Introduction of Cache Memory


1. Basic Cache Structure

Processors are generally able to perform operations on operands faster than the access time of large capacity main memory. Though semiconductor memory which can operate at speeds comparable with the operation of the processor exists, it is not economical to provide all the main memory with very high speed semiconductor memory. The problem can be alleviated by introducing a small block of high speed memory called a cache between the main memory and the processor.

The idea of cache memories is similar to virtual memory in that some active portion of a low-speed memory is stored in duplicate in a higher-speed cache memory. When a memory request is generated, the request is first presented to the cache memory, and if the cache cannot respond, the request is then presented to main memory.

The difference between cache and virtual memory is a matter of implementation; the two notions are conceptually the same because they both rely on the correlation properties observed in sequences of address references. Cache implementations are totally different from virtual memory implementation because of the speed requirements of cache.

We define a cache miss to be a reference to a item that is not resident in cache, but is resident in main memory. The corresponding concept for cache memories is page fault, which is defined to be a reference to a page in virtual memory that is not resident in main memory. For cache misses, the fast memory is cache and the slow memory is main memory. For page faults the fast memory is main memory, and the slow memory is auxiliary memory.

Fig 1. A cache-memory reference. The tag 0117X matches address 01173, so the cache returns the item in the position X=3 of the matched block

Figure 1 shows the structure of a typical cache memory. Each reference to a cell in memory is presented to the cache. The cache searches its directory of address tags shown in the figure to see if the item is in the cache. If the item is not in the cache, a miss occurs.

For READ operations that cause a cache miss, the item is retrieved from main memory and copied into the cache. During the short period available before the main-memory operation is complete, some other item in cache is removed form the cache to make rood for the new item.

The cache-replacement decision is critical; a good replacement algorithm can yield somewhat higher performance than can a bad replacement algorithm. The effective cycle-time of a cache memory (teff) is the average of cache-memory cycle time (tcache) and main-memory cycle time (tmain), where the probabilities in the averaging process are the probabilities of hits and misses.

If we consider only READ operations, then a formula for the average cycle-time is:

teff = tcache + ( 1 - h ) tmain

where h is the probability of a cache hit (sometimes called the hit rate), the quantity ( 1 - h ), which is the probability of a miss, is know as the miss rate.

In Fig.1 we show an item in the cache surrounded by nearby items, all of which are moved into and out of the cache together. We call such a group of data a block of the cache.


2. Cache Memory Organizations

fig.2 The logical organization of a four-way set-associate cache

Fig.2 shows a conceptual implementation of a cache memory. This system is called set associative because the cache is partitioned into distinct sets of blocks, ad each set contains a small fixed number of blocks. The sets are represented by the rows in the figure. In this case, the cache has N sets, and each set contains four blocks. When an access occurs to this cache, the cache controller does not search the entire cache looking for a match. Instead, the controller maps the address to a particular set of the cache and searches only the set for a match.

If the block is in the cache, it is guaranteed to be in the set that is searched. Hence, if the block is not in that set, the block is not present in the cache, and the cache controller searches no further. Because the search is conducted over four blocks, the cache is said to be four-way set associative or, equivalently, to have an associativity of four.

Fig.2 is only one example, there are various ways that a cache can be arranged internally to store the cached data. In all cases, the processor reference the cache with the main memory address of the data it wants. Hence each cache organization must use this address to find the data in the cache if it is stored there, or to indicate to the processor when a miss has occurred. The problem of mapping the information held in the main memory into the cache must be totally implemented in hardware to achieve improvements in the system operation. Various strategies are possible.

  • Fully associative mapping

Perhaps the most obvious way of relating cached data to the main memory address is to store both memory address and data together in the cache. This the fully associative mapping approach. A fully associative cache requires the cache to be composed of associative memory holding both the memory address and the data for each cached line. The incoming memory address is simultaneously compared with all stored addresses using the internal logic of the associative memory, as shown in Fig.3. If a match is fund, the corresponding data is read out. Single words form anywhere within the main memory could be held in the cache, if the associative part of the cache is capable of holding a full address

Fig.3 Cache with fully associative mapping

In all organizations, the data can be more than one word, i.e., a block of consecutive locations to take advantage of spatial locality. In Fig.4 aline constitutes four words, each word being 4 bytes. The least significant part of the address selects the particular byte, the next part selects the word, and the remaining bits form the address compared to the address in the cache. The whole line can be transferred to and from the cache in one transaction if there are sufficient data paths between the main memory and the cache. With only one data word path, the words of the line have to be transferred in separate transactions.

Fig.5 Fully associative mapped cache with multi-word lines

The fully associate mapping cache gives the greatest flexibility of holding combinations of blocks in the cache and minimum conflict for a given sized cache, but is also the most expensive, due to the cost of the associative memory. It requires a replacement algorithm to select a block to remove upon a miss and the algorithm must be implemented in hardware to maintain a high speed of operation. The fully associative cache can only be formed economically with a moderate size capacity. Microprocessors with small internal caches often employ the fully associative mechanism.

  • Direct mapping

The fully associative cache is expensive to implement because of requiring a comparator with each cache location, effectively a special type of memory. In direct mapping, the cache consists of normal high speed random access memory, and each location in the cache holds the data, at an address in the cache given by the lower significant bits of the main memory address. This enables the block to be selected directly from the lower significant bits of the memory address. The remaining higher significant bits of the address are stored in the cache with the data to complete the identification of the cached data.

Consider the example shown in Fig.5. The address from the processor is divided into tow fields, a tag and an index. The tag consists of the higher significant bits of the address, which are stored with the data. The index is the lower significant bits of the address used to address the cache.

Fig.5 Cache with direct mapping

When the memory is referenced, the index is first used to access a word in the cache. Then the tag stored in the accessed word is read and compared with the tag in the address. If the two tags are the same, indicating that the word is the one required, access is made to the addressed cache word. However, if the tags are not the same, indicating that the required word is not in the cache, reference is made to the main memory to find it. For a memory read operation, the word is then transferred into the cache where it is accessed. It is possible to pass the information to the cache and the processor simultaneously, i.e., to read-through the cache, on a miss. The cache location is altered for a write operation. The main memory may be altered at the same time (write-through) or later.

Fig.6. shows the direct mapped cache with a line consisting of more than one word. The main memory address is composed of a tag, an index, and a word within a line. All the words within a line in the cache have the same stored tag. The index part to the address is used to access the cache and the stored tag is compared with required tag address. For a read operation, if the tags are the same the word within the block is selected for transfer to the processor. If the tags are not the same, the block containing the required word is first transferred to the cache.

Fig.6 Direct mapped cache with a multi-word block

In direct mapping, the corresponding blocks with the same index in the main memory will map into the same block in the cache, and hence only blocks with different indices can be in the cache at the same time. A replacement algorithm is unnecessary, since there is only one allowable location for each incoming block. Efficient replacement relies on the low probability of lines with the same index being required. However there are such occurrences, for example, when two data vectors are stored starting at the same index and pairs of elements need to processed together. To gain the greatest performance, data arrays and vectors need to be stored in a manner which minimizes the conflicts in processing pairs of elements. Fig.6 shows the lower bits of the processor address used to address the cache location directly. It is possible to introduce a mapping function between the address index and the cache index so that they are not the same.

  • Set-associative mapping

In the direct scheme, all words stored in the cache must have different indices. The tags may be the same or different. In the fully associative scheme, blocks can displace any other block and can be placed anywhere, but the cost of the fully associative memories operate relatively slowly.

Set-associative mapping allows a limited number of blocks, with the same index and different tags, in the cache and can therefore be considered as a compromise between a fully associative cache and a direct mapped cache. The organization is shown in Fig.7. The cache is divided into "sets" of blocks. A four-way set associative cache would have four blocks in each set. The number of blocks in a set is know as the associativity or set size. Each block in each set has a stored tag which, together with the index, completes the identification of the block. First, the index of the address from the processor is used to access the set. Then, comparators are used to compare all tags of the selected set with the incoming tag. If a match is found, the corresponding location is accessed, other wise, as before, an access to the main memory is made.

Fig.7 Cache with set-associative mapping

The tag address bits are always chosen to be the most significant bits of the full address, the block address bits are the next significant bits and the word/byte address bits form the least significant bits as this spreads out consecutive man memory blocks throughout consecutive sets in the cache. This addressing format is known as bit selection and is used by all known systems. In a set-associative cache it would be possible to have the set address bits as the most significant bits of the address and the block address bits as the next significant, with the word within the block as the least significant bits, or with the block address bits as the least significant bits and the word within the block as the middle bits.

Notice that the association between the stored tags and the incoming tag is done using comparators and can be shared for each associative search, and all the information, tags and data, can be stored in ordinary random access memory. The number of comparators required in the set-associative cache is given by the number of blocks in a set, not the number of blocks in all, as in a fully associative memory. The set can be selected quickly and all the blocks of the set can be read out simultaneously with the tags before waiting for the tag comparisons to be made. After a tag has been identified, the corresponding block can be selected.

The replacement algorithm for set-associative mapping need only consider the lines in one set, as the choice of set is predetermined by the index in the address. Hence, with two blocks in each set, for example, only one additional bit is necessary in each set to identify the block to replace.

  • Sector mapping

In sector mapping, the main memory and the cache are both divided into sectors; each sector is composed of a number of blocks. Any sector in the main memory can map into any sector in the cache and a tag is stored with each sector in the cache to identify the main memory sector address. However, a complete sector is not transferred to the cache or back to the main memory as one unit. Instead, individual blocks are transferred as required. On cache sector miss, the required block of the sector is transferred into a specific location within one sector. The sector location in the cache is selected and all the other existing blocks in the sector in the cache are from a previous sector.

Sector mapping might be regarded as a fully associative mapping scheme with valid bits, as in some microprocessor caches. Each block in the fully associative mapped cache corresponds to a sector, and each byte corresponds to a "sector block".


3. Cache Performance

The performance of a cache can be quantified in terms of the hit and miss rates, the cost of a hit, and the miss penalty, where a cache hit is a memory access that finds data in the cache and a cache miss is one that does not.

When reading, the cost of a cache hit is roughly the time to access an entry in the cache. The miss penalty is the additional cost of replacing a cache line with one containing the desired data.

(Access time) = (hit cost) + (miss rate)*(miss penalty)
=(Fast memory access time) + (miss rate)*(slow memory access time)

Note that the approximation is an underestimate - control costs have been left out. Also note that only one word is being loaded from the faster memory while a whole cache block's worth of data is being loaded from the slower memory.

Since the speeds of the actual memory used will be improving ``independently'', most effort in cache design is spent on fast control and decreasing the miss rates. We can classify misses into three categories, compulsory misses, capacity misses and conflict misses. Compulsory misses are when data is loaded into the cache for the first time (e.g. program startup) and are unavoidable. Capacity misses are when data is reloaded because the cache is not large enough to hold all the data no matter how we organize the data (i.e. even if we changed the hash function and made it omniscient). All other misses are conflict misses - there is theoretically enough space in the cache to avoid the miss but our fast hash function caused a miss anyway.


4. Fetch and write mechanism

  • Fetch policy

We can identify three strategies for fetching bytes or blocks from the main memory to the cache, namely:

  • Demand fetch
    Which is the fetching a block when it is needed and is not already in the cache, i.e. to fetch the required block on a miss. This strategy is the simplest and requires no additional hardware or tags in the cache recording the references, except to identify the block in the cache to be replaced.


  • Prefetch
    Which is fetching blocks before they are requested. A simple prefetch strategy is to prefetch the (i+1)th block when the ith block is initially referenced on the expectation that it is likely to be needed if the ith block is needed. On the simple prefetch strategy, not all first references will induce a miss, as some will be to prefetched blocks.


  • Selective fetch
    Which is the policy of not always fetching blocks, dependent upon some defined criterion, and in these cases using the main memory rather than the cache to hold the information. For example, shared writable data might be easier to maintain if it is always kept in the main memory and not passed to a cache for access, especially in multi-processor systems. Cache systems need to be designed so that the processor can access the main memory directly and bypass the cache. Individual locations could be tagged as non-cacheable.
  • Instruction and data caches

The basic stored program computer provides for one main memory for holding both program instructions and program data. The cache can be organized in the same fashion, with the cache holding both program instructions and data. This is called a unified cache. We also can separate the cache into two parts: data cache and instruction (code) cache. The general arrangement of separate caches is shown in fig.8. Often the cache will be integrated inside the processor chip.

Fig.8 Separate instruction and data caches

  • Write operations

As reading the required word in the cache does not affect the cache contents, there can be no discrepancy between the cache word and the copy held in the main memory after a memory read instruction. However, in general, writing can occur to cache words and it is possible that the cache word and copy held in the main memory may be different. It is necessary to keep the cache and the main memory copy identical if input/output transfers operate on the main memory contents, or if multiple processors operate on the main memory, as in a shared memory multiple processor system.

If we ignore the overhead of maintaining consistency and the time for writing data back to the main memory, then the average access time is given by the previous equation, i.e. teff = tcache + ( 1 - h ) tmain , assuming that all accesses are first made to the cache. The average access time including write operations will add additional time to this equation that will depend upon the mechanism used to maintain data consistency.

There are two principal alternative mechanisms to update the main memory, namely the write-through mechanism and the write-back mechanism.

  • Write-through mechanism

In the write-though mechanism, every write operation to the cache is repeated to the main memory, normally at the same time. The additional write operation to the main memory will, of course, take much longer than to the cache and will dominate the access time for write operations. The average access time of write-through with transfers from main memory to the cache on all misses (read and write) is given by:


= tcache + ( 1 - h ) ttrans + w(tmain - tcache)
= (1 - w) tcache + (1 - h) ttrans + wtmain

Where ttrans

= time to transfer block to cache, assuming the whole block must be transferred together


= fraction of write references.


The term (tmain - tcache) is the additional time to write the word to main memory whether a hit or a miss has occurred, given that both cache and main memory write operation occur simultaneously but the main memory write operation must complete before any subsequent cache read/write operation can be proceed. If the size of the block matches the external data path size, a whole block can be transferred in one transaction and ttrans = tmain.

On a cache miss, a block could be transferred from the main memory to the cache whether the miss was caused by a write or by a read operation. The term allocate on write is used to describe a policy of bringing a word/block from the main memory into the cache for a write operation. In write-through, fetch on write transfers are often not done on a miss, i.e., a Non- allocate on write policy. The information will be written back to the main memory but not kept in the cache.

The write-through scheme can be enhanced by incorporating buffers, as shown in Fig.9, to hold information to be written back to the main memory, freeing the cache for subsequent accesses.

Fig.9 Cache with write buffer

For write-through, each item to be written back to the main memory is held in a buffer together with the corresponding main memory address if the transfer cannot be made immediately.

Immediate writing to main memory when new values are generated ensures that the most recent values are held in the main memory and hence that any device or processor accessing the main memory should obtain the most recent values immediately, thus avoiding the need for complicated consistency mechanisms. There will be latency before the main memory has been updated, and the cache and main memory values are not consistent during this period.

  • Write-back mechanism

In the write-back mechanism, the write operation to the main memory is only done at block replacement time. At this time, the block displaced by the incoming block might be written back to the main memory irrespective of whether the block has been altered. The policy is known as simple write-back, and leads to an average access time of:

ta = tcache + ( 1 - h ) ttrans + (1 - h) ttrans

Where one (1 - h) ttrans term is due to fetching a block from memory and the other (1 - h) ttrans term is due to writing back a block. Write-back normally handles write misses as allocate on write, as opposed to write-through, which often handles write misses as Non-allocate on write.

 The write-back mechanism usually only writes back lines that have been altered. To implement this policy, a 1-bit tag is associated with each cache line and is set whenever the block is altered. At replacement time, the tags are examined to determine whether it is necessary to write the block back to the main memory. The average access time now becomes:

ta = tcache + ( 1 - h ) ttrans + wb(1 - h) ttrans

where wb is the probability that a block has been altered (fraction of blocks altered). The probability that a block has been altered could be as high as the probability of write references, w, but is likely to be much less, as more than one write reference to the same block is likely and some references to the same byte/word within the block are likely. However, under this policy the complete block is written back, even if only one word in the block has been altered, and thus the policy results in more traffic than is necessary, especially for memory data paths narrower than a line, but still there is usually less memory traffic than write-through, which causes every alteration to be recorded in the main memory. The write-back scheme can also be enhanced by incorporating buffers to hold information to be written back to the main memory, just as is possible and normally done with write-through.


5. Replacement policy

When the required word of a block is not held in the cache, we have seen that it is necessary to transfer the block from the main memory into the cache, displacing an existing block if the cache is full. Except for direct mapping, which does not allow a replacement algorithm, the existing block in the cache is chosen by a replacement algorithm. The replacement mechanism must be implemented totally in hardware, preferably such that the selection can be made completely during the main memory cycle for fetching the new block. Ideally, the block replaced will not be needed again in the future. However, such future events cannot be known and a decision has to be made based upon facts that are known at the time.

  • Random replacement algorithm

Perhaps the easiest replacement algorithm to implement is a pseudo-random replacement algorithm. A true random replacement algorithm would select a block to replace in a totally random order, with no regard to memory references or previous selections; practical random replacement algorithms can approximate this algorithm in one of several ways. For example, one counter for the whole cache could be incremented at intervals (for example after each clock cycle, or after each reference, irrespective of whether it is a hit or a miss). The value held in the counter identifies the block in the cache ( if fully associative) or the block in the set if it is a set-associative cache. The counter should have sufficient bits to identify any block. For a fully associative cache, an n-bit counter is necessary if there are 2n words in the cache. For a four-way set-associative cache, one 2-bit counter would be sufficient, together with logic to increment the counter.

  • First-in first-out replacement algorithm

The first-in first-out replacement algorithm removes the block that has been in the cache for the longest time. The first-in first-out algorithm would naturally be implemented with a first-in first-out queue of block address, but can be more easily implemented with counters, only one counter for a fully associative cache or one counter for each set in a set-associative cache, each with a sufficient number of bits to identify the block.

  • Least recently used algorithm for a cache

In the least recently used (LRU) algorithm, the block which has not been referenced for the longest time is removed from the cache. Only those blocks in the cache are considered. The word "recently" comes about because the block is not the least used, as this is likely to be back in memory. It is the least used of those blocks in the cache, and all of those are likely to have been recently used otherwise they would not be in the cache. The least recently used (LRU) algorithm is popular for cache systems and can be implemented fully when the number of blocks involved is small. There are several ways the algorithm can be implemented in hardware for a cache, these include:

1) Counters

In the counter implementation, a counter is associated with each block. A simple implementation would be to increment each counter at regular intervals and to reset a counter when the associated line had been referenced. Hence the value in each counter would indicate the age of a block since last referenced. The block with the largest age would be replaced at replacement time.

2) Register stack

In the register stack implementation, a set of n-bit registers is formed, one for each block in the set to be considered. The most recently used block is recorded at the "top" of the stack and the least recently used block at the bottom. Actually, the set of registers does not form a conventional stack, as both ends and internal values are accessible. The value held in one register is passed to the next register under certain conditions. When a block is referenced, starting at the top of the stack, starting at the top of the stack, the values held in the registers are shifted one place towards the bottom of the stack until a register is found to hold the same value as the incoming block identification. Subsequent registers are not shifted. The top register is loaded with the incoming block identification. This has the effect of moving the contents of the register holding the incoming block number to the top of the stack. This logic is fairly substantial and slow, and not really a practical solution.

Fig.10 Least recently used replacement algorithm implementation

3) Reference matrix

The reference matrix method centers around a matrix of status bits. There is more than one version of the method. In one version (Smith, 1982), the upper triangular matrix of a B X B matrix is formed without the diagonal, if there are B blocks to consider. The triangular matrix has (B * (B - 1))/2 bits. When the ith block is referenced, all the bits in the ith row of the matrix are set to 1 and then all the bits in the ith column are set to 0. The least recently used block is one which has all 0's in its row and all 1's in its column, which can be detected easily by logic. The method is demonstrated in Fig.10 for B = 4 and the reference sequence 2, 1, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, …, together with the values that would be obtained using a register stack.

4) Approximate methods.

When the number of blocks to consider increases above about four to eight, approximate methods are necessary for the LRU algorithm. Fig.11 shows a two-stage approximation method with eight blocks, which is applicable to any replacement algorithm. The eight blocks in Fig.11 are divided into four pairs, and each pair has one status bit to indicate the most/least recently used block in the pair (simply set or reset by reference to each block). The least recently used replacement algorithm now only considers the four pairs. Six status bits are necessary (using the reference matrix) to identify the least recently used pair which, together with the status bit of the pair, identifies the least recently used block of a pair.

Fig.11 Two-stage replacement algorithm

The method can be extended to further levels. For example, sixteen blocks can be divided into four groups, each group having two pairs. One status bit can be associated with each pair, identifying the block in the pair, and another with each group, identifying the group in a pair of groups. A true least recently used algorithm is applied to the groups. In fact, the scheme could be taken to its logical conclusion of extending to a full binary tree. Fig.12 gives an example. Here, there are four blocks in a set. One status bit, B0, specifies which half o the blocks are most/least recently used. Two more bits, B1 and B2, specify which block of pairs is most/least recently used. Every time a cache block is referenced (or loaded on a miss), the status bits are updated. For example, if block L2 is referenced, B2 is set to a 0 to indicate that L2 is the most recently used of the pair L2 and L3. B0 is set to a 1 to indicate that L2/L3 is the most recently used of the four blocks, L0, L1, L2 and L3. To identify the line to replace on a miss, the status bits are examined. If B0 = 0, then the block is either L0 or L1. If then B1 = 0, it is L0.

Fig.12 Replacement algorithm using a tree selection


6. Second-level caches

When the cache is integrated into the processor, it will be impossible to increase its size should the performance not be sufficient. In any case, increasing the size of the cache may create a slower cache. As an alternative, which has become very popular, a second larger cache can be introduced between the first cache and the main memory as shown in Fig.13. This "second-level" cache is sometimes called a secondary cache.

Fig.13 Two-level caches

On a memory reference, the processor will access the first-level cache. If the information is not found there (a first-level cache miss occurs), the second-level cache will be accessed. If it is not in the second cache (a second-level cache miss occurs), then the main memory must be accessed. Memory locations will be transferred to the second-level cache and then to the first-level cache, so that two copies of a memory location will exist in the cache system at least initially, i.e., locations cached in the second-level cache also exist in the first-level cache. This is known as the Principle of Inclusion. (Of course the copies of locations in the second-level cache will never be needed as they will be found in the first-level cache.) Whether this continues will depend upon the replacement and write policies. The replacement policy practiced in both caches would normally be the least recently used algorithm. Normally write-through will be practiced between the caches, which will maintain duplicate copies. The block size of the second-level cache will be at least the same if not larger than the block size of the first-level cache, because otherwise on a first-level cache miss, more than one second-level cache line would need to be transferred into the first-level cache block.



Presented by: Hongqing Liu, Stacy Weng, and Wei Sun