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REVIEW SESSION: Sunday, May 18
in room 1112 at 7:00 PM.... But you don't care because this was, like, four years ago

( It turned out that I had a committment in Baltimore Sunday afternoon, so I'm postponing the review session until 7:00)

Grades have been posted

Introductory lecture on Networking and Internet (by Jeff Hollingsworth)

Lecture on Address resolution, Routing

Solutions for 2nd Exam

Material Covered in 2nd Exam

Sketches of solutions to 1st three sample questions

Additional sample questions

Solution to Sample Virtual Memory Problem -- discussed Tuesday

Sample Virtual Memory Problem -- to be discussed Tuesday

Homework Solution for homework April 24

Homework due April 24 - NOTE: SECOND PROBLEM IS H&P 5.1, Parts a,b

Lecture Notes about Segmentation and Paging

Qu estions and Answers - (Please ignore questions 5 and 6 - they cover material that I'm not discussing in 411) NOT AVAILABLE

Lecture 4


Scoreboard Algorithm Example

Tomasulo Algorithm Example

Notes about Dynamic Hardware Branch Prediction

List of Topics to be Covered on April 3 Exam

Sample (April 3) Exam

Sample (April 3) Exam Solutions

Instructor: Dr. Joel Saltz
Office Hours:

Joel Saltz: Tues, Thurs 1:45-2:45pm at (Office: A. V. Williams 4143) appointment

Teaching Assistant: George Wang
Office Hours: Monday 3:15pm-6:15pm Wednesday 9:30am-10:30am and by appointment The TA office hour is held at AVW 1109.

Class Hours: Tues & Thurs, 12:30pm to 1:45 pm,

Text: Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, second edition, by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson, 1996, ISBN 1-55860-329-8. We will cover Chapter 1-7 of the text. Within the chapters I cover, I will dedicate more attention to some sections than others; as the course progresses, I will let you know which sections you should concentrate on.

Coursework: will consist of 6 homework assignments, two in-class exams and a final exam. Current class grades and averages will always be available at the bottom of this page. Please check all grades and tell us if there are any discrepancies. All work that you submit in this class must be your own; group efforts are considered academic dishonesty. Please read the statement on academic integrity.

Newsgroups: Either the TA or I will answer questions of general interest posted to the newsgroup csd.cmsc411. This newsgroup is currently unmoderated, and shared with the other section of 411. However, we will convert it to a moderated group or remove it altogether if it is used for other than constructive questions or comments. You may also be interested in comp.arch.

Appeals: If you feel that you have been graded unfairly, please discuss it with the TA first, then see me. Keep copies of all earlier work and tests.


There will be six homework assignments during the course of this semester, due in class on the assigned date. Graded homeworks will generally be returned one week later, and solutions will be posted to this web page.

Late homeworks will not be accepted, i.e. I will not accept any homeworks I receive after leaving the classroom. Students will be allowed to drop their lowest homework grade or to not turn in a homework assignment. .

Topics Covered

All numbers refer to Chapters in Hennessey and Patterson.


Final Grade: Homework: 30%, Each of two tests: 20%, Final Exam 30%.