTesting and Verification Group (Group 1)
bulletGUITAR Tests for Version 2.0
bulletUpdate bug-reports for Version 2.0
bulletVORD Documents
bulletScenario Creation for Version 3.0 with customer
bulletGUITAR Tests for Version 3.0
bulletUpdate bug-reports for Version 3.0
bulletUser Manual Creation and Update website for Version 3.0
bulletCoding Group (Group 2)
bulletJavaDoc Files Creation for Version 3.0
bulletJUnit Test Cases for Version 3.0
bulletUpdate bug-reports for Version 3.0
bulletVORD Documents
bulletImplementation for Version 3.0
bulletJavaDoc Files Creation for Version 3.0
bulletJUnit Test Cases for Version 3.0
bulletFinal Installable (one file) Software Creation for Version 3.0

    The project manager (marked in red below) will be a member of one group.


Group type


Team 1: TerpCalc

Calculator with Filing capability


Gimourginas, James George
Boamah, Isaac Brentuo
Ahn, Sunjoo April


Kim, Janet Bokyung
Somaram, Johnson K
Adewuyi, Babatunde Adebola

Team 2: TerpWord

Word Processor with 

Graph/image display capability


Lam, Dorothy Chi Ying
Bedrossian, Adam Jerry
Patel, Chintan Pankaj
Singh, Jawahar


Berch, Joshua Hershel
Chen, Wenchao
Collins, Joel David

Team 3: TerpSpreadsheet 

Spreadsheet program


Glinkowski, Magdalena
Fu, Tony
Palliparambil, Ashy Antony


Hill, Michael David
Hsu, Daniel Jen-Dee
Ivanov, Alexei Borisovich
Johnson, Johny Kurichiel

Team 4: TerpPaint

Paint Program


Bento, Ana Leticia Ferreir
Kim, Eli Hyunjin
Laszlo, Istvan


Lawless, James Albert
Luo, Ming
Ma, Kin-Pong
Min, Michael Young-Chan

Team 5: TerpPresent

 Object-based drawing and 

Presentation Tool


Sivaramakrishnan, Harihara
Mohapatra, Pramit
Mowry, Jonathan Tyler
Nguyen, Kim T


Nguyen, Vinh Xuan
Pourahmadi, Narimaan
Rauf, Basit

Team 6: TerpManager

An Explorer


Snider, David Richard
Shafrir, Michael
Winemiller, Mark Ryan


Wong, Lok-Yun
Yan, Lei
Zimmerman, Noah Herzenberg


Project Requirements

    I will give you an initial set of requirements for a desired software product. 

What you need to do

    Starting from the project requirements, you will develop a complete set of requirements, design a system that meets these requirements, and finally create and test a software system that implements your design. At each step in this process you will produce corresponding documentation. All documents must be submitted in electronic format and must be written in English. You must also submit an evaluation of yourself and each of your team-mates at each of these stages.

Project Schedule




Due Date

1 Testing Summary: GUITAR Tests & Update bug-reports for Version 2.0


  1. GUITAR Test cases


    Structural 2000 test cases (length 1 or more) + Coverage report (Method - 100% & Statement - 95%)


    Manual 900 test cases (length 20 or more)  + Coverage report (Method - 100% & Statement - 95%)


    Random 1000 test cases (length 30 or more)  + Coverage report

  2. Successful/unsuccessful log files (automatically generated by GUITAR).

  3. Printout of your Bug reports from Bugzilla (Bug reports should have description of Bug and the test case attachment that was used to detect it)

Feb. 22
2 Coding Summary: JavaDoc Files Creation, Unit Test Cases & Update bug-reports for Version 2.0


  1. Source code with JavaDoc comments (each relevant field should be filled)
  2. JavaDoc HTML output
  3. JUnit Test cases & their JavaDoc (Test Cases should have 95% Statement Coverage and 100% Method Coverage; Submit Coverage Reports)
  4. Printout of your Bug reports from Bugzilla (Bug reports should have description of Bug and the test case attachment that was used to detect it)
Feb. 22
3 Testing & Coding Summary: Requirement Analysis Document


  1. VORD templates 
  2. Viewpoint hierarchy
Mar. 7
4 Testing Summary: Design Document


  1. Get scenarios from customer via interviews
  2. 100 Executable PDDL Scenarios (Preconditions/postconditions). The structure of each scenario is [initial GUI state, event sequence, final GUI state]. 
bullet25 sequences should be of length 1 or more. 
bullet25 sequences should be of length 10 or more. 
bullet25 sequences should be of length 20 or more. 
bullet15 sequences should be of length 25 or more. 
bullet10 sequences should be of length 30 or more. 
Apr. 4
5 Coding Summary: Complete Working Software Code (Version 3.0)


  1. Source Code
  2. Executables
Apr. 4
6 Testing Summary: GUITAR Tests & Update bug-reports for Version 3.0


  1. GUITAR Test cases


    Structural 2000 test cases (length 1 or more) + Coverage report (Method - 100% & Statement - 95%)


    Manual 900 test cases (length 20 or more)  + Coverage report (Method - 100% & Statement - 95%)


    PDDL Scenarios replayed using manual capture tool 


    Random 1000 test cases (length 30 or more)  + Coverage report

  2. Successful/unsuccessful log files (automatically generated by GUITAR).

  3. Printout of your Bug reports from Bugzilla (Bug reports should have description of Bug and the test case attachment that was used to detect it)

Apr. 18
7 Coding Summary: JavaDoc Files Creation, Unit Test Cases & Update bug-reports for Version 3.0


  1. Source code with JavaDoc comments (each relevant field should be filled)
  2. JavaDoc HTML output
  3. JUnit Test cases & their JavaDoc (Test Cases should have 95% Statement Coverage and 100% Method Coverage; Submit Coverage Reports)
  4. Printout of your Bug reports from Bugzilla (Bug reports should have description of Bug and the test case attachment that was used to detect it)
Apr. 18
8 Testing Summary: User Manuals (User Guide) and update Web-site for Version 3.0 May 09
9 Coding Summary: Debugged Final Deliverable (one-click installable) Code for Version 3.0 May 09

Computing Resources

    The university computer labs should provide all necessary support for the project. Other resources normally available to you (e.g., home computers) can be employed, however you do this is "at your own risk." No alterations to conditions of the assignment will be made to accommodate peculiarities of your other computing resources.

Project Presentation

    All teams will present their project in class. Details of the presentation are available here. An evaluation sheet will need to be filled by every student.

"The dog ate my homework"

    Late deliverables will be accepted with a 10% penalty per day. Start your projects early - last-minute computer malfunctions will not be accepted as reason for delaying an assignment's due date.


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Copyright: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland.
For problems or questions regarding this web, contact Atif M. Memon.
Last updated: January 25, 2004.